List of Message Topics

This document lists all the topics coming out the Fedora Infrastructure fedmsg bus. Example messages are included as well as descriptions and sample output from fedmsg.meta.


All topics from Fedora Infrastructure are prefixed with, but the topic_prefix is omitted here for brevity. For instance, the item listed as git.branch will actually be broadcast as


Message bodies can contain some useful information, but be wary. We have done as good a job as we can securing fedmsg, but it is still a new system. If you receive a message from pkgdb claiming that “ralph” is the new owner of the kernel, you should still check with the actual pkgdb service that this is the case. Write code against fedmsg messages as a tip, but always check the authoritative source before taking any programmatic action.



These messages are published when a new Linux distribution is added to the database of anitya.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.distro.add topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'distro': { 'name': 'CentOS'},
           'message': { 'agent': 'foobar', 'distro': u'CentOS'},
           'project': None},
  'msg_id': u'2016-55d13473-2e48-4b6e-9542-3bc1882152ef',
  'timestamp': 1467814080,
  'topic': u'',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.distro.add
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() foobar added the distro named “CentOS” to anitya
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘foobar’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘distros/CentOS’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3f65a9e0-96ca-4614-89e0-a47af171ef68-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3f65a9e0-96ca-4614-89e0-a47af171ef68-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a Linux distribution’s entry is edited in the anitya database.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.distro.edit topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 5,
  'msg': { 'distro': { 'name': 'Debia'},
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'new': 'Debian',
                        'old': 'Debia'},
           'project': None},
  'msg_id': '2014-746c39cf-9fb0-4ed1-a817-d57bc901e027',
  'timestamp': 1412328814,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.distro.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou changed a distro name from “Debia” to “Debian”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘distros/Debian’, ‘distros/Debia’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3bcca58a-3eef-4dbd-8244-0c650f8936d0-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3bcca58a-3eef-4dbd-8244-0c650f8936d0-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an admin removes a distribution (in the anitya database…)

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.distro.remove topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'distro': { 'name': 'Arch'},
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'distro': 'Arch'},
           'project': None},
  'msg_id': '2014-745132e5-17eb-4785-8663-fa89801a08ee',
  'timestamp': 1418315977,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pierrey'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.distro.remove
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou deleted the distro “Arch”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘distros/Arch’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c9f431de-e347-4d88-86c5-bcb3a2642a31-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c9f431de-e347-4d88-86c5-bcb3a2642a31-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone adds a new project to anitya’s database.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.add topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 8,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'project': 'arrow'},
           'project': { 'backend': 'PyPI',
                        'created_on': 1412328939.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5314,
                        'name': 'arrow',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412328939.0,
                        'version': None,
                        'version_url': None,
                        'versions': []}},
  'msg_id': '2014-c95e6b4c-d033-43d9-9eb1-e1f92ac87c75',
  'timestamp': 1412328939,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.add
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph added the project “arrow” to anitya
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/arrow’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e0dd5ae9-991d-4f8b-831d-54fd8b3c8ebc-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e0dd5ae9-991d-4f8b-831d-54fd8b3c8ebc-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone tries to add a new project to anitya’s database, but that project was already present.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.add.tried topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'project': 'ansi2html'},
           'project': { 'created_on': 1386839688.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 4,
                        'logs': None,
                        'name': 'ansi2html',
                        'packages': [],
                        'regex': 'DEFAULT:ansi2html',
                        'updated_on': 1386839688.0,
                        'version': [],
                        'version_url': 'PYPI-DEFAULT:ansi2html'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-154429ec-842e-4d7f-acae-8d7434b4cbff',
  'timestamp': 1386821688,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.add.tried
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph tried to add the project “ansi2html” to anitya (but it already exists there)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/ansi2html’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 18f1dff9-6082-4a59-955c-ecd8579af20e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 18f1dff9-6082-4a59-955c-ecd8579af20e-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone edits the details of a project in anitya’s database.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.edit topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 6,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'fields': ['homepage'],
                        'project': 'arrow'},
           'project': { 'backend': 'PyPI',
                        'created_on': 1412328939.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5314,
                        'name': 'arrow',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412328939.0,
                        'version': None,
                        'version_url': None,
                        'versions': []}},
  'msg_id': '2014-f25b6634-d7b9-4f2d-9f93-23ef73034024',
  'timestamp': 1412329027,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph edited the following fields of the “arrow” project: homepage
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/arrow’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 052de429-8a29-4238-87b8-6b0c1d64d43e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 052de429-8a29-4238-87b8-6b0c1d64d43e-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an user flags a project in the anitya database to ask an admin to do something on a project.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.flag topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'project': 'generic-colouriser',
                        'reason': 'Delete in favor of the correctly configured 7894.'},
           'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                        'created_on': 1425912743.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5777,
                        'name': 'generic-colouriser',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1427848695.0,
                        'version': 'v1.9',
                        'version_url': 'garabik/grc',
                        'versions': ['v1.9', 'v1.7']}},
  'msg_id': '2015-7b2fca29-7409-43f2-949f-c688437ba5d4',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1445900487.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.flag
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou flagged the project “generic-colouriser”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/generic-colouriser’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() af42a57f-54dd-4f70-9917-76b390506f5c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() af42a57f-54dd-4f70-9917-76b390506f5c-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an user flags a project in the anitya database to ask an admin to do something on a project.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.flag topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'project': 'generic-colouriser',
                        'reason': 'Delete in favor of the correctly configured 7894.'},
           'packages': [ { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                           'package_name': 'generic-colouriser'}],
           'project': { 'backend': 'GitHub',
                        'created_on': 1425912743.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5777,
                        'name': 'generic-colouriser',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1427848695.0,
                        'version': 'v1.9',
                        'version_url': 'garabik/grc',
                        'versions': ['v1.9', 'v1.7']}},
  'msg_id': '2015-7b2fca29-7409-43f2-949f-c688437ba5d4',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1445900487.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.flag
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou flagged the project “generic-colouriser”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘generic-colouriser’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/generic-colouriser’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3e002149-3a8d-4624-99d9-e0a1e8e670c4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3e002149-3a8d-4624-99d9-e0a1e8e670c4-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an user change the status of a flag in the anitya database.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.flag.set topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'flag': 184,
                        'state': 'closed'},
           'project': None},
  'msg_id': '2016-fc73c74c-fc5a-4f65-8ae9-87145bae82e4',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1468318351.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.flag.set
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou closed flag “184”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘flag/184’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 5ef29e52-26c7-4963-94a4-72e428f8456a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5ef29e52-26c7-4963-94a4-72e428f8456a-secondary_icon

These messages are published when someone maps an upstream project to a package name in a particular distribution (in the anitya database…)

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 7,
  'msg': { 'distro': { 'name': 'Fedora'},
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'distro': 'Fedora',
                        'new': 'python-arrow',
                        'project': 'arrow'},
           'project': { 'backend': 'PyPI',
                        'created_on': 1412328939.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5314,
                        'name': 'arrow',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412329027.0,
                        'version': None,
                        'version_url': None,
                        'versions': []}},
  'msg_id': '2014-9ebf960a-115e-4568-a615-34cc7d8d462e',
  'timestamp': 1412329216,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph mapped the name of “arrow” in Fedora to “python-arrow”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-arrow’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/arrow’, ‘mappings/Fedora/python-arrow’, ‘distros/Fedora’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3d4b70da-7667-4bd7-9764-112b957db2a1-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3d4b70da-7667-4bd7-9764-112b957db2a1-secondary_icon

These messages are published when someone removes a mapping between an upstream project and a package name in a particular distribution (in the anitya database…)

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 10,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'distro': 'Fedora',
                        'project': 'guake'},
           'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                        'created_on': 1412237149.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5311,
                        'name': 'guake',
                        'regex': '',
                        'updated_on': 1412237231.0,
                        'version': '0.5.0',
                        'version_url': 'guake/guake'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-1d43e5ab-e398-4007-8269-26b4f209d55b',
  'timestamp': 1412330764,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou deleted the mapping of “guake” project on “Fedora”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/guake’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 076830d6-3931-4349-876a-d2ae74d695b5-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 076830d6-3931-4349-876a-d2ae74d695b5-secondary_icon

These messages are published when someone updates the mapping between an upstream project and a package name in a particular distribution (in the anitya database…)

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 8,
  'msg': { 'distro': { 'name': 'Fedora'},
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'distro': 'Fedora',
                        'edited': ['package_name'],
                        'new': 'guake',
                        'prev': 'guake2',
                        'project': 'guake'},
           'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                        'created_on': 1412237149.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5311,
                        'name': 'guake',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412237231.0,
                        'version': '0.5.0',
                        'version_url': 'guake/guake',
                        'versions': []}},
  'msg_id': '2014-5bd228ac-4ba1-452f-b6d2-b4df53c9af14',
  'timestamp': 1412329667,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated the name of “guake” in “Fedora” from “guake2” to “guake”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘guake’, ‘guake2’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/guake’, ‘mappings/Fedora/guake2’, ‘mappings/Fedora/guake’, ‘distros/Fedora’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c0670f43-45d4-48dd-af6a-242736fac1c8-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c0670f43-45d4-48dd-af6a-242736fac1c8-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone removes a project from anitya’s database.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.remove topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 11,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'project': 'guake'},
           'project': { 'backend': 'GitHub',
                        'created_on': 1412237149.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5311,
                        'name': 'guake',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412237231.0,
                        'version': '0.5.0',
                        'version_url': 'guake/guake',
                        'versions': []}},
  'msg_id': '2014-94864be5-f649-4b3f-8694-32f238ac7174',
  'timestamp': 1412331340,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.remove
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph deleted the “guake” project
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/guake’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() bfdcb29f-b304-4d58-b11b-cc32da5b680c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() bfdcb29f-b304-4d58-b11b-cc32da5b680c-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an admin removes a version from a particular project (in the anitya database…)

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.version.remove topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': '',
                        'project': '3proxy',
                        'version': ''},
           'project': { 'backend': 'custom',
                        'created_on': 1409917223.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 3,
                        'name': '3proxy',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412690620.0,
                        'version': '',
                        'version_url': '',
                        'versions': []}},
  'msg_id': '2014-7926f638-1d0c-470c-b589-de84f5d34fad',
  'timestamp': 1415118527,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.version.remove
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou deleted the version of “3proxy”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/3proxy’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3926385a-1784-428f-af8d-95728cc11617-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3926385a-1784-428f-af8d-95728cc11617-secondary_icon


The purpose of anitya is to monitor upstream projects and to try and detect when they release new tarballs.

This message is an example of what gets published when the first tarball of a project is ever seen by anitya.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.version.update topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': 'anitya',
                        'old_version': '',
                        'packages': [ { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                                        'package_name': '2ping'}],
                        'project': { 'backend': 'custom',
                                     'created_on': 1412174944.0,
                                     'homepage': '',
                                     'id': 2,
                                     'name': '2ping',
                                     'regex': None,
                                     'updated_on': 1412179539.0,
                                     'version': '2.1.1',
                                     'version_url': ''},
                        'upstream_version': '2.1.1',
                        'versions': ['2.1.1']},
           'project': { 'backend': 'custom',
                        'created_on': 1412174944.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 2,
                        'name': '2ping',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412179539.0,
                        'version': '2.1.1',
                        'version_url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-f4dfc3e4-8909-45d7-b929-1862efb373cf',
  'timestamp': 1412234961,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.version.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() A new version of “2ping” has been detected: “2.1.1”, packaged as “2ping”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘anitya’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘2ping’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/2ping’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() aa8b1236-2c59-4fa5-9676-bea829a90ed3-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The purpose of anitya is to monitor upstream projects and to try and detect when they release new tarballs.

These messages are the ones that get published when a tarball is found that is newer than the one last seen in the anitya database.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.version.update topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': 'anitya',
                        'old_version': '2.1.0',
                        'packages': [ { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                                        'package_name': '2ping'}],
                        'project': { 'backend': 'custom',
                                     'created_on': 1412174944.0,
                                     'homepage': '',
                                     'id': 2,
                                     'name': '2ping',
                                     'regex': None,
                                     'updated_on': 1412179539.0,
                                     'version': '2.1.1',
                                     'version_url': ''},
                        'upstream_version': '2.1.1',
                        'versions': ['2.1.1']},
           'project': { 'backend': 'custom',
                        'created_on': 1412174944.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 2,
                        'name': '2ping',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412179539.0,
                        'version': '2.1.1',
                        'version_url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-f4dfc3e4-8909-45d7-b929-1862efb373cf',
  'timestamp': 1412234961,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.version.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() A new version of “2ping” has been detected: “2.1.1” newer than “2.1.0”, packaged as “2ping”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘anitya’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘2ping’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/2ping’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 4f32316e-9521-4f4a-b2a3-90be9fce75b8-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The purpose of anitya is to monitor upstream projects and to try and detect when they release new tarballs.

These messages are the ones that get published when a tarball is found that is newer than the one last seen in the anitya database.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.version.update topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 17,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': 'anitya',
                        'old_version': '0.9.9',
                        'packages': [ { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                                        'package_name': 'python-sqlalchemy'},
                                      { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                                        'package_name': 'python-sqlalchemy0.5'}],
                        'project': { 'backend': 'pypi',
                                     'created_on': 1412175085.0,
                                     'homepage': '',
                                     'id': 4034,
                                     'name': 'SQLAlchemy',
                                     'regex': None,
                                     'updated_on': 1426167440.0,
                                     'version': '1.0.0b1',
                                     'version_url': None,
                                     'versions': [ '1.0.0b1',
                        'upstream_version': '1.0.0b1',
                        'versions': ['1.0.0b1', '0.9.9', '0.9.8', '0.9.7']},
           'project': { 'backend': 'pypi',
                        'created_on': 1412175085.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 4034,
                        'name': 'SQLAlchemy',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1426296430.0,
                        'version': '1.0.0b1',
                        'version_url': None,
                        'versions': ['1.0.0b1', '0.9.9', '0.9.8', '0.9.7']}},
  'msg_id': '2015-b2e3fab5-12a6-47b0-9ffc-c21d5789a2d0',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1426296431.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.version.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() A new version of “SQLAlchemy” has been detected: “1.0.0b1” newer than “0.9.9”, packaged as “python-sqlalchemy and python-sqlalchemy0.5”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘anitya’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-sqlalchemy’, ‘python-sqlalchemy0.5’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/SQLAlchemy’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 81f6b025-8194-4d37-8cba-34dfbe34625a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The purpose of anitya is to monitor upstream projects and to try and detect when they release new tarballs.

These messages are the ones that get published when a tarball is found that is older than the one last seen in the anitya database.

You can view the history of messages with the anitya.project.version.update topic or all anitya messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'distro': None,
           'message': { 'agent': 'anitya',
                        'odd_change': True,
                        'old_version': '2.1.1',
                        'packages': [ { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                                        'package_name': '2ping'}],
                        'project': { 'backend': 'custom',
                                     'created_on': 1412174944.0,
                                     'homepage': '',
                                     'id': 2,
                                     'name': '2ping',
                                     'regex': None,
                                     'updated_on': 1412179539.0,
                                     'version': '2.1.1',
                                     'version_url': ''},
                        'upstream_version': '2.1.0',
                        'versions': ['2.1.1']},
           'project': { 'backend': 'custom',
                        'created_on': 1412174944.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 2,
                        'name': '2ping',
                        'regex': None,
                        'updated_on': 1412179539.0,
                        'version': '2.1.1',
                        'version_url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-f4dfc3e4-8909-45d7-b929-1862efb373cf',
  'timestamp': 1412234961,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() anitya.project.version.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() A new version of “2ping” has been detected: “2.1.0”, packaged as “2ping”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘anitya’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘2ping’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/2ping’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 64c545e9-6828-472a-9923-6c456e305de4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified



These messages are published when an admin finishes an ansible playbook run. We use that system to manage the servers that run Here’s an example with a playbook that has been checked into our SCM repo.

You can view the history of messages with the ansible.playbook.complete topic or all ansible messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'playbook': '/srv/web/infra/ansible/playbooks/groups/badges-backend.yml',
           'results': { '': { 'changed': 1,
                                                                     'failures': 0,
                                                                     'ok': 56,
                                                                     'skipped': 9,
                                                                     'unreachable': 0},
                        '': { 'changed': 1,
                                                                         'failures': 0,
                                                                         'ok': 56,
                                                                         'skipped': 9,
                                                                         'unreachable': 0}},
           'userid': 'ralph'},
  'timestamp': 1375753955.771203,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ansible.playbook.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s playbooks/groups/badges-backend.yml playbook run completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘playbooks/groups/badges-backend.yml’, ‘inventory/’, ‘inventory/’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 10a7b310-1162-49f0-859c-bb1c4ca4656c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 10a7b310-1162-49f0-859c-bb1c4ca4656c-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an admin finishes an ansible playbook run. We use that system to manage the servers that run Here’s an example with a playbook that is not actually checked into our SCM repo.

You can view the history of messages with the ansible.playbook.complete topic or all ansible messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'playbook': '/home/fedora/ralph/ansible/playbooks/groups/badges-backend.yml',
           'results': { '': { 'changed': 1,
                                                                     'failures': 0,
                                                                     'ok': 56,
                                                                     'skipped': 9,
                                                                     'unreachable': 0},
                        '': { 'changed': 1,
                                                                         'failures': 0,
                                                                         'ok': 56,
                                                                         'skipped': 9,
                                                                         'unreachable': 0}},
           'userid': 'ralph'},
  'timestamp': 1375753955.771203,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ansible.playbook.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s badges-backend.yml playbook run completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() None
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘inventory/’, ‘uncontrolled-playbooks/badges-backend.yml’, ‘inventory/’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c22e7c2b-d465-4738-9bda-fbe1ec44c1e2-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c22e7c2b-d465-4738-9bda-fbe1ec44c1e2-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an admin begins an ansible playbook run. We use that system to manage the servers that run

You can view the history of messages with the ansible.playbook.start topic or all ansible messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'check': False,
           'extra_vars': { },
           'inventory': '/srv/web/infra/ansible/inventory/',
           'playbook': '/srv/web/infra/ansible/playbooks/groups/badges-backend.yml',
           'playbook_checksum': False,
           'userid': 'ralph'},
  'timestamp': 1375753735.32427,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ansible.playbook.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph started an ansible run of playbooks/groups/badges-backend.yml
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘playbooks/groups/badges-backend.yml’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 11a7db06-f196-4799-8773-367895ea770f-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 11a7db06-f196-4799-8773-367895ea770f-secondary_icon


Messages with the topic get sent when either a question or an answer are deleted from Ask Fedora. The example here is one of an answer being deleted.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'comment_count': 0,
                         'pk': 12,
                         'post_type': 'answer',
                         'summary': 'oh, ok.. coolio\n ...',
                         'text': 'oh, ok.. coolio',
                         'vote_down_count': 0,
                         'vote_up_count': 0},
           'thread': { 'pk': 7,
                       'tagnames': [''],
                       'title': 'test 3 is a charm'},
           'topmost_post_id': 10},
  'timestamp': 1359949257.459819,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph deleted an answer on ‘test 3 is a charm’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘threads/7’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() ec66a9ac-46fb-4d4f-9a03-241f0eba6f93-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ec66a9ac-46fb-4d4f-9a03-241f0eba6f93-secondary_icon

Messages with the topic get sent when either a question or an answer are deleted from Ask Fedora. The example here is one of an question being deleted.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'comment_count': 1,
                         'pk': 10,
                         'post_type': 'question',
                         'summary': 'this is a test message.\n ...',
                         'text': 'this is a test message.',
                         'vote_down_count': 0,
                         'vote_up_count': 0},
           'thread': { 'pk': 7,
                       'tagnames': [''],
                       'title': 'test 3 is a charm'},
           'topmost_post_id': 10},
  'timestamp': 1359949397.539748,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph deleted the question ‘test 3 is a charm’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘threads/7’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d1503e9f-d0f1-4d43-82b5-ef212b527dca-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d1503e9f-d0f1-4d43-82b5-ef212b527dca-secondary_icon

Messages get emitted on this topic anytime a question is updated. An ‘update’ includes a new question, a new answer, and a modification to either. This example is one of a new answer being posted to an Ask Fedora question.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'created': True,
           'diff': 'I know the answer\n\nlololololol I do!     I swear.\n ...',
           'newly_mentioned_users': ['lmacken'],
           'post': { 'comment_count': 0,
                     'pk': 5,
                     'post_type': 'answer',
                     'summary': 'I know the answer\n\nlololololol I do!     I swear.\n ...',
                     'text': 'I know the answer\r\n\r\nlololololol I do!     I swear.',
                     'vote_down_count': 0,
                     'vote_up_count': 0},
           'thread': { 'pk': 1,
                       'tagnames': ['cool'],
                       'title': 'watwatwatwata'},
           'timestamp': 1359946481.0,
           'topmost_post_id': 1},
  'timestamp': 1359946482.179817,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph suggested an answer to the question ‘watwatwatwata’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘threads/1’, ‘tags/cool’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 9933c5fa-45d1-47ca-b5be-679d8fbadbdb-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9933c5fa-45d1-47ca-b5be-679d8fbadbdb-secondary_icon

Messages get emitted on this topic anytime an Ask Fedora question is updated. The snippet we have below is an example of a user posting a brand new question to Ask Fedora.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'created': True,
           'diff': 'lololol\n\nthis is my entry, I hope that you like it so very much.\n ...',
           'newly_mentioned_users': [],
           'post': { 'comment_count': 0,
                     'pk': 4,
                     'post_type': 'question',
                     'summary': 'lololol\n\nthis is my entry, I hope that you like it so very much.\n ...',
                     'text': 'lololol\r\n\r\nthis is my entry, I hope that you like it so very much.',
                     'vote_down_count': 0,
                     'vote_up_count': 0},
           'thread': { 'pk': 3,
                       'tagnames': ['lolol'],
                       'title': 'I have a new question'},
           'timestamp': 1359946267.0,
           'topmost_post_id': 3},
  'timestamp': 1359946267.401213,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph asked the question ‘I have a new question’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘threads/3’, ‘tags/lolol’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 318dca02-d3e7-4a9f-868d-ac4515536104-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 318dca02-d3e7-4a9f-868d-ac4515536104-secondary_icon

Messages get emitted on this topic anytime a question is updated. An ‘update’ includes a new question, a new answer, and a modification to either. This example is one of a answer being modified on Ask Fedora.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'created': False,
           'diff': '<p>this is my test <del>answer</del><ins>answer.ok?</ins></p>\n',
           'newly_mentioned_users': [],
           'post': { 'comment_count': 0,
                     'pk': 6,
                     'post_type': 'answer',
                     'summary': 'this is my test answer.    ok?\n ...',
                     'text': 'this is my test answer.    ok?',
                     'vote_down_count': 0,
                     'vote_up_count': 0},
           'thread': { 'pk': 3,
                       'tagnames': ['lolol'],
                       'title': 'I have a new question'},
           'timestamp': 1359947977.0,
           'topmost_post_id': 3},
  'timestamp': 1359947978.125892,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated an answer to the question ‘I have a new question’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘threads/3’, ‘tags/lolol’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() db04d0c2-0b45-4769-9c2d-b5cd275e3f39-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() db04d0c2-0b45-4769-9c2d-b5cd275e3f39-secondary_icon

Messages get emitted on this topic anytime a question is updated. An ‘update’ includes a new question, a new answer, and a modification to either. This example is one of a question being modified on Ask Fedora.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'created': False,
           'diff': '<p>alskdfj... the diff is actually here',
           'newly_mentioned_users': [],
           'post': { 'comment_count': 0,
                     'pk': 2,
                     'post_type': 'question',
                     'summary': 'alskdfjalskdjf alkjasdalskdjf ...',
                     'text': 'alskdfjalskdjf alkjasdalskdjf ...',
                     'vote_down_count': 0,
                     'vote_up_count': 0},
           'thread': { 'pk': 2,
                       'tagnames': ['town'],
                       'title': 'alskdjflaksjdf lakjsf a'},
           'timestamp': 1359947640.0,
           'topmost_post_id': 2},
  'timestamp': 1359947640.986208,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated the question ‘alskdjflaksjdf lakjsf a’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘threads/2’, ‘tags/town’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 59ce537b-8825-4974-bd6a-e87a53202952-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 59ce537b-8825-4974-bd6a-e87a53202952-secondary_icon

Sent when a user flags an Ask Fedora question or answer as “offensive”.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'comment_count': 0,
                         'pk': 3,
                         'post_type': 'question',
                         'summary': 'I think I know... totally.    asldkj for sure.\n ...',
                         'text': 'I think I know... totally.    asldkj for sure.',
                         'vote_down_count': 0,
                         'vote_up_count': 1},
           'thread': { 'pk': 2,
                       'tagnames': ['town', 'ohok'],
                       'title': 'alskdjflaksjdf lakjsf a'},
           'topmost_post_id': 2},
  'timestamp': 1359947156.346592,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph flagged a question as offensive!
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘threads/2’, ‘tags/ohok’, ‘tags/town’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b40faf3d-a708-4f66-8c44-f84517301460-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b40faf3d-a708-4f66-8c44-f84517301460-secondary_icon

Sent when a user *un*flags an Ask Fedora question or answer as “offensive”.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'comment_count': 0,
                         'pk': 3,
                         'post_type': 'answer',
                         'summary': 'I think I know... totally.    asldkj for sure.\n ...',
                         'text': 'I think I know... totally.    asldkj for sure.',
                         'vote_down_count': 0,
                         'vote_up_count': 1},
           'thread': { 'pk': 2,
                       'tagnames': ['town', 'ohok'],
                       'title': 'alskdjflaksjdf lakjsf a'},
           'topmost_post_id': 2},
  'timestamp': 1359947128.523792,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph unflagged an answer as offensive…
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘threads/2’, ‘tags/ohok’, ‘tags/town’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 9b66fb22-00b2-4698-a4df-345405931ecb-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9b66fb22-00b2-4698-a4df-345405931ecb-secondary_icon


Messages get emitted on this topic when a question on Ask Fedora changes tags. It includes information about what tags the package now has, what question the tags are for, and who did the changing. The msg['msg']['tags'] field describes which tags changed while the msg['msg']['thread']['tagnames'] field describes all tags on the thread in question.

You can view the history of messages with the askbot.tag.update topic or all askbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'tags': ['asldkjfalskdjfalskj', 'asldkjf', 'asldkjfalskdjf'],
           'thread': { 'pk': 2,
                       'tagnames': [ 'town',
                       'title': 'some title'},
           'timestamp': 1359945296.0,
           'topmost_post_id': 2},
  'timestamp': 1359945296.629136,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() askbot.tag.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph altered tags on askbot question ‘some title’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘tags/asldkjfalskdjfalskj’, ‘tags/asldkjfalskdjf’, ‘tags/asldkjf’, ‘threads/2’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 2d9777c9-12d3-43f9-84b8-1ba53ff6b92d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 2d9777c9-12d3-43f9-84b8-1ba53ff6b92d-secondary_icon



These messages are published when tests for a compose completes in Autocloud app.

You can view the history of messages with the autocloud.compose.complete topic or all autocloud messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose_job_id': 37,
            u'date': u'20160419',
            u'id': u'Fedora-24-20160419.n.1',
            u'release': u'24',
            u'respin': 1,
            u'results': { u'failed': 0, u'success': 6},
            u'status': u'completed',
            u'type': u'nightly'},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-4b5aae66-b713-4c22-bb4a-1277d4402375',
  u'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() autocloud.compose.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora-24-20160419.n.1 tests have completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘autocloud/compose/completed’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 1c54dbed-00fd-46d7-8281-e976de249d94-secondary_icon


These messages are published when compose queued for testing in Autocloud app.

You can view the history of messages with the autocloud.compose.queued topic or all autocloud messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose_job_id': 37,
            u'date': u'20160419',
            u'id': u'Fedora-24-20160419.n.1',
            u'release': u'24',
            u'respin': 1,
            u'status': u'queued',
            u'type': u'nightly'},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-4b5aae66-b713-4c22-bb4a-1277d4402375',
  u'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() autocloud.compose.queued
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora-24-20160419.n.1 is queued for testing
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘autocloud/compose/queued’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3835a5cf-bb17-415d-aafc-d12b5696cd48-secondary_icon


These messages are published when tests for a compose has started running in Autocloud app.

You can view the history of messages with the autocloud.compose.running topic or all autocloud messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose_job_id': 37,
            u'date': u'20160419',
            u'id': u'Fedora-24-20160419.n.1',
            u'release': u'24',
            u'respin': 1,
            u'status': u'running',
            u'type': u'nightly'},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-4b5aae66-b713-4c22-bb4a-1277d4402375',
  u'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() autocloud.compose.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora-24-20160419.n.1 tests have started running
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘autocloud/compose/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5c0ca2d1-fc55-4df4-a37e-5a847b6a9e8b-secondary_icon


These messages are published when tests for an image aborts in Autocloud app.

You can view the history of messages with the autocloud.image.aborted topic or all autocloud messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'compose_url': u'" +             "branched/Fedora-24-20160420.n.0/compose/CloudImages/x86_64/" +             "images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0.x86_64.qcow2',
            u'family': u'Base',
            u'image_name': u'Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'job_id': 27,
            u'release': u'24',
            u'status': u'aborted',
            u'type': u'qcow2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-4b5aae66-b713-4c22-bb4a-1277d4402375',
  u'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() autocloud.image.aborted
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() The tests for the Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0 (24)(Fedora-24-20160420.n.0) have been aborted
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘autocloud/image/aborted’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 8dae5dfe-ef17-4c60-8691-916442ec4b20-secondary_icon


These messages are published when tests for an image failed in Autocloud app.

You can view the history of messages with the autocloud.image.failed topic or all autocloud messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'compose_url': u'" +             "branched/Fedora-24-20160420.n.0/compose/CloudImages/x86_64/" +             "images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0.x86_64.qcow2',
            u'family': u'Base',
            u'image_name': u'Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'job_id': 27,
            u'release': u'24',
            u'status': u'failed',
            u'type': u'qcow2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-4b5aae66-b713-4c22-bb4a-1277d4402375',
  u'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() autocloud.image.failed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() The tests for the Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0 (24)(Fedora-24-20160420.n.0) failed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘autocloud/image/failed’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ac0d71cc-42a8-4786-b0f4-ab9fe6dff6c8-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an image is queued for testing in Autocloud app.

You can view the history of messages with the autocloud.image.queued topic or all autocloud messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'compose_url': u'" +             "branched/Fedora-24-20160420.n.0/compose/CloudImages/x86_64/" +             "images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0.x86_64.qcow2',
            u'family': u'Base',
            u'image_name': u'Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'job_id': 27,
            u'release': u'24',
            u'status': u'queued',
            u'type': u'qcow2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-4b5aae66-b713-4c22-bb4a-1277d4402375',
  u'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() autocloud.image.queued
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0 (24)(Fedora-24-20160420.n.0) is queued for testing
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘autocloud/image/queued’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 39126402-8dff-4820-8aa3-12817add9367-secondary_icon


These messages are published when tests for an image starts in Autocloud app.

You can view the history of messages with the autocloud.image.running topic or all autocloud messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'compose_url': u'" +             "branched/Fedora-24-20160420.n.0/compose/CloudImages/x86_64/" +             "images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0.x86_64.qcow2',
            u'family': u'Base',
            u'image_name': u'Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'job_id': 27,
            u'release': u'24',
            u'status': u'running',
            u'type': u'qcow2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-4b5aae66-b713-4c22-bb4a-1277d4402375',
  u'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() autocloud.image.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() The tests for the Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0 (24)(Fedora-24-20160420.n.0) have started running
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘autocloud/image/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 79f4d696-d79c-4ea3-8620-956a2c15d268-secondary_icon


These messages are published when tests for an image successfully completes in Autocloud app.

You can view the history of messages with the autocloud.image.success topic or all autocloud messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'compose_url': u'" +             "branched/Fedora-24-20160420.n.0/compose/CloudImages/x86_64/" +             "images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0.x86_64.qcow2',
            u'family': u'Base',
            u'image_name': u'Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0',
            u'job_id': 27,
            u'release': u'24',
            u'status': u'success',
            u'type': u'qcow2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-4b5aae66-b713-4c22-bb4a-1277d4402375',
  u'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() autocloud.image.success
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() The tests for Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160420.n.0 (24)(Fedora-24-20160420.n.0) were a success
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘autocloud/image/success’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 65976763-38c1-474c-820c-fb11bb51f28d-secondary_icon



The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user requests a buildroot override for an update.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.buildroot_override.tag topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'override': { 'build': { 'nvr': 'fedmsg-1.0-1', 'override': 1},
                         'submitter': { 'name': 'lmacken'}}},
  'timestamp': 1344344053.23372,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.buildroot_override.tag
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken submitted a buildroot override for fedmsg-1.0-1
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6d055b6e-b8ab-4fee-837f-138910f0ca84-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6d055b6e-b8ab-4fee-837f-138910f0ca84-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user explicitly removes a previously requested buildroot override.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.buildroot_override.untag topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'override': { 'build': { 'nvr': 'fedmsg-1.0-1', 'override': 1},
                         'submitter': { 'name': 'lmacken'}}},
  'timestamp': 1344964395.207541,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.buildroot_override.untag
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken expired a buildroot override for fedmsg-1.0-1
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6a03e775-4688-46b3-bf56-3342f359f8a3-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6a03e775-4688-46b3-bf56-3342f359f8a3-secondary_icon


Bodhi2, along with many other services, moved away from sending its own email notifications to instead publish fedmsg messages that the FMN system would be responsible for forwarding.

This message type comes from that move. It represents the “errata” for a package when it it mashed into a repository.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.errata.publish topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'body': 'This is the body of the errata email',
           'subject': 'This is the subject of the errata email',
           'update': { 'alias': None,
                       'bugs': [],
                       'builds': [ { 'nvr': 'tzdata-2014i-1.fc19',
                                     'override': None}],
                       'close_bugs': True,
                       'comments': [ { 'anonymous': False,
                                       'bug_feedback': [],
                                       'id': 484236,
                                       'karma': 0,
                                       'karma_critpath': 0,
                                       'testcase_feedback': [],
                                       'text': 'ralph edited this update. ',
                                       'timestamp': '2015-01-28 03:02:44',
                                       'update': 54046,
                                       'update_id': 54046,
                                       'user': { 'avatar': None,
                                                 'buildroot_overrides': [ ],
                                                 'name': 'bodhi',
                                                 'stacks': []},
                                       'user_id': 1681}],
                       'critpath': False,
                       'cves': [],
                       'date_approved': None,
                       'date_modified': '2015-01-28 03:02:55',
                       'date_pushed': None,
                       'date_submitted': '2014-10-29 20:02:57',
                       'karma': 0,
                       'locked': False,
                       'notes': 'the update notes go here...',
                       'old_updateid': None,
                       'pushed': False,
                       'release': { 'branch': None,
                                    'candidate_tag': 'f19-updates-candidate',
                                    'dist_tag': 'f19',
                                    'id_prefix': 'FEDORA',
                                    'long_name': 'Fedora 19',
                                    'name': 'F19',
                                    'override_tag': 'f19-override',
                                    'pending_stable_tag': 'f19-updates-pending',
                                    'pending_testing_tag': 'f19-updates-testing-pending',
                                    'stable_tag': 'f19-updates',
                                    'state': 'disabled',
                                    'testing_tag': 'f19-updates-testing',
                                    'version': None},
                       'request': 'testing',
                       'require_bugs': True,
                       'require_testcases': True,
                       'requirements': 'rpmlint',
                       'severity': 'unspecified',
                       'stable_karma': 3,
                       'status': 'pending',
                       'suggest': 'unspecified',
                       'title': 'tzdata-2014i-1.fc19',
                       'type': 'enhancement',
                       'unstable_karma': -3,
                       'user': { 'avatar': None,
                                 'buildroot_overrides': [],
                                 'name': 'ralph',
                                 'stacks': [ { 'description': 'This stack is so hack!',
                                               'groups': [],
                                               'name': 'Hackey',
                                               'packages': [],
                                               'requirements': 'depcheck upgradepath',
                                               'users': [1711]}]}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-21b9ae33-3fdf-42ab-aecb-5717d0d76018',
  'timestamp': 1422302779,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.errata.publish
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() This is the subject of the errata email
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘tzdata’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/tzdata’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 9a8abde9-8fa3-417c-b593-bf194ca3e3ef-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9a8abde9-8fa3-417c-b593-bf194ca3e3ef-secondary_icon


This message is published by an admin when they send a request to the Bodhi2 backend, telling it to start a mash.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.masher.start topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'updates': [ 'qt-creator-3.4.1-3.fc23',
  'msg_id': '2015-d370d1cd-4015-4c30-a249-792605db003f',
  'timestamp': 1439929069,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.masher.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph requested a mash of 20 updates
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() None
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘gap-pkg-autodoc’, ‘nqp’, ‘dnf-plugins-core’, ‘hawaii-widget-styles’, ‘bind’, ‘libetonyek’, ‘xdg-app’, ‘ivtv-firmware’, ‘qt-creator’, ‘php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer’, ‘linux-firmware’, ‘MySQL-python’, ‘bind-dyndb-ldap’, ‘selinux-policy’, ‘moarvm’, ‘rakudo-star’, ‘dnsperf’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/gap-pkg-autodoc’, ‘packages/php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer’, ‘packages/nqp’, ‘packages/MySQL-python’, ‘packages/rakudo-star’, ‘packages/hawaii-widget-styles’, ‘packages/moarvm’, ‘packages/selinux-policy’, ‘packages/libetonyek’, ‘packages/dnsperf’, ‘packages/linux-firmware’, ‘packages/bind’, ‘packages/ivtv-firmware’, ‘packages/dnf-plugins-core’, ‘packages/xdg-app’, ‘packages/qt-creator’, ‘packages/bind-dyndb-ldap’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6c5289dc-9b63-4a1a-91b3-1931803e5bdf-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6c5289dc-9b63-4a1a-91b3-1931803e5bdf-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Masher publishes messages on this topic whenever it finishes its work.

Note that, these messages are broken (serverside) due to this issue.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.mashtask.complete topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'repo': 'test_repo', 'success': False},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.mashtask.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bodhi masher failed to mash test_repo
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b7dd11b7-7ef7-4075-9f34-19da5ba6c0fe-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b7dd11b7-7ef7-4075-9f34-19da5ba6c0fe-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Masher publishes messages on this topic whenever it starts mashing a particular repository.

Note that, these messages are broken (serverside) due to this issue.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.mashtask.mashing topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'repo': 'test_repo', 'updates': []},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.mashtask.mashing
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bodhi masher started mashing test_repo
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘repos/test_repo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() adaf7b01-7e78-4b77-8a84-1d00fbd81348-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() adaf7b01-7e78-4b77-8a84-1d00fbd81348-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Masher publishes messages on this topic whenever it begins its work.

Note that, these messages are broken (serverside) due to this issue.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.mashtask.start topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { }, 'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.mashtask.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bodhi masher started a push
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 1dde4f41-2ad2-46ea-96b5-5854ad9ea9f9-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 1dde4f41-2ad2-46ea-96b5-5854ad9ea9f9-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Masher publishes messages on this topic when it finishes syncing.

Note that, these messages are broken (serverside) due to this issue.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.mashtask.sync.done topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'repo': 'test_repo'},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.mashtask.sync.done
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bodhi masher finished waiting for test_repo to hit the master mirror
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d43cb8e8-da17-48a3-95e2-d546533b0816-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d43cb8e8-da17-48a3-95e2-d546533b0816-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Masher publishes messages on this topic when it begins waiting to sync.

Note that, these messages are broken (serverside) due to this issue.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.mashtask.sync.wait topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'repo': 'test_repo'},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.mashtask.sync.wait
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bodhi masher is waiting for test_repo to hit the master mirror
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() aeb3f6ca-c36c-4a63-a9e2-b1c9dd6daf32-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() aeb3f6ca-c36c-4a63-a9e2-b1c9dd6daf32-secondary_icon


Bodhi2 introduced the concept of stacks of packages that can be grouped for to share requirements. That system publishes messages like this anytime a user deletes a stack.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.stack.delete topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'stack': { 'description': 'the greatest game you will ever play',
                      'groups': [],
                      'name': 'hacking',
                      'packages': [ { 'builds': [],
                                      'committers': [],
                                      'name': 'nethack',
                                      'requirements': 'depcheck upgradepath',
                                      'stack': 9,
                                      'stack_id': 9,
                                      'test_cases': []}],
                      'requirements': 'depcheck upgradepath',
                      'users': [ { 'avatar': None,
                                   'buildroot_overrides': [],
                                   'name': 'ralph',
                                   'stacks': [1, 8, 9]}]}},
  'msg_id': '2015-21b9ae33-3fdf-42ab-aecb-5717d0d76018',
  'timestamp': 1422302779,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.stack.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph deleted the “hacking” stack
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘nethack’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/nethack’, ‘stacks/hacking’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 34fd7656-ad47-45e7-ac81-fb0e5c59c389-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 34fd7656-ad47-45e7-ac81-fb0e5c59c389-secondary_icon

Bodhi2 introduced the concept of stacks of packages that can be grouped for to share requirements. That system publishes messages like this anytime a user modifies or creates a new stack.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'stack': { 'description': 'the greatest game you will ever play',
                      'groups': [],
                      'name': 'hacking',
                      'packages': [ { 'builds': [],
                                      'committers': [],
                                      'name': 'nethack',
                                      'requirements': 'depcheck upgradepath',
                                      'stack': 9,
                                      'stack_id': 9,
                                      'test_cases': []}],
                      'requirements': 'depcheck upgradepath',
                      'users': [ { 'avatar': None,
                                   'buildroot_overrides': [],
                                   'name': 'ralph',
                                   'stacks': [1, 8, 9]}]}},
  'msg_id': '2015-21b9ae33-3fdf-42ab-aecb-5717d0d76018',
  'timestamp': 1422302779,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated the “hacking” stack
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘nethack’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/nethack’, ‘stacks/hacking’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 91ab3511-6cad-4c4e-aaa3-a6d34a395722-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 91ab3511-6cad-4c4e-aaa3-a6d34a395722-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user comments on a bodhi update.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.comment topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'comment': { 'anonymous': False,
                        'author': 'ralph',
                        'group': None,
                        'karma': -1,
                        'text': "Can you believe how much testing we're doing? /cc @codeblock.",
                        'timestamp': 1344344050.0,
                        'update_title': 'fedmsg-1.0-1'}},
  'timestamp': 1344344053.23372,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.comment
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph commented on bodhi update fedmsg-1.0-1 (karma: -1)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’, ‘codeblock’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 87ca803d-782d-494d-961b-37963f068f18-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 87ca803d-782d-494d-961b-37963f068f18-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever an update completes it’s push to the testing repository. Here’s a straightforward example:

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.complete.testing topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 88,
  'msg': { 'update': { 'status': 'testing',
                       'submitter': { 'name': 'ralph'},
                       'title': 'fedmsg-0.2.7-2.el6'}},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.complete.testing
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s fedmsg-0.2.7-2.el6 bodhi update completed push to testing
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 4f6b4f6c-b294-4127-bf2b-f99870e59021-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4f6b4f6c-b294-4127-bf2b-f99870e59021-secondary_icon


Bodhi2 publishes this kind of message when a package maintainer edits a pre-existing update.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.edit topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'update': { 'alias': None,
                       'bugs': [],
                       'builds': [ { 'nvr': 'tzdata-2014i-1.fc19',
                                     'override': None}],
                       'close_bugs': True,
                       'comments': [ { 'anonymous': False,
                                       'bug_feedback': [],
                                       'id': 484236,
                                       'karma': 0,
                                       'karma_critpath': 0,
                                       'testcase_feedback': [],
                                       'text': 'ralph edited this update. ',
                                       'timestamp': '2015-01-28 03:02:44',
                                       'update': 54046,
                                       'update_id': 54046,
                                       'user': { 'avatar': None,
                                                 'buildroot_overrides': [ ],
                                                 'name': 'bodhi',
                                                 'stacks': []},
                                       'user_id': 1681}],
                       'critpath': False,
                       'cves': [],
                       'date_approved': None,
                       'date_modified': '2015-01-28 03:02:55',
                       'date_pushed': None,
                       'date_submitted': '2014-10-29 20:02:57',
                       'karma': 0,
                       'locked': False,
                       'notes': 'the update notes go here...',
                       'old_updateid': None,
                       'pushed': False,
                       'release': { 'branch': None,
                                    'candidate_tag': 'f19-updates-candidate',
                                    'dist_tag': 'f19',
                                    'id_prefix': 'FEDORA',
                                    'long_name': 'Fedora 19',
                                    'name': 'F19',
                                    'override_tag': 'f19-override',
                                    'pending_stable_tag': 'f19-updates-pending',
                                    'pending_testing_tag': 'f19-updates-testing-pending',
                                    'stable_tag': 'f19-updates',
                                    'state': 'disabled',
                                    'testing_tag': 'f19-updates-testing',
                                    'version': None},
                       'request': 'testing',
                       'require_bugs': True,
                       'require_testcases': True,
                       'requirements': 'rpmlint',
                       'severity': 'unspecified',
                       'stable_karma': 3,
                       'status': 'pending',
                       'suggest': 'unspecified',
                       'title': 'tzdata-2014i-1.fc19',
                       'type': 'enhancement',
                       'unstable_karma': -3,
                       'user': { 'avatar': None,
                                 'buildroot_overrides': [],
                                 'name': 'ralph',
                                 'stacks': [ { 'description': 'This stack is so hack!',
                                               'groups': [],
                                               'name': 'Hackey',
                                               'packages': [],
                                               'requirements': 'depcheck upgradepath',
                                               'users': [1711]}]}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-2b398e44-8012-455f-bfeb-195b9dda18f6',
  'timestamp': 1422414175,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph edited tzdata-2014i-1.fc19
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘tzdata’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/tzdata’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b03ca1bb-1cfa-47e6-b100-c97a01dfdd66-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b03ca1bb-1cfa-47e6-b100-c97a01dfdd66-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever an update is ejected from the mash due to some failure:

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.eject topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 88,
  'msg': { 'reason': 'some reason',
           'release': { 'dist_tag': 'el6',
                        'locked': True,
                        'long_name': 'Fedora EPEL 6',
                        'name': 'EL6'},
           'repo': 'test_repo',
           'request': 'testing',
           'update': { 'status': 'testing',
                       'submitter': { 'name': 'ralph'},
                       'title': 'fedmsg-0.2.7-2.el6'}},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.eject
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s fedmsg-0.2.7-2.el6 bodhi update was ejected from the test_repo mash. Reason: “some reason”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 057c1538-9cae-48b2-9c11-f55eb0ea368c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 057c1538-9cae-48b2-9c11-f55eb0ea368c-secondary_icon


Bodhi2 publishes these messages when an update reaches the stable or unstable karma thresholds.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.karma.threshold topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'status': 'stable',
           'update': { 'alias': 'FEDORA-EPEL-2015-0238',
                       'bugs': [],
                       'builds': [ { 'nvr': 'tzdata-2014i-1.fc19',
                                     'override': None}],
                       'close_bugs': True,
                       'comments': [ { 'anonymous': False,
                                       'bug_feedback': [],
                                       'id': 484236,
                                       'karma': 0,
                                       'karma_critpath': 0,
                                       'testcase_feedback': [],
                                       'text': 'ralph edited this update. ',
                                       'timestamp': '2015-01-28 03:02:44',
                                       'update': 54046,
                                       'update_id': 54046,
                                       'user': { 'avatar': None,
                                                 'buildroot_overrides': [ ],
                                                 'name': 'bodhi',
                                                 'stacks': []},
                                       'user_id': 1681}],
                       'critpath': False,
                       'cves': [],
                       'date_approved': None,
                       'date_modified': '2015-01-28 03:02:55',
                       'date_pushed': None,
                       'date_submitted': '2014-10-29 20:02:57',
                       'karma': 0,
                       'locked': False,
                       'notes': 'the update notes go here...',
                       'old_updateid': None,
                       'pushed': False,
                       'release': { 'branch': None,
                                    'candidate_tag': 'f19-updates-candidate',
                                    'dist_tag': 'f19',
                                    'id_prefix': 'FEDORA',
                                    'long_name': 'Fedora 19',
                                    'name': 'F19',
                                    'override_tag': 'f19-override',
                                    'pending_stable_tag': 'f19-updates-pending',
                                    'pending_testing_tag': 'f19-updates-testing-pending',
                                    'stable_tag': 'f19-updates',
                                    'state': 'disabled',
                                    'testing_tag': 'f19-updates-testing',
                                    'version': None},
                       'request': 'testing',
                       'require_bugs': True,
                       'require_testcases': True,
                       'requirements': 'rpmlint',
                       'severity': 'unspecified',
                       'stable_karma': 3,
                       'status': 'pending',
                       'suggest': 'unspecified',
                       'title': 'tzdata-2014i-1.fc19',
                       'type': 'enhancement',
                       'unstable_karma': -3,
                       'user': { 'avatar': None,
                                 'buildroot_overrides': [],
                                 'name': 'ralph',
                                 'stacks': [ { 'description': 'This stack is so hack!',
                                               'groups': [],
                                               'name': 'Hackey',
                                               'packages': [],
                                               'requirements': 'depcheck upgradepath',
                                               'users': [1711]}]}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-21b9ae33-3fdf-42ab-aecb-5717d0d76018',
  'timestamp': 1422302779,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.karma.threshold
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() tzdata-2014i-1.fc19 reached the stable karma threshold
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘tzdata’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/tzdata’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 1fc313c7-6fce-40e7-977e-d066612315b2-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 1fc313c7-6fce-40e7-977e-d066612315b2-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user requests that an update be obsoleted.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.request.obsolete topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'agent': 'lmacken',
           'update': { 'submitter': 'lmacken', 'title': 'foo'}},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.request.obsolete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken obsoleted foo
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 445cabcb-e93d-44a7-88be-939c8586d8aa-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 445cabcb-e93d-44a7-88be-939c8586d8aa-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user revokes a prior request on an update.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.request.revoke topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'agent': 'lmacken',
           'update': { 'submitter': 'lmacken', 'title': 'foo'}},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.request.revoke
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken revoked foo
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f2a179e9-7ea8-49a9-8b70-188e8cfae629-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f2a179e9-7ea8-49a9-8b70-188e8cfae629-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user requests that an update be marked as stable.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.request.stable topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'agent': 'lmacken',
           'update': { 'submitter': 'lmacken', 'title': 'foo'}},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.request.stable
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken submitted foo to stable
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 710eb62c-8345-4b21-b63c-7ba1b7f36912-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 710eb62c-8345-4b21-b63c-7ba1b7f36912-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user requests that an update be pushed to the testing repository. Some updates may contain multiple packages, which can be a little tricky if you’re not ready for it. Here’s an example of that:

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.request.testing topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'lmacken',
           'update': { 'approved': None,
                       'bugs': [],
                       'builds': [ { 'nvr': 'gnome-settings-daemon-3.6.1-1.fc18',
                                     'package': { 'committers': [ 'hadess',
                                                  'name': 'gnome-settings-daemon',
                                                  'suggest_reboot': False}},
                                   { 'nvr': 'control-center-3.6.1-1.fc18',
                                     'package': { 'committers': [ 'ctrl-center-team',
                                                  'name': 'control-center',
                                                  'suggest_reboot': False}}],
                       'close_bugs': True,
                       'comments': [ { 'anonymous': False,
                                       'author': 'bodhi',
                                       'group': None,
                                       'karma': 0,
                                       'text': 'This update has been submitted for testing by hadess. ',
                                       'timestamp': 1349718539.0,
                                       'update_title': 'gnome-settings-daemon-3.6.1-1.fc18 control-center-3.6.1-1.fc18'}],
                       'critpath': False,
                       'critpath_approved': False,
                       'date_modified': None,
                       'date_pushed': None,
                       'date_submitted': 1349718534.0,
                       'karma': 0,
                       'nagged': None,
                       'notes': "This update fixes numerous bugs in the new Input Sources support, the Network panel and adds a help screen accessible via Wacom tablets's buttons.",
                       'release': { 'dist_tag': 'f18',
                                    'id_prefix': 'FEDORA',
                                    'locked': True,
                                    'long_name': 'Fedora 18',
                                    'name': 'F18'},
                       'request': 'testing',
                       'stable_karma': 3,
                       'status': 'pending',
                       'submitter': 'hadess',
                       'title': 'gnome-settings-daemon-3.6.1-1.fc18 control-center-3.6.1-1.fc18',
                       'type': 'bugfix',
                       'unstable_karma': -3,
                       'updateid': None}},
  'timestamp': 1349718539.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.request.testing
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken submitted gnome-settings-daemon-3.6.1-1.fc18 contr… to testing
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() control-center-3.6.1-1.fc18
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’, ‘hadess’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘gnome-settings-daemon’, ‘control-center’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/gnome-settings-daemon’, ‘packages/control-center’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b86ce4da-c616-4144-a34e-96eaf376cf60-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b86ce4da-c616-4144-a34e-96eaf376cf60-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user requests that an update be pushed to the testing repository.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.request.testing topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'agent': 'lmacken',
           'update': { 'submitter': 'lmacken', 'title': 'foo'}},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.request.testing
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken submitted foo to testing
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c1e64b97-aa91-4255-aef2-c0d70e32511b-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c1e64b97-aa91-4255-aef2-c0d70e32511b-secondary_icon


The Bodhi Updates System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user requests that an update be unpushed.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.request.unpush topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'agent': 'lmacken',
           'update': { 'submitter': 'lmacken', 'title': 'foo'}},
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.request.unpush
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken unpushed foo
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 8492ad30-6841-446d-b1c1-5f3b6a50d755-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 8492ad30-6841-446d-b1c1-5f3b6a50d755-secondary_icon


Bodhi2 publishes these messages when an update reaches the stable testing threshold.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.update.requirements_met.stable topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'update': { 'alias': 'FEDORA-2018-e1f68e9766',
                       'autokarma': True,
                       'bugs': [],
                       'builds': [ { 'ci_url': None,
                                     'epoch': 0,
                                     'nvr': 'python-josepy-1.1.0-1.fc28',
                                     'release_id': 21,
                                     'signed': True,
                                     'type': 'rpm'}],
                       'close_bugs': False,
                       'comments': [ { 'anonymous': False,
                                       'bug_feedback': [],
                                       'id': 771029,
                                       'karma': 0,
                                       'karma_critpath': 0,
                                       'testcase_feedback': [],
                                       'text': 'This update has reached 3 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes',
                                       'timestamp': '2018-04-21 18:00:24',
                                       'update_id': 112982,
                                       'user': { 'avatar': None,
                                                 'email': None,
                                                 'groups': [],
                                                 'id': 91,
                                                 'name': 'bodhi',
                                                 'openid': None,
                                                 'show_popups': True},
                                       'user_id': 91}],
                       'compose': None,
                       'content_type': 'rpm',
                       'critpath': False,
                       'date_approved': None,
                       'date_modified': None,
                       'date_pushed': '2018-04-18 16:19:48',
                       'date_stable': None,
                       'date_submitted': '2018-04-17 18:20:04',
                       'date_testing': '2018-04-18 16:19:48',
                       'greenwave_summary_string': 'all required tests passed',
                       'karma': 0,
                       'locked': False,
                       'meets_testing_requirements': True,
                       'notes': 'Update to 1.1.0.',
                       'old_updateid': None,
                       'pushed': True,
                       'release': { 'branch': 'f28',
                                    'candidate_tag': 'f28-updates-candidate',
                                    'composes': [ { 'content_type': 'rpm',
                                                    'release_id': 21,
                                                    'request': 'testing',
                                                    'security': True}],
                                    'dist_tag': 'f28',
                                    'id_prefix': 'FEDORA',
                                    'long_name': 'Fedora 28',
                                    'name': 'F28',
                                    'override_tag': 'f28-override',
                                    'pending_signing_tag': 'f28-signing-pending',
                                    'pending_stable_tag': 'f28-updates-pending',
                                    'pending_testing_tag': 'f28-updates-testing-pending',
                                    'stable_tag': 'f28-updates',
                                    'state': 'current',
                                    'testing_tag': 'f28-updates-testing',
                                    'version': '28'},
                       'request': None,
                       'require_bugs': True,
                       'require_testcases': True,
                       'requirements': '',
                       'severity': 'unspecified',
                       'stable_karma': 1,
                       'status': 'testing',
                       'submitter': 'elyscape',
                       'suggest': 'unspecified',
                       'test_cases': [],
                       'test_gating_status': 'passed',
                       'title': 'python-josepy-1.1.0-1.fc28',
                       'type': 'enhancement',
                       'unstable_karma': -1,
                       'updateid': 'FEDORA-2018-e1f68e9766',
                       'url': '',
                       'user': { 'avatar': None,
                                 'groups': [{ 'name': 'packager'}],
                                 'id': 3225,
                                 'name': 'elyscape',
                                 'openid': None,
                                 'show_popups': True}}},
  'msg_id': '2018-a3a06a6c-77da-4093-aafe-1e96a26a74bc',
  'timestamp': 1524333630,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'bodhi'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.update.requirements_met.stable
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() python-josepy-1.1.0-1.fc28 reached the stable testing threshold
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘elyscape’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-josepy’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/python-josepy’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() ad888567-3fe4-4675-bd35-30386dcc4aed-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ad888567-3fe4-4675-bd35-30386dcc4aed-secondary_icon


These messages are published when new updates (fresh out of the “mash” process) are synced out to the master mirror.

Here’s an example for the epel 6 testing repos:

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.updates.epel.sync topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'bytes': '28493k',
           'deleted': '0',
           'release': '6',
           'repo': 'epel-testing'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.updates.epel.sync
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() New EPEL 6 epel-testing content synced out (28493k changed with 0 files deleted)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘epel/epel-testing/6’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


These messages are published when a new compose of Fedora Atomic is synced out to the master mirror.

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.updates.fedora.sync topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'bytes': '60.38M',
           'deleted': '0',
           'release': '21',
           'repo': 'atomic'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.updates.fedora.sync
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() New Fedora 21 atomic content synced out (60.38M changed with 0 files deleted)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora/atomic/21’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


These messages are published when new updates (fresh out of the “mash” process) are synced out to the master mirror.

Here’s an example for the fedora 20 stable repos:

You can view the history of messages with the bodhi.updates.fedora.sync topic or all bodhi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'bytes': '2.8M', 'deleted': '0', 'release': '20', 'repo': 'updates'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bodhi.updates.fedora.sync
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() New Fedora 20 updates content synced out (2.8M changed with 0 files deleted)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora/updates/20’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


Even Red Hat’s Bugzilla instance is hooked into fedmsg.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone files a new bug on the Fedora or Fedora EPEL products.

Note that the event field is left empty ({}) for new bug events.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all bugzilla messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'bug': { 'actual_time': 0.0,
                    'alias': [],
                    'assigned_to': '',
                    'attachments': [],
                    'blocks': [],
                    'cc': [ '',
                    'classification': 'Fedora',
                    'comments': [ { 'author': '',
                                    'bug_id': 968947,
                                    'count': 0,
                                    'creation_time': 1369924708.0,
                                    'creator': '',
                                    'creator_id': 330125,
                                    'id': 5962818,
                                    'is_private': False,
                                    'text': '\nSpec URL: http://puiterwijk.fedorapeople..',
                                    'time': 1369924708.0}],
                    'component': 'Package Review',
                    'components': ['Package Review'],
                    'creation_time': 1369924680.0,
                    'creator': '',
                    'depends_on': [],
                    'description': '\nSpec URL: http://puiterwijk.fedorapeople..',
                    'docs_contact': '',
                    'estimated_time': 0.0,
                    'external_bugs': [],
                    'fixed_in': '',
                    'flags': [ { 'creation_date': 1392337756.0,
                                 'id': 1703755,
                                 'is_active': 1,
                                 'modification_date': 1392337756.0,
                                 'name': 'needinfo',
                                 'requestee': '',
                                 'setter': '',
                                 'status': '?',
                                 'type_id': 16}],
                    'groups': [],
                    'id': 968947,
                    'is_cc_accessible': True,
                    'is_confirmed': True,
                    'is_creator_accessible': True,
                    'is_open': True,
                    'keywords': [],
                    'last_change_time': 1392337756.0,
                    'op_sys': 'Unspecified',
                    'platform': 'Unspecified',
                    'priority': 'unspecified',
                    'product': 'Fedora',
                    'qa_contact': '',
                    'remaining_time': 0.0,
                    'resolution': '',
                    'see_also': [],
                    'severity': 'unspecified',
                    'status': 'ASSIGNED',
                    'summary': 'Review Request: gallery3-openid - OpenID authentication for Gallery3',
                    'target_milestone': '---',
                    'target_release': ['---'],
                    'url': '',
                    'version': 'rawhide',
                    'versions': ['rawhide'],
                    'weburl': '',
                    'whiteboard': ''},
           'event': { }},
  'msg_id': '2014-0bc98222-a864-4aea-bc6b-e3b090d2cc3d',
  'timestamp': 1395760459,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() puiterwijk filed a new bug RHBZ#968947 ‘Review Request: gallery3-openid - OpenID…’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘puiterwijk’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora/Package Review/968947’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 38fbecb4-b538-4a64-b91b-4a9d302dfc76-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 38fbecb4-b538-4a64-b91b-4a9d302dfc76-secondary_icon


Even Red Hat’s Bugzilla instance is hooked into fedmsg.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone updates a bug on the Fedora or Fedora EPEL products.

You can view the history of messages with the bugzilla.bug.update topic or all bugzilla messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'bug': { 'actual_time': 0.0,
                    'alias': [],
                    'assigned_to': '',
                    'attachments': [],
                    'blocks': [],
                    'cc': [ '',
                    'classification': 'Fedora',
                    'comments': [ { 'author': '',
                                    'bug_id': 968947,
                                    'count': 0,
                                    'creation_time': 1369924708.0,
                                    'creator': '',
                                    'creator_id': 330125,
                                    'id': 5962818,
                                    'is_private': False,
                                    'text': '\nSpec URL: http://puiterwijk.fedorapeople..',
                                    'time': 1369924708.0},
                                  { 'author': '',
                                    'bug_id': 968947,
                                    'count': 1,
                                    'creation_time': 1369924717.0,
                                    'creator': '',
                                    'creator_id': 330125,
                                    'id': 5962819,
                                    'is_private': False,
                                    'text': 'This package built on koji:    http://koj...',
                                    'time': 1369924717.0},
                                  { 'author': '',
                                    'bug_id': 968947,
                                    'count': 2,
                                    'creation_time': 1369950294.0,
                                    'creator': '',
                                    'creator_id': 269108,
                                    'id': 5964283,
                                    'is_private': False,
                                    'text': 'Some preliminary comments:\n\n* The ...',
                                    'time': 1369950294.0}],
                    'component': 'Package Review',
                    'components': ['Package Review'],
                    'creation_time': 1369924680.0,
                    'creator': '',
                    'depends_on': [],
                    'description': '\nSpec URL: http://puiterwijk.fedorapeople..',
                    'docs_contact': '',
                    'estimated_time': 0.0,
                    'external_bugs': [],
                    'fixed_in': '',
                    'flags': [ { 'creation_date': 1392337756.0,
                                 'id': 1703755,
                                 'is_active': 1,
                                 'modification_date': 1392337756.0,
                                 'name': 'needinfo',
                                 'requestee': '',
                                 'setter': '',
                                 'status': '?',
                                 'type_id': 16}],
                    'groups': [],
                    'id': 968947,
                    'is_cc_accessible': True,
                    'is_confirmed': True,
                    'is_creator_accessible': True,
                    'is_open': True,
                    'keywords': [],
                    'last_change_time': 1392337756.0,
                    'op_sys': 'Unspecified',
                    'platform': 'Unspecified',
                    'priority': 'unspecified',
                    'product': 'Fedora',
                    'qa_contact': '',
                    'remaining_time': 0.0,
                    'resolution': '',
                    'see_also': [],
                    'severity': 'unspecified',
                    'status': 'ASSIGNED',
                    'summary': 'Review Request: gallery3-openid - OpenID authentication for Gallery3',
                    'target_milestone': '---',
                    'target_release': ['---'],
                    'url': '',
                    'version': 'rawhide',
                    'versions': ['rawhide'],
                    'weburl': '',
                    'whiteboard': ''},
           'event': { 'changes': [ { 'added': 'ASSIGNED',
                                     'field_name': 'status',
                                     'removed': 'NEW'},
                                   { 'added': '',
                                     'field_name': 'cc',
                                     'removed': ''},
                                   { 'added': '',
                                     'field_name': 'assigned_to',
                                     'removed': ''}],
                      'when': 1369949333.0,
                      'who': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-0bc98222-a864-4aea-bc6b-e3b090d2cc3d',
  'timestamp': 1395760459,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() bugzilla.bug.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated ‘status’, ‘cc’, and ‘assigned_to’ on RHBZ#968947 ‘Review Request: gallery3-openid - OpenID…’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘puiterwijk’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora/Package Review/968947’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c38d909e-e8cc-45b0-8e7b-7f4f8baf7aac-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c38d909e-e8cc-45b0-8e7b-7f4f8baf7aac-secondary_icon


Koji emits messages on this topic anytime the state of a build changes.

The state codes can be pretty cryptic (they are just integers and are the enums used by koji internally):

>>> import koji
    'BUILDING': 0,
    'COMPLETE': 1,
    'DELETED': 2,
    'FAILED': 3,
    'CANCELED': 4,

The example here is one of a build being cancelled on the primary koji instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'attribute': 'state',
           'build_id': 614503,
           'instance': 'primary',
           'name': 'plasma-systemsettings',
           'new': 4,
           'old': 4,
           'owner': 'dvratil',
           'release': '1.fc23',
           'task_id': 9053697,
           'version': '5.2.1'},
  'msg_id': '2015-51be4c8e-8ab6-4dcb-ac0d-37b257765c71',
  'timestamp': 1424789698.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() dvratil’s plasma-systemsettings-5.2.1-1.fc23 was cancelled
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘dvratil’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘plasma-systemsettings’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/builds/plasma-systemsettings/5.2.1/1.fc23’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a94fe03e-e4e8-4f36-a7ee-e67b6e1f6b0a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a94fe03e-e4e8-4f36-a7ee-e67b6e1f6b0a-secondary_icon

Koji emits messages on this topic anytime the state of a build changes.

The state codes can be pretty cryptic (they are just integers and are the enums used by koji internally):

>>> import koji
    'BUILDING': 0,
    'COMPLETE': 1,
    'DELETED': 2,
    'FAILED': 3,
    'CANCELED': 4,

The example here is one of a build succeeding on the primary koji instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'attribute': 'state',
           'build_id': 612324,
           'instance': 'primary',
           'name': 'ansible',
           'new': 1,
           'old': 0,
           'owner': 'kevin',
           'release': '1.el7',
           'task_id': 8973154,
           'version': '1.8.3'},
  'msg_id': '2015-6395fb7a-e5a7-4b95-858a-ff7b80410e7f',
  'timestamp': 1424216566.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() kevin’s ansible-1.8.3-1.el7 completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘kevin’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘ansible’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/builds/ansible/1.8.3/1.el7’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 27e6e62c-ceba-4d60-a557-f23fac2d3b3c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 27e6e62c-ceba-4d60-a557-f23fac2d3b3c-secondary_icon

Koji emits messages on this topic anytime the state of a build changes.

The state codes can be pretty cryptic (they are just integers and are the enums used by koji internally):

>>> import koji
    'BUILDING': 0,
    'COMPLETE': 1,
    'DELETED': 2,
    'FAILED': 3,
    'CANCELED': 4,

The example here is one of a build failing on a secondary arch koji instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'attribute': 'state',
           'build_id': 288888,
           'instance': 's390',
           'name': '64tass',
           'new': 3,
           'old': 0,
           'owner': 'sharkcz',
           'release': '1.fc22',
           'task_id': 1739950,
           'version': '1.51.727'},
  'msg_id': '2015-e3483831-5f88-401b-b20d-05537e6a010d',
  'timestamp': 1424787586.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() sharkcz’s 64tass-1.51.727-1.fc22 failed to build (s390)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘sharkcz’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘64tass’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘s390/builds/64tass/1.51.727/1.fc22’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() eab5b1f9-26f3-487d-a534-86a6951add7f-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() eab5b1f9-26f3-487d-a534-86a6951add7f-secondary_icon

Koji emits messages on this topic anytime the state of a build changes.

The state codes can be pretty cryptic (they are just integers and are the enums used by koji internally):

>>> import koji
    'BUILDING': 0,
    'COMPLETE': 1,
    'DELETED': 2,
    'FAILED': 3,
    'CANCELED': 4,

The example here is one of a new build starting.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'attribute': 'state',
           'build_id': 12345,
           'instance': 'primary',
           'name': 'eclipse-ptp',
           'new': 0,
           'old': 3,
           'owner': 'ralph',
           'release': '1.fc19',
           'task_id': 4642,
           'version': '6.0.3'},
  'timestamp': 1359604772.178867,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s eclipse-ptp-6.0.3-1.fc19 started building
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘eclipse-ptp’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/builds/eclipse-ptp/6.0.3/1.fc19’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a5c98320-30d8-4f80-a523-5cab00de074a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a5c98320-30d8-4f80-a523-5cab00de074a-secondary_icon

Koji emits messages on this topic anytime the state of a build changes.

The state codes can be tricky, (they’re the ones used internally by koji).

>>> import koji
    'BUILDING': 0,
    'COMPLETE': 1,
    'DELETED': 2,
    'FAILED': 3,
    'CANCELED': 4,

This example message shows one where for some reason or another, koji was unable to publish the name of the owner of a build. The ‘owner’ field is set to None.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'attribute': 'state',
           'build_id': 12345,
           'instance': 'primary',
           'name': 'eclipse-ptp',
           'new': 0,
           'old': 3,
           'owner': None,
           'release': '1.fc19',
           'task_id': 4642,
           'version': '6.0.3'},
  'timestamp': 1359604772.178867,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() eclipse-ptp-6.0.3-1.fc19 started building
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘eclipse-ptp’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/builds/eclipse-ptp/6.0.3/1.fc19’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 1e285d2f-d3f5-44c1-8416-488b4e676101-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 1e285d2f-d3f5-44c1-8416-488b4e676101-secondary_icon


Koji emits these messages a package listing changes.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.package.list.change topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'package': 'almanah', 'tag': 'f17'},
  'timestamp': 1361903735.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.package.list.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Package list change for almanah: ‘f17’
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘almanah’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/tags/f17’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() bf33c3b6-5d10-45f4-b0f0-c9402be74771-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() bf33c3b6-5d10-45f4-b0f0-c9402be74771-secondary_icon


Koji emits these messages when repo initialization finishes.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.repo.done topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'repo_id': 23456, 'tag': 'f19-build', 'tag_id': 12345},
  'timestamp': 1359655886.353586,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.repo.done
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Repo done: f19-build
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/repos/f19-build’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 2a302e69-067b-4124-9bfd-dc7912d8b466-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 2a302e69-067b-4124-9bfd-dc7912d8b466-secondary_icon


Koji emits these messages when a repository begins initializing.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.repo.init topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'repo_id': 23456, 'tag': 'f19-build', 'tag_id': 12345},
  'timestamp': 1359655886.353586,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.repo.init
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Repo initialized: f19-build
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/repos/f19-build’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 84cb73c0-640d-42ad-8f96-4d4c151c0375-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 84cb73c0-640d-42ad-8f96-4d4c151c0375-secondary_icon


Koji emits these messages a package is signed with GPG.

For more information, see the sigul project.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.rpm.sign topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 15,
  'msg': { 'build': { 'id': 607658},
           'instance': 'primary',
           'rpm': { 'arch': 'i686',
                    'build_id': 607658,
                    'buildroot_id': 2877398,
                    'buildtime': 1422465286,
                    'epoch': None,
                    'external_repo_id': 0,
                    'external_repo_name': 'INTERNAL',
                    'id': 5928874,
                    'name': 'gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel',
                    'payloadhash': '05bc945666248817e0b5346f811bbac0',
                    'release': '1.fc21',
                    'size': 266720,
                    'version': '1.4.5'},
           'sighash': '8f84058e6bbcae89701271e8b0c43d1d',
           'sigkey': 'ab845621'},
  'msg_id': '2015-271fd050-3198-46f8-b0b1-4bcf6e70bdd0',
  'timestamp': 1422465977,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.rpm.sign
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Koji build gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel-1.4.5-1.fc21.i686.rpm signed with sigkey ‘ab845621’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘signatures/gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f6c5846b-3ae8-4509-b5f9-40c3395700a4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f6c5846b-3ae8-4509-b5f9-40c3395700a4-secondary_icon


Koji emits these messages when a build has a certain tag added to it.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.tag topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'name': 'stage',
           'owner': 'ralph',
           'release': '3.fc18',
           'tag': 'f18-updates-testing-pending',
           'tag_id': 216,
           'user': 'bodhi',
           'version': '4.1.1'},
  'timestamp': 1359603469.21164,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.tag
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s stage-4.1.1-3.fc18 tagged into f18-updates-testing-pending by bodhi
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘bodhi’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘stage’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/tags/f18-updates-testing-pending’, ‘primary/builds/stage/4.1.1/3.fc18’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 50046aab-235c-428a-8414-4b646ca504ad-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 50046aab-235c-428a-8414-4b646ca504ad-secondary_icon


Koji emits messages on this topic anytime the state of a scratch build changes.

For reasons internal to koji itself, the state codes for scratch builds are not as cryptic as the ones for regular builds. It is worth noting that the task state codes are different from the build state codes. If you wanted to know the numeric equivalents, you could check with koji itself:

>>> import koji
>>> koji.TASK_STATES
    'FREE': 0,
    'OPEN': 1,
    'CLOSED': 2,
    'CANCELED': 3,
    'ASSIGNED': 4,
    'FAILED': 5,

Here’s an example message of a scratch build failing.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.task.state.change topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'attribute': 'state',
           'id': 6380373,
           'method': 'build',
           'new': 'FAILED',
           'old': 'OPEN',
           'owner': 'ralph',
           'srpm': 'python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm'},
  'msg_id': '2014-991dbbad-b5f5-4f62-b889-d3b637d0cb49',
  'timestamp': 1389298512,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.task.state.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s scratch build of python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm failed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/scratch_builds/python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6c63cab8-5bd8-4767-bd3d-92364ca22631-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6c63cab8-5bd8-4767-bd3d-92364ca22631-secondary_icon


Koji emits messages on this topic anytime the state of a scratch build changes.

For reasons internal to koji itself, the state codes for scratch builds are not as cryptic as the ones for regular builds. It is worth noting that the task state codes are different from the build state codes. If you wanted to know the numeric equivalents, you could check with koji itself:

>>> import koji
>>> koji.TASK_STATES
    'FREE': 0,
    'OPEN': 1,
    'CLOSED': 2,
    'CANCELED': 3,
    'ASSIGNED': 4,
    'FAILED': 5,

Here’s an example message of a scratch build failing.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.task.state.change topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'attribute': 'state',
           'id': 6380373,
           'info': { 'arch': 'noarch',
                     'awaited': None,
                     'channel_id': 1,
                     'children': [],
                     'completion_time': None,
                     'create_time': '2015-06-22 14:04:40.523486',
                     'host_id': 60,
                     'id': 10177586,
                     'label': None,
                     'method': 'build',
                     'owner': 456,
                     'parent': None,
                     'priority': 20,
                     'request': [ 'cli-build/1434981816.694115.CAAulQZy/pagure-0.1.18-1.fc21.src.rpm',
                                  { 'scratch': True}],
                     'start_time': '2015-06-22 14:04:41.44985',
                     'state': 1,
                     'waiting': None},
           'method': 'build',
           'new': 'FAILED',
           'old': 'OPEN',
           'owner': 'ralph',
           'srpm': 'python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm'},
  'msg_id': '2014-991dbbad-b5f5-4f62-b889-d3b637d0cb49',
  'timestamp': 1389298512,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.task.state.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s scratch build of python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm for epel7-candidate failed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/scratch_builds/python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() da6437c3-d569-4fbd-9bc6-a2dd77fb25de-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() da6437c3-d569-4fbd-9bc6-a2dd77fb25de-secondary_icon


Koji emits messages on this topic anytime the state of a scratch build changes.

For reasons internal to koji itself, the state codes for scratch builds are not as cryptic as the ones for regular builds. It is worth noting that the task state codes are different from the build state codes. If you wanted to know the numeric equivalents, you could check with koji itself:

>>> import koji
>>> koji.TASK_STATES
    'FREE': 0,
    'OPEN': 1,
    'CLOSED': 2,
    'CANCELED': 3,
    'ASSIGNED': 4,
    'FAILED': 5,

Here’s an example message of a new scratch build starting.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.task.state.change topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'attribute': u'state',
            u'id': 6380373,
            u'method': u'build',
            u'new': u'OPEN',
            u'old': u'FREE',
            u'owner': u'ralph',
            u'srpm': 'python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm'},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-10b5b1b6-42c7-4d64-aeae-5029b9515d47',
  u'timestamp': 1389298195,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.task.state.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s scratch build of python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm started
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/scratch_builds/python-websocket-client-0.12.0-1.fc20.src.rpm’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 2aa45c60-164e-4577-8e23-dee7bfc341da-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 2aa45c60-164e-4577-8e23-dee7bfc341da-secondary_icon


Koji emits these messages anytime a tag is removed from a build.

You can view the history of messages with the buildsys.untag topic or all buildsys messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 85,
  'msg': { 'name': 'globus-gram-job-manager-sge',
           'owner': 'ralph',
           'release': '2.fc16',
           'tag': 'f16-updates-pending',
           'tag_id': 216,
           'user': 'bodhi',
           'version': '1.5'},
  'timestamp': 1359655345.774982,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() buildsys.untag
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s globus-gram-job-manager-sge-1.5-2.fc16 untagged from f16-updates-pending by bodhi
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘bodhi’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘globus-gram-job-manager-sge’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘primary/builds/globus-gram-job-manager-sge/1.5/2.fc16’, ‘primary/tags/f16-updates-pending’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f5a4d79c-877b-498e-af80-c878f8794c96-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f5a4d79c-877b-498e-af80-c878f8794c96-secondary_icon



These messages are published when the All Packages CI pipeline announces having completed successfully running the entire pipeline on a package.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.allpackages.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'headers': { },
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'upstream-fedora-f28-pipeline',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f28',
           'build_id': '335',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'nvr': '',
           'original_spec_nvr': '',
           'ref': 'x86_64',
           'repo': 'gdb',
           'rev': '35cdcb6a32562b632c075f2fd42793f7492dcdb3',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'jankratochvil'},
  'msg_id': '2018-1436f172-aa90-49f2-9ff0-9b34608f38e8',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.8.2',
  'timestamp': 1522055492.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': None}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.allpackages.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit “35cdcb6a” of package rpms/gdb passed the All Packages CI pipeline on branch f28
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘jankratochvil’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/gdb/35cdcb6a32562b632c075f2fd42793f7492dcdb3/f28/allpackages/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0ed0a964-56ea-4936-9efd-0a41810019da-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0ed0a964-56ea-4936-9efd-0a41810019da-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Allpackages CI pipeline announces that the build of a package is running.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.allpackages.package.running topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'headers': { },
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'upstream-fedora-f28-pipeline',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f28',
           'build_id': '335',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'nvr': '',
           'original_spec_nvr': '',
           'ref': 'x86_64',
           'repo': 'gdb',
           'rev': '35cdcb6a32562b632c075f2fd42793f7492dcdb3',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'jankratochvil'},
  'msg_id': '2018-cfb9a40e-3220-4dcf-a5aa-270a6cee975c',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.8.2',
  'timestamp': 1522054091.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': None}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.allpackages.package.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 35cdcb6a of package rpms/gdb is being built in the All Packages CI pipeline on branch f28
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘jankratochvil’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/gdb/35cdcb6a32562b632c075f2fd42793f7492dcdb3/f28/allpackages/package/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 992fc0ec-1b7b-4809-8190-283ec6573173-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 992fc0ec-1b7b-4809-8190-283ec6573173-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces having aborted a run of the pipeline on a package.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '91',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'package_url': '',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'vim',
           'rev': '591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a',
           'status': 'ABORTED',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b420134c-0e39-4f70-8e5f-0975d7019e4b',
  'timestamp': 1501741048,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit “591b0d2f” of package rpms/vim was aborted on the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/vim/591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a/f26/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f8478467-88d5-4566-8057-e36c5d5494c4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f8478467-88d5-4566-8057-e36c5d5494c4-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces having errored a run of the pipeline on a package.

This means the pipeline could run the tests but the tests themselves failed (as opposed to the pipeline failed to run the tests).

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '91',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'package_url': '',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'vim',
           'rev': '591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a',
           'status': 'UNSTABLE',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b420134c-0e39-4f70-8e5f-0975d7019e4b',
  'timestamp': 1501741048,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit “591b0d2f” of package rpms/vim errored the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/vim/591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a/f26/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 372d0b0f-0ca3-4a48-ba40-820c33761159-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 372d0b0f-0ca3-4a48-ba40-820c33761159-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces having failed a run of the pipeline on a package.

This means the pipeline failed to run the tests (as opposed to run the tests but these failed).

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '91',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'package_url': '',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'vim',
           'rev': '591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a',
           'status': 'FAILEd',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b420134c-0e39-4f70-8e5f-0975d7019e4b',
  'timestamp': 1501741048,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit “591b0d2f” of package rpms/vim failed the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/vim/591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a/f26/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 57a14938-dbc7-445b-9c86-42ae80930097-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 57a14938-dbc7-445b-9c86-42ae80930097-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces having completed successfully running the entire pipeline on a package.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '91',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'package_url': '',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'vim',
           'rev': '591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b420134c-0e39-4f70-8e5f-0975d7019e4b',
  'timestamp': 1501741048,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit “591b0d2f” of package rpms/vim passed the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/vim/591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a/f26/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3f49a941-6dcf-4ed7-a822-19bed2056184-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3f49a941-6dcf-4ed7-a822-19bed2056184-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that a compose containing a specified package has completed.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.compose.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-ostree-compose',
           'CI_STATUS': 'passed',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'master',
           'build_id': '772',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_rev': '7a8b6262efe6a4a5194bf48eb4577527fd05c23ff4f2192c276dc98deaa8e718',
           'compose_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/master/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'device-mapper-multipath',
           'rev': '7327f260a8a90058efd576b8ce12d78e403d269d',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': '',
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-f3a0d6ca-d0d1-4d2c-a578-040cbfc9e2b0',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1498242025.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.compose.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 7327f260 of package rpms/device-mapper-multipath passed a compose in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch master
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/device-mapper-multipath/7327f260a8a90058efd576b8ce12d78e403d269d/master/compose/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 19d6b6f0-a6b2-4987-87b7-91309d45e762-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 19d6b6f0-a6b2-4987-87b7-91309d45e762-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that a compose containing a specified package is running.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.compose.running topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-ostree-compose',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'master',
           'build_id': '772',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_rev': '',
           'compose_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/rawhide/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'device-mapper-multipath',
           'rev': '7327f260a8a90058efd576b8ce12d78e403d269d',
           'status': 'success',
           'test_guidance': '',
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-0b1258d6-dfe6-434c-8754-4af0b83ede64',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1498241532.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.compose.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 7327f260 of package rpms/device-mapper-multipath is being part of a compose in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch master
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/device-mapper-multipath/7327f260a8a90058efd576b8ce12d78e403d269d/master/compose/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e0877ef1-2638-48b0-b37c-547ba2ea7fa4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e0877ef1-2638-48b0-b37c-547ba2ea7fa4-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the integration test of a compose containing a specified package has completed.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.compose.test.integration.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-atomic-host-tests',
           'CI_STATUS': 'failed',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '377',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'kernel',
           'rev': '7b272f5f610d89eb9077640c3fc13b6472e4c31d',
           'status': 'FAILED',
           'test_guidance': '',
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-2f33b69b-6336-4e67-98fa-fc17d0a004bc',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1498577008.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.compose.test.integration.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 7b272f5f of package rpms/kernel failed its tests as part of a compose in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/kernel/7b272f5f610d89eb9077640c3fc13b6472e4c31d/f26/compose/test/integration/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 370c0f05-5ffe-404e-954a-52c629574501-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 370c0f05-5ffe-404e-954a-52c629574501-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the integration test of a compose containing a specified package are queued.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.compose.test.integration.queued topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-ostree-boot-sanity',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '537',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'grub2',
           'rev': '77d0810cf0c2dae524736a0c39decffb95c20f4c',
           'status': 'success',
           'test_guidance': '',
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b8b527ce-c03a-48fa-9ff2-d2ee2be9de6d',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1498512283.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.compose.test.integration.queued
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 77d0810c of package rpms/grub2 is queued for tests as part of a compose in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/grub2/77d0810cf0c2dae524736a0c39decffb95c20f4c/f26/compose/test/integration/queued’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 7bf2e1a2-5352-4d27-a7a1-1f9841712d4a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 7bf2e1a2-5352-4d27-a7a1-1f9841712d4a-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the integration test of a compose containing a specified package are running.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.compose.test.integration.running topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-atomic-host-tests',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '377',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'kernel',
           'rev': '7b272f5f610d89eb9077640c3fc13b6472e4c31d',
           'status': 'success',
           'test_guidance': '',
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-cb05d8b5-24d5-4ac0-9424-a21af20ae15c',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1498575078.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.compose.test.integration.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 7b272f5f of package rpms/kernel is being tested as part of a compose in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/kernel/7b272f5f610d89eb9077640c3fc13b6472e4c31d/f26/compose/test/integration/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 77d12619-9ab0-4b6a-aca7-789a381e1cc8-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 77d12619-9ab0-4b6a-aca7-789a381e1cc8-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the build of the image generated from the compose containing a specified package has completed.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.image.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-ostree-image-compose',
           'CI_STATUS': 'passed',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f25',
           'build_id': '123',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_rev': 'ce1d81054a2b79a99d66ea413fac25ce94734daa4fec387c39ee03d8e0506158',
           'compose_url': '',
           'image_name': 'fedora-atomic-25.71-ce1d81054a2b79a.qcow2',
           'image_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f25/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'grub2',
           'rev': '77d0810cf0c2dae524736a0c39decffb95c20f4c',
           'status': 'FAILED',
           'test_guidance': '',
           'topic': '',
           'type': 'qcow2',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-49a59f79-24fb-487a-ba13-bb0901acdab5',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1498220998.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.image.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 77d0810c of package rpms/grub2 failed being built in an image in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f25
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/grub2/77d0810cf0c2dae524736a0c39decffb95c20f4c/f25/image/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a1cda785-655c-492d-8aec-d6d78574aae1-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a1cda785-655c-492d-8aec-d6d78574aae1-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the build of the image generated from the compose containing a specified package is running.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.image.running topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '11',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_rev': 'c6ab48d6bb155131de5f16350903c80494e6eecac52a00d369b8b920ccd6dafd',
           'compose_url': '',
           'image_name': "''",
           'image_url': "''",
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'NetworkManager',
           'rev': '0cc505ca294de0daa6260bd80e65e18a318b8057',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'type': 'qcow2',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b61a647a-8f98-4f2b-afe9-aa5a7f2ea257',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1500918319.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.image.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 0cc505ca of package rpms/NetworkManager is being built in an image in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/NetworkManager/0cc505ca294de0daa6260bd80e65e18a318b8057/f26/image/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 717907c8-aa09-42ca-93af-b9c32533cfb6-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 717907c8-aa09-42ca-93af-b9c32533cfb6-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the image generated from the compose containing a specified package has completed its tests.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.image.test.smoke.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '132',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_rev ': 'b1777ffee14021a94d0b027fbcd841a15bd7cdeebd97527b742eab4e666dc9ec',
           'compose_url ': 'http: //',
           'image_name': 'fedora-atomic-26.223-b1777ffee14021a.qcow2',
           'image_url ': 'http: // ',
           'message-content ': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref ': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'nspr',
           'rev': 'fff28640d156c8b5e7302b7736e16442087b6007',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'type ': 'qcow2',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b61a647a-8f98-4f2b-afe9-aa5a7f2ea257',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1500918319.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.image.test.smoke.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit fff28640 of package rpms/nspr passed its tests in an image in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/nspr/fff28640d156c8b5e7302b7736e16442087b6007/f26/image/test/smoke/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 16e82b4f-8db0-4d65-9dcb-1c1d61756a0f-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 16e82b4f-8db0-4d65-9dcb-1c1d61756a0f-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the image generated from the compose containing a specified package has completed its tests.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.image.test.smoke.running topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '132',
           'build_url': '',
           'compose_rev': 'b1777ffee14021a94d0b027fbcd841a15bd7cdeebd97527b742eab4e666dc9ec',
           'compose_url': '',
           'image_name': 'fedora-atomic-26.223-b1777ffee14021a.qcow2',
           'image_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'nspr',
           'rev': 'fff28640d156c8b5e7302b7736e16442087b6007',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'type': 'qcow2',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b61a647a-8f98-4f2b-afe9-aa5a7f2ea257',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1500918319.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.image.test.smoke.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit fff28640 of package rpms/nspr is being tested in an image in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/nspr/fff28640d156c8b5e7302b7736e16442087b6007/f26/image/test/smoke/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() bc36cc39-6520-40c3-94d3-b716dd9b70eb-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() bc36cc39-6520-40c3-94d3-b716dd9b70eb-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the build of a package completed.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.package.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '8',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'package_url': '',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'NetworkManager',
           'rev': '0cc505ca294de0daa6260bd80e65e18a318b8057',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-3a8e6539-d16d-49da-8a33-ac4c3f75dd27',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1500665940.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.package.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 0cc505ca of package rpms/NetworkManager passed building in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/NetworkManager/0cc505ca294de0daa6260bd80e65e18a318b8057/f26/package/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 4b631671-e000-411b-b49e-419d0211c3c2-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4b631671-e000-411b-b49e-419d0211c3c2-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that it ignores a commit made on dist-git.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.package.ignore topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-2-0',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '47',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'protobuf',
           'rev': 'ada94828daa8fcd0bb68ce13e3ad123545d1c7cc',
           'status': 'success',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-e3ce244c-a1ea-496f-9a6f-2245dd5ea110',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1498625602.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.package.ignore
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit “ada94828” of package rpms/protobuf is being ignored by the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/protobuf/ada94828daa8fcd0bb68ce13e3ad123545d1c7cc/f26/package/ignore’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 71abefe0-65fa-42ae-868b-e2458a27b707-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 71abefe0-65fa-42ae-868b-e2458a27b707-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the build of a package is queued.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.package.queued topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-trigger',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '39',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'NetworkManager',
           'rev': '0cc505ca294de0daa6260bd80e65e18a318b8057',
           'status': 'success',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-4864d380-a500-4f71-a40e-fe59cc150824',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1500651841.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.package.queued
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 0cc505ca of package rpms/NetworkManager is queued to be built in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/NetworkManager/0cc505ca294de0daa6260bd80e65e18a318b8057/f26/package/queued’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0b57715e-37da-45f8-b5c4-832e2ba068eb-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0b57715e-37da-45f8-b5c4-832e2ba068eb-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces that the build of a package is running.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.package.running topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '5',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'NetworkManager',
           'rev': '0cc505ca294de0daa6260bd80e65e18a318b8057',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-66ce76b7-0519-4807-a9b0-831c61b1da6c',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1500651862.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.package.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 0cc505ca of package rpms/NetworkManager is being built in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/NetworkManager/0cc505ca294de0daa6260bd80e65e18a318b8057/f26/package/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c8943b93-7584-4a4a-b1d4-c75f08ac3035-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c8943b93-7584-4a4a-b1d4-c75f08ac3035-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces having completed the function tests of a package.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.package.test.functional.complete topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '91',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'package_url': '',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'vim',
           'rev': '591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b420134c-0e39-4f70-8e5f-0975d7019e4b',
  'timestamp': 1501741048,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.package.test.functional.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 591b0d2f of package rpms/vim passed its functional tests in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/vim/591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a/f26/package/test/functional/complete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 937b77fa-15af-4a00-86c3-7551007bac46-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 937b77fa-15af-4a00-86c3-7551007bac46-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces queuing the function tests of a package.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.package.test.functional.queued topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '91',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'package_url': '',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'vim',
           'rev': '591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b420134c-0e39-4f70-8e5f-0975d7019e4b',
  'timestamp': 1501741048,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.package.test.functional.queued
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 591b0d2f of package rpms/vim is queued for functional testing in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/vim/591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a/f26/package/test/functional/queued’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() fe7fb458-e225-4ecb-aa26-7ba4fd2e3d22-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() fe7fb458-e225-4ecb-aa26-7ba4fd2e3d22-secondary_icon


These messages are published when the Atomic CI pipeline announces running the function tests of a package.

You can view the history of messages with the ci.pipeline.package.test.functional.running topic or all ci messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'CI_NAME': 'ci-pipeline-f26',
           'CI_TYPE': 'custom',
           'branch': 'f26',
           'build_id': '91',
           'build_url': '',
           'message-content': '',
           'namespace': 'rpms',
           'package_url': '',
           'ref': 'fedora/f26/x86_64/atomic-host',
           'repo': 'vim',
           'rev': '591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a',
           'status': 'SUCCESS',
           'test_guidance': "''",
           'topic': '',
           'username': 'fedora-atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2017-b420134c-0e39-4f70-8e5f-0975d7019e4b',
  'timestamp': 1501741048,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() ci.pipeline.package.test.functional.running
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Commit 591b0d2f of package rpms/vim is running its functional tests in the Atomic CI pipeline on branch f26
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fedora-atomic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rpms/vim/591b0d2fc67a45e4ad13bdc3e312d5554852426a/f26/package/test/functional/running’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d10bd1a6-4835-4bd2-b73a-fe83c1b0edcf-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d10bd1a6-4835-4bd2-b73a-fe83c1b0edcf-secondary_icon



The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they had finished the Atomic lorax phase of the make-updates process (which was how we did periodic re-spins of our cloud, atomic, and docker images during the Fedora 21, 22 and 23 cycles). From Fedora 24 onwards, these re-spins are produced with Pungi 4 like all other forms of compose, and emit the standard compose messages with the release number in the topic (e.g. compose.24.start or compose.28.start). Here’s an example of a message from Fedora 23:

You can view the history of messages with the compose.23.atomic-lorax.done topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'branch': '23', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1454303707.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.23.atomic-lorax.done
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed Atomic lorax run for Fedora 23 post-release Cloud/Atomic/Docker respin compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘23/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they had finished the cloud image build phase of the make-updates process (which was how we did periodic re-spins of our cloud, atomic, and docker images during the Fedora 21, 22 and 23 cycles). From Fedora 24 onwards, these re-spins are produced with Pungi 4 like all other forms of compose, and emit the standard compose messages with the release number in the topic (e.g. compose.24.start or compose.28.start). Here’s an example of a message from Fedora 23:

You can view the history of messages with the compose.23.cloudimg-build.done topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'branch': '23', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1454303707.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.23.cloudimg-build.done
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed building images for Fedora 23 post-release Cloud/Atomic/Docker respin compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘23/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they had started the Cloud image checksum phase of the make-updates process (which was how we did periodic re-spins of our cloud, atomic, and docker images during the Fedora 21, 22 and 23 cycles). From Fedora 24 onwards, these re-spins are produced with Pungi 4 like all other forms of compose, and emit the standard compose messages with the release number in the topic (e.g. compose.24.start or compose.28.start). Here’s an example of a message from Fedora 23:

You can view the history of messages with the compose.23.cloudimg-checksum.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'branch': '23', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1454303707.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.23.cloudimg-checksum.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started image checksum generation for Fedora 23 post-release Cloud/Atomic/Docker respin compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘23/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they had finished the Cloud image staging phase of the make-updates process (which was how we did periodic re-spins of our cloud, atomic, and docker images during the Fedora 21, 22 and 23 cycles). From Fedora 24 onwards, these re-spins are produced with Pungi 4 like all other forms of compose, and emit the standard compose messages with the release number in the topic (e.g. compose.24.start or compose.28.start). Here’s an example of a message from Fedora 23:

You can view the history of messages with the compose.23.cloudimg-staging.done topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'branch': '23', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1454303707.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.23.cloudimg-staging.done
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed master mirror publication for Fedora 23 post-release Cloud/Atomic/Docker respin compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘23/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they had started the make-updates process (which was how we did periodic re-spins of our cloud, atomic, and docker images during the Fedora 21, 22 and 23 cycles). From Fedora 24 onwards, these re-spins are produced with Pungi 4 like all other forms of compose, and emit the standard compose messages with the release number in the topic (e.g. compose.24.start or compose.28.start). Here’s an example of a message from Fedora 23:

You can view the history of messages with the compose.23.make-updates.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'branch': '23', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1454303707.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.23.make-updates.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started Fedora 23 post-release Cloud/Atomic/Docker respin compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘23/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they had started the Atomic mash phase of the make-updates process (which was how we did periodic re-spins of our cloud, atomic, and docker images during the Fedora 21, 22 and 23 cycles). From Fedora 24 onwards, these re-spins are produced with Pungi 4 like all other forms of compose, and emit the standard compose messages with the release number in the topic (e.g. compose.24.start or compose.28.start). Here’s an example of a message from Fedora 23:

You can view the history of messages with the compose.23.mash-atomic.stop topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'branch': '23', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1454303707.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.23.mash-atomic.stop
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed Atomic updates mash for Fedora 23 post-release Cloud/Atomic/Docker respin compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘23/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have finished a compose for a numbered release. This could be a Branched compose, or a post-release two-week Atomic, Docker, or Cloud compose: the ‘short’ and ‘compose_id’ values can be used to differentiate. The message topic obviously differs based on the release, this one is only an example.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.28.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '',
           'branch': '28',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Docker-28-20180126.n.0',
           'location': '',
           'log': 'done',
           'short': 'Fedora-Docker'},
  'timestamp': 1512398352.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.28.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed Fedora-Docker 28 compose Fedora-Docker-28-20180126.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘28/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have finished syncing out a compose for a numbered release. This could be a Branched compose, or a post-release two-week Atomic, Docker, or Cloud compose: the ‘short’ and ‘compose_id’ values can be used to differentiate. The message topic obviously differs based on the release, this one is only an example.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.28.rsync.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '',
           'branch': '28',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Cloud-28-20180126.n.0',
           'location': '',
           'log': 'done',
           'short': 'Fedora-Cloud'},
  'timestamp': 1512313750.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.28.rsync.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed master mirror publication for Fedora-Cloud 28 compose Fedora-Cloud-28-20180126.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘28/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have started syncing out a compose for a numbered release. This could be a Branched compose, or a post-release two-week Atomic, Docker, or Cloud compose: the ‘short’ and ‘compose_id’ values can be used to differentiate. The message topic obviously differs based on the release, this one is only an example.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.28.rsync.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '',
           'branch': '28',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Atomic-28-20171215.n.0',
           'log': 'start',
           'short': 'Fedora-Atomic'},
  'timestamp': 1512395453.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.28.rsync.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started master mirror publication for Fedora-Atomic 28 compose Fedora-Atomic-28-20171215.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘28/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have started a compose for a numbered release. This could be a Branched compose, or a post-release two-week Atomic, Docker, or Cloud compose: the ‘short’ and ‘compose_id’ values can be used to differentiate. The message topic obviously differs based on the release, this one is only an example.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.28.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '28', 'log': 'start', 'short': 'Fedora'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.28.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started Fedora 28 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘28/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have finished a ‘bikeshed’ compose (basically like a Rawhide compose, but for modular).

You can view the history of messages with the compose.bikeshed.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '',
           'branch': 'bikeshed',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20171208.n.0',
           'log': 'done',
           'short': 'Fedora-Modular'},
  'timestamp': 1512756914.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.bikeshed.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed Fedora-Modular Bikeshed compose Fedora-Modular-Bikeshed-20171208.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘bikeshed/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have started a ‘bikeshed’ compose (basically like a Rawhide compose, but for modular).

You can view the history of messages with the compose.bikeshed.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '',
           'branch': 'bikeshed',
           'log': 'start',
           'short': 'Fedora-Modular'},
  'msg_id': '2017-7e497c3e-14b6-497f-a016-79cf9b591585',
  'timestamp': 1512756914.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.bikeshed.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started Fedora-Modular Bikeshed compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘bikeshed/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they finished composing whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, instead the topic for messages related to Branched composes will include the release number (e.g. ‘compose.27.complete’).

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they finished building live, cloud and disk images for whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no image build messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.image.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.image.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed building other images for Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they started building live, cloud and disk images for whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no image build messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.image.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.image.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started building other images for Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they finished mashing whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no mash-related messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.mash.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.mash.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed mashing Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they began mashing whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no mash-related messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.mash.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.mash.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started mashing Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they finished creating a boot.iso for whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no pungify messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.pungify.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.pungify.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed building boot.iso for Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they started creating a boot.iso for whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no pungify messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.pungify.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.pungify.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started building boot.iso for Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they finished syncing out (publishing, effectively) whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, instead the topic for messages related to Branched composes will include the release number (e.g. ‘compose.27.rsync.complete’).

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.rsync.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.rsync.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed master mirror publication for Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they began syncing out (publishing, effectively) whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, instead the topic for messages related to Branched composes will include the release number (e.g. ‘compose.27.rsync.start’).

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.rsync.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.rsync.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started master mirror publication for Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they began composing whatever the current branched distribution version was. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, instead the topic for messages related to Branched composes will include the release number (e.g. ‘compose.27.start’).

You can view the history of messages with the compose.branched.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': '18', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.branched.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started Fedora 18 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘branched/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they had finished an EPEL 7 Beta compose (while RHEL 7 was in Beta state).

You can view the history of messages with the compose.epelbeta.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.epelbeta.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed Fedora EPEL Beta compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘epelbeta/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they had started an EPEL 7 Beta compose (while RHEL 7 was in Beta state).

You can view the history of messages with the compose.epelbeta.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.epelbeta.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started Fedora EPEL Beta compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘epelbeta/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have finished a rawhide compose.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '',
           'branch': 'rawhide',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Rawhide-20180126.n.0',
           'location': '',
           'log': 'done',
           'short': 'Fedora'},
  'timestamp': 1512398352.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed Fedora Rawhide compose Fedora-Rawhide-20180126.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they finished building live, cloud and disk images for for the rawhide compose. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no image build messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.image.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': 'rawhide', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.image.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed building other images for Fedora Rawhide compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they started building live, cloud and disk images for for the rawhide compose. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no image build messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.image.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': 'rawhide', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.image.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started building other images for Fedora Rawhide compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they finished mashing the rawhide compose. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no mash-related messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.mash.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': 'rawhide', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.mash.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed mashing Fedora Rawhide compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they started mashing the rawhide compose. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no mash-related messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.mash.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': 'rawhide', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.mash.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started mashing Fedora Rawhide compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they finished creating a boot.iso for the rawhide compose. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no pungify messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.pungify.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': 'rawhide', 'log': 'done'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.pungify.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed building boot.iso for Fedora Rawhide compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts used to produce these messages when they started creating a boot.iso for the rawhide compose. They were published for both primary and secondary architectures. The example here is of a primary arch message (the empty string signifies primary). Messages with this topic are not currently published, and there are no pungify messages published by the current compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.pungify.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': 'rawhide', 'log': 'start'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.pungify.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started building boot.iso for Fedora Rawhide compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have finished syncing out a completed rawhide compose.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.rsync.complete topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '',
           'branch': 'rawhide',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Rawhide-20180126.n.0',
           'location': '',
           'log': 'done',
           'short': 'Fedora'},
  'timestamp': 1512313750.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.rsync.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Completed master mirror publication for Fedora Rawhide compose Fedora-Rawhide-20180126.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have started syncing out a completed rawhide compose.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.rsync.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '',
           'branch': 'rawhide',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Rawhide-20180126.n.0',
           'log': 'start',
           'short': 'Fedora'},
  'timestamp': 1512395453.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.rsync.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started master mirror publication for Fedora Rawhide compose Fedora-Rawhide-20180126.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The release engineering “compose” scripts produce these messages when they have started the rawhide compose.

You can view the history of messages with the compose.rawhide.start topic or all compose messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': '', 'branch': 'rawhide', 'log': 'start', 'short': 'Fedora'},
  'timestamp': 1344447839.891876,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() compose.rawhide.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Started Fedora Rawhide compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/primary’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


Copr publishes these messages when a build has completed. This is an example of a build that completed successfully.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all copr messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 4,
  u'msg': { u'build': 100,
            u'chroot': u'fedora-20-x86_64',
            u'copr': u'mutt-kz',
            u'ip': u'',
            u'pid': 12010,
            u'pkg': 'mutt-kz-',
            u'status': 1,
            u'user': u'fatka',
            u'version': '',
            u'what': u'build end: user:fatka copr:mutt-kz build:100 ip:  pid:12010 status:1',
            u'who': u'worker-2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-b05a323d-37ee-4396-9635-7b5dfaf5441b',
  u'timestamp': 1383956707.634,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'copr'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() fatka’s mutt-kz copr build of mutt-kz- for fedora-20-x86_64 finished with ‘success’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fatka’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘coprs/mutt-kz/build.end’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 36ca283a-01ec-4808-a41b-5ea351cc6498-secondary_icon

Copr publishes these messages when a build has completed. This is an example of a build that completed successfully.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all copr messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 4,
  u'msg': { u'build': 100,
            u'chroot': u'fedora-20-x86_64',
            u'copr': u'mutt-kz',
            u'ip': u'',
            u'pid': 12010,
            u'pkg': 'mutt-kz',
            u'status': 1,
            u'user': u'fatka',
            u'version': '',
            u'what': u'build end: user:fatka copr:mutt-kz build:100 ip:  pid:12010 status:1',
            u'who': u'worker-2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-b05a323d-37ee-4396-9635-7b5dfaf5441b',
  u'timestamp': 1383956707.634,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'copr'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() fatka’s mutt-kz copr build of mutt-kz- for fedora-20-x86_64 finished with ‘success’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fatka’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘coprs/mutt-kz/build.end’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 7868817b-8e6b-4ff3-8d64-74d74d8eef68-secondary_icon

Copr publishes these messages when a build has completed. This is an example of a build that failed.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all copr messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'build': 80794,
           'chroot': 'fedora-21-x86_64',
           'copr': 'glib2',
           'ip': '',
           'owner': 'brianjmurrell',
           'pid': 9363,
           'pkg': 'glib2',
           'status': 0,
           'user': 'brianjmurrell',
           'version': '2.42.2-1.01.fc21',
           'what': 'build end: user:brianjmurrell copr:glib2 build:80794    pkg: glib2-2.42.2-1.01.fc21    version: 2.42.2-1.01.fc21 ip:    pid:9363 status:0',
           'who': 'worker-4'},
  'msg_id': '2015-f3152f3c-5075-422e-af94-96c692454c81',
  'timestamp': 1425653769.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() brianjmurrell’s glib2 copr build of glib2-2.42.2-1.01.fc21 for fedora-21-x86_64 finished with ‘failed’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘brianjmurrell’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘coprs/glib2/build.end’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 30ff8905-f1e0-4f9d-8cb0-1158c775707f-secondary_icon

Copr publishes these messages when a build has completed. This is an example of a group repo.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all copr messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 3,
  u'msg': { u'build': 450811,
            u'chroot': u'fedora-23-i386',
            u'copr': u'python26',
            u'ip': u'',
            u'owner': u'@python',
            u'pid': 7513,
            u'pkg': u'python26',
            u'status': 0,
            u'user': u'churchyard',
            u'version': u'2.6.9-1.fc26',
            u'what': u'build end: user:churchyard copr:python26 build:450811  pkg: python26  version: 2.6.9-1.fc26 ip:  pid:7513 status:0',
            u'who': u'backend.worker-6023-PC'},
  u'msg_id': u'2016-31e1e282-c176-4a9e-94bc-e4ae34536d47',
  u'source_name': u'datanommer',
  u'source_version': u'0.6.5',
  u'timestamp': 1473355790.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() churchyard’s python26 copr build of python26-2.6.9-1.fc26 for fedora-23-i386 finished with ‘failed’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified

Copr publishes these messages when a new build starts.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all copr messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'build': 100,
            u'copr': u'mutt-kz',
            u'ip': u'',
            u'pid': 12010,
            u'user': u'fatka',
            u'what': u'build start: user:fatka copr:mutt-kz build:100 ip:  pid:12010',
            u'who': u'worker-2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-675e7b1e-9b7f-4d11-be2f-2b3845817d60',
  u'timestamp': 1383956077.232,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'copr'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() fatka started a new build of the mutt-kz copr
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fatka’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘coprs/mutt-kz/build.start’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 1e17b04f-d479-4c3a-87c9-4ea139413ce9-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 1e17b04f-d479-4c3a-87c9-4ea139413ce9-secondary_icon


Copr publishes these messages when a copr start a new chroot.

You can view the history of messages with the copr.chroot.start topic or all copr messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 3,
  u'msg': { u'build': 100,
            u'chroot': u'fedora-20-x86_64',
            u'copr': u'mutt-kz',
            u'ip': u'',
            u'pid': 12010,
            u'user': u'fatka',
            u'what': u'chroot start: chroot:fedora-20-x86_64 user:fatka copr:mutt-kz build:100 ip:  pid:12010',
            u'who': u'worker-2'},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-833cca09-2dba-42ad-9863-4f6c3c29a30d',
  u'timestamp': 1383956378.468,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'copr'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() copr.chroot.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() fatka’s mutt-kz copr started a new fedora-20-x86_64 chroot
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘fatka’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘coprs/mutt-kz/chroot.start/fedora-20-x86_64’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 35e72a91-c929-4413-aa53-967619382f52-secondary_icon


Copr publishes these messages when a new worker is spun up.

You can view the history of messages with the copr.worker.create topic or all copr messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'ip': u'', u'what': u'creating worker:'},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-675e7b1e-9b7f-4d11-be2f-2b3845817d60',
  u'timestamp': 1383956077.232,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'copr'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() copr.worker.create
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() a new worker was created
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘coprs/worker.create’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified



Generally speaking, the datanommer consumer does not publish its own fedmsg messages. There is one exception to this rule.

As of fedmsg-0.7.0, every fedmsg carries its own uuid, prefixed with the year it was published. There is a very low risk of creating a duplicate uuid. To quote wikipedia:

"The annual risk of someone being hit by a meteorite is estimated to be
one chance in 17 billion, which means the probability is about
``0.00000000006 (6 * 10**-11)``, equivalent to the odds of creating a
few tens of trillions of UUIDs in a year and having one duplicate"

It is highly unlikely that datanommer will ever try to store a fedmsg message that carries a uuid that already exists in its database. In the event that it does, it will publish the following message; a momentous occasion.

You can view the history of messages with the datanommer.wat topic or all datanommer messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'uuid': '2013-3bf0ec8f-03d3-40be-9ad5-5effdc6e4c06'},
  'timestamp': 1375753735.32427,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() datanommer.wat
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() datanommer encountered a duplicate uuid
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘wat’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e419b524-d63a-456d-a55a-3e14eae28dc7-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e419b524-d63a-456d-a55a-3e14eae28dc7-secondary_icon



ABRT server notifies about a problem

You can view the history of messages with the faf.problem.threshold10 topic or all faf messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'components': [u'evolution', u'thunderbird'],
            u'count': 77,
            u'first_occurrence': u'2015-04-10',
            u'function': u'main',
            u'level': 1,
            u'problem_id': 4321,
            u'type': u'core',
            u'url': u''},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-0284a675-995a-4942-bc59-2a5384e892b7',
  u'timestamp': 1429777247,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'faf'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() faf.problem.threshold10
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ABRT problem for package evolution, thunderbird has reached 77 occurrences
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘evolution’, ‘thunderbird’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9b7ed7f7-9da3-4e2c-a988-3312dae9cf17-secondary_icon

ABRT server notifies about a crash report

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all faf messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'components': [u'evolution'],
            u'count': 7,
            u'first_occurrence': u'2015-04-10',
            u'function': u'main',
            u'level': 1,
            u'problem_id': 4321,
            u'report_id': 1234,
            u'type': u'core',
            u'url': u''},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-0284a675-995a-4942-bc59-2a5384e892b7',
  u'timestamp': 1429777247,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'faf'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ABRT report for package evolution has reached 7 occurrences
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘evolution’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 76d7eaac-17cb-4cb5-808f-dfa8ae561168-secondary_icon


The Fedora Account System publishes messages on this topic whenever a new group is created.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fas messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph', u'group': u'ambassadors'},
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph created new FAS group ambassadors
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘groups/ambassadors’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c020c012-130a-4bf0-8862-e819b0ac6537-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c020c012-130a-4bf0-8862-e819b0ac6537-secondary_icon

The Fedora Account System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user requests to join a particular group.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fas messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph', u'group': u'ambassadors', u'user': u'ralph'},
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph applied for ralph’s membership in the ambassadors group
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘groups/ambassadors’, ‘users/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a517345a-432f-4f3b-8a33-fc8ee7874b20-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a517345a-432f-4f3b-8a33-fc8ee7874b20-secondary_icon

The Fedora Account System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user is removed from a particular group.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fas messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'agent': u'toshio', u'group': u'ambassadors', u'user': u'ralph'},
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() toshio removed ralph from the ambassadors group
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘toshio’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘groups/ambassadors’, ‘users/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 2d2e7811-b512-4e5e-b3f2-c5bcca778d2d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 2d2e7811-b512-4e5e-b3f2-c5bcca778d2d-secondary_icon

The Fedora Account System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user’s request to join a restricted group is sponsored by an authorized user.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fas messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'agent': u'toshio', u'group': u'ambassadors', u'user': u'ralph'},
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() toshio sponsored ralph’s membership in the ambassadors group
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘toshio’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘groups/ambassadors’, ‘users/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e5cf81b9-3cb5-4e31-8848-5d18c75aaef2-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e5cf81b9-3cb5-4e31-8848-5d18c75aaef2-secondary_icon

The Fedora Account System publishes messages on this topic whenever a group’s properties are modified. For example:

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fas messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph',
            u'fields': [u'display_name'],
            u'group': u'ambassadors'},
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph edited the following fields of the ambassadors FAS group: display_name
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘groups/ambassadors’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 06d0c870-2429-4230-a049-8ed00635e4b6-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 06d0c870-2429-4230-a049-8ed00635e4b6-secondary_icon


The Fedora Account System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user’s role in a particular group changes.

You can view the history of messages with the fas.role.update topic or all fas messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'agent': u'toshio',
            u'group': u'ambassadors',
            u'status': u'sponsor',
            u'user': u'ralph'},
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fas.role.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() toshio changed ralph’s role in the ambassadors group to sponsor
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘toshio’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘groups/ambassadors’, ‘users/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f2164741-aae2-4f5e-a81f-ab04dcaafe7d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f2164741-aae2-4f5e-a81f-ab04dcaafe7d-secondary_icon


The Fedora Account System publishes messages on this topic whenever a new user account is created.

You can view the history of messages with the fas.user.create topic or all fas messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph', u'user': u'ralph'},
  u'timestamp': 1344432054.809861,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fas.user.create
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() New FAS account: ‘ralph’ (created by ‘ralph’)
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘users/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 75308b47-26f5-48a5-bfc9-f0f8f9d0ab17-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 75308b47-26f5-48a5-bfc9-f0f8f9d0ab17-secondary_icon


The Fedora Account System publishes messages on this topic whenever a user’s account is modified. Information about which account, what fields changed, and who did the changing are included in the message body. For example:

You can view the history of messages with the fas.user.update topic or all fas messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph', u'fields': [u'comments'], u'user': u'ralph'},
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fas.user.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph edited the following fields of ralph’s FAS profile: comments
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘users/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 71586f92-fb06-4896-aa61-bd2c46f5929b-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 71586f92-fb06-4896-aa61-bd2c46f5929b-secondary_icon



These messages are published when Open Badges are awarded to Fedora Contributors by the fedbadges backend.

You can view the history of messages with the fedbadges.badge.award topic or all fedbadges messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'badge': { u'creator': u'ralph',
                        u'criteria': { u'datanommer': { u'condition': { u'greater than or equal to': 2},
                                                        u'filter': { u'topics': [ u'{topic}']},
                                                        u'operation': u'count'}},
                        u'description': u'You have commented on 2 or more bodhi updates.',
                        u'discussion': u'',
                        u'image_url': u'',
                        u'issuer_id': u'fedora-project',
                        u'name': u'Something on your mind',
                        u'trigger': { u'topic': u'org.fedoraproject.stg.bodhi.update.comment'}},
            u'user': { u'badges_user_id': 1, u'username': u'ralph'}},
  u'timestamp': 1371498303.125771,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedbadges.badge.award
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph has been awarded the “Something on your mind” badge
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘something-on-your-mind’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 08dd6d2d-df7c-46e6-8489-022040c19ee7-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 08dd6d2d-df7c-46e6-8489-022040c19ee7-secondary_icon


When a user logs in to the Fedora Badges site for the very first time, we publish a message like this one.

You can view the history of messages with the fedbadges.person.login.first topic or all fedbadges messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'user': { 'badges_user_id': 2, 'username': 'ralph'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-be88d409-cdd7-47f0-9edd-87088f8505d2',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.0',
  'timestamp': 1382804277.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedbadges.person.login.first
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph logged in to for the first time
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 314abd20-8892-47b7-867f-fb526ad3ae82-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 314abd20-8892-47b7-867f-fb526ad3ae82-secondary_icon


When a user’s rank on the leaderboard of the Fedora Badges system increases, this message gets published.

You can view the history of messages with the fedbadges.person.rank.advance topic or all fedbadges messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'old_rank': None,
           'person': { 'bio': None,
                       'email': '',
                       'id': 1600,
                       'nickname': 'ralph',
                       'rank': 1500,
                       'website': None}},
  'timestamp': 1377701575.214381,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedbadges.person.rank.advance
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph moved to position 1500 on the badges leaderboard
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 93db0bec-9cb5-42c0-9b77-43c97f225515-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 93db0bec-9cb5-42c0-9b77-43c97f225515-secondary_icon



These messages are published when an image has been copied to other
region from the base region.

You can view the history of messages with the fedimg.image.copy topic or all fedimg messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { 'compose_id': 'Fedora-Atomic-27-20180507.0',
            'destination': 'us-west-2',
            'extra': { 'id': 'ami-2e80f656',
                       'source_image_id': 'ami-991999e6',
                       'virt_type': 'hvm',
                       'vol_type': 'gp2'},
            'image_name': 'Fedora-Atomic-27-20180507.0.x86_64',
            'service': 'EC2'},
  u'timestamp': 1371498303.125771,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'fedimg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedimg.image.copy
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora-Atomic-27-20180507.0.x86_64 copied to us-west-2 using source image, ami-991999e6 (ami-2e80f656, hvm, gp2)
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 97719581-55a7-4b64-871b-53498eee1e68-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 97719581-55a7-4b64-871b-53498eee1e68-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an image and snapshot is made public.

You can view the history of messages with the fedimg.image.publish topic or all fedimg messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { 'compose': 'Fedora-Atomic-27-20180507.0',
            'destination': 'eu-west-2',
            'extra': { 'id': 'ami-d813f1bf',
                       'virt_type': 'hvm',
                       'vol_type': 'gp2'},
            'image_name': 'Fedora-Atomic-27-20180507.0.x86_64',
            'image_url': None,
            'service': 'EC2'},
  u'timestamp': 1371498303.125771,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'fedimg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedimg.image.publish
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora-Atomic-27-20180507.0.x86_64 published in region, eu-west-2 (ami-d813f1bf, hvm, gp2)
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 151fca07-0c76-49a9-b639-0144a3fe7419-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 151fca07-0c76-49a9-b639-0144a3fe7419-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an image upload finishes.
At this point, Fedimg has completed registering a .raw.xz image with a cloud provider.

You can view the history of messages with the fedimg.image.upload topic or all fedimg messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose': { u'compose_id': 'Fedora-Atomic-24-20160710.0'},
            u'destination': 'eu-west-1',
            u'extra': { u'id': 'ami-1234fda',
                        u'virt_type': 'HVM',
                        u'vol_type': 'gp2'},
            u'image_name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160710.0.x86_64',
            u'image_url': '',
            u'status': 'completed'},
  u'timestamp': 1371498303.125771,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'fedimg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedimg.image.upload
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160710.0.x86_64 finished uploading to eu-west-1 (ami-1234fda, HVM, gp2)
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘image/upload/completed’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 7fb03f88-c353-4297-b345-a1bdaf5a4654-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 7fb03f88-c353-4297-b345-a1bdaf5a4654-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an image upload has started. Fedimg picks up this message when a compose finishes and will begin the process of registering the .raw.xz file as as an image with a cloud provider.

You can view the history of messages with the fedimg.image.upload topic or all fedimg messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'compose': { u'compose_id': 'Fedora-Atomic-24-20160710.0'},
            u'destination': 'eu-west-1',
            u'image_name': 'Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160710.0.x86_64',
            u'image_url': '',
            u'status': 'started'},
  u'timestamp': 1371498303.125771,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'fedimg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedimg.image.upload
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-20160710.0.x86_64 started uploading to eu-west-1
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘image/upload/started’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 550f6f7b-8947-466a-afcc-37b402271c9e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 550f6f7b-8947-466a-afcc-37b402271c9e-secondary_icon



These messages are published when someone clears a calendar of all its meeting in fedocal.

You can view the history of messages with the fedocal.calendar.clear topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedocal.calendar.clear
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph cleared the “awesome” calendar of all its meetings
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/clear’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b1dca88c-f335-43a0-89be-1eeab51a3dd0-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b1dca88c-f335-43a0-89be-1eeab51a3dd0-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone deletes a whole calendar from fedocal.

You can view the history of messages with the fedocal.calendar.delete topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedocal.calendar.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph deleted the “awesome” calendar
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/delete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c0527c20-51fe-45ba-a452-cf6712198dad-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c0527c20-51fe-45ba-a452-cf6712198dad-secondary_icon

These messages are published when someone creates a whole calendar from fedocal.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph created a whole new “awesome” calendar
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/new’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 460b4e3a-8a08-450c-b976-1a8b58c63c76-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 460b4e3a-8a08-450c-b976-1a8b58c63c76-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone updates a whole calendar from fedocal.

You can view the history of messages with the fedocal.calendar.update topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedocal.calendar.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated the “awesome” calendar
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/update’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d8068acb-7f74-4abe-aa60-906ecd5cc866-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d8068acb-7f74-4abe-aa60-906ecd5cc866-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone uploads an iCalendar file into a calendar of fedocal.

You can view the history of messages with the fedocal.calendar.upload topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedocal.calendar.upload
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph uploaded an iCalendar file into the calendar “awesome”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/upload’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c0e8373a-6ab1-41dc-bac9-a3d196489972-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c0e8373a-6ab1-41dc-bac9-a3d196489972-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone deletes a meeting from fedocal.

You can view the history of messages with the fedocal.meeting.delete topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'},
           'meeting': { 'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                        'meeting_date': '2013-09-20',
                        'meeting_date_end': '2013-09-21',
                        'meeting_id': 42,
                        'meeting_information': 'awesome',
                        'meeting_manager': 'ralph,',
                        'meeting_name': 'wat',
                        'meeting_region': None,
                        'meeting_time_start': '12:00:00',
                        'meeting_time_stop': '12:00:00',
                        'meeting_timezone': 'UTC'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-8d60e263-5c5f-40bb-86e0-241dc3965ba4',
  'timestamp': 1379638613.767245,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedocal.meeting.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph deleted the “wat” meeting from the “awesome” calendar
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/meetings/wat/delete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a506fcb6-c4b7-478b-a47b-46a8ac636c86-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a506fcb6-c4b7-478b-a47b-46a8ac636c86-secondary_icon

These messages are published when someone creates a meeting from fedocal.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'},
           'meeting': { 'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                        'meeting_date': '2013-09-20',
                        'meeting_date_end': '2013-09-21',
                        'meeting_id': 42,
                        'meeting_information': 'awesome',
                        'meeting_manager': 'ralph,',
                        'meeting_name': 'wat',
                        'meeting_region': None,
                        'meeting_time_start': '12:00:00',
                        'meeting_time_stop': '12:00:00',
                        'meeting_timezone': 'UTC'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-8d60e263-5c5f-40bb-86e0-241dc3965ba4',
  'timestamp': 1379638613.767245,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph created a “wat” meeting in the “awesome” calendar
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/meetings/wat/new’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 81a05bf8-7593-46e7-bd86-7f3a4b9720e1-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 81a05bf8-7593-46e7-bd86-7f3a4b9720e1-secondary_icon


These messages are published by a cronjob when time gets close to certain meetings scheduled in the fedocal calendaring system.

You can view the history of messages with the fedocal.meeting.reminder topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'},
           'meeting': { 'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                        'meeting_date': '2018-06-11',
                        'meeting_date_end': '2013-09-21',
                        'meeting_id': 42,
                        'meeting_information': 'awesome',
                        'meeting_manager': 'ralph,',
                        'meeting_name': 'wat',
                        'meeting_region': None,
                        'meeting_time_start': '09:17:48',
                        'meeting_time_stop': '12:00:00',
                        'meeting_timezone': 'UTC'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-8d60e263-5c5f-40bb-86e0-241dc3965ba4',
  'timestamp': 1379638613.767245,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedocal.meeting.reminder
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/meetings/wat/reminder’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 90ad1804-6b73-4761-bb54-4572465b6512-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


These messages are published when someone updates a meeting from fedocal.

You can view the history of messages with the fedocal.meeting.update topic or all fedocal messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'calendar': { 'calendar_admin_group': 'sysadmin-badges',
                         'calendar_contact': '',
                         'calendar_description': 'cool deal',
                         'calendar_editor_group': 'sysadmin-main',
                         'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                         'calendar_status': 'Enabled'},
           'meeting': { 'calendar_name': 'awesome',
                        'meeting_date': '2013-09-20',
                        'meeting_date_end': '2013-09-21',
                        'meeting_id': 42,
                        'meeting_information': 'awesome',
                        'meeting_manager': 'ralph,',
                        'meeting_name': 'wat',
                        'meeting_region': None,
                        'meeting_time_start': '12:00:00',
                        'meeting_time_stop': '12:00:00',
                        'meeting_timezone': 'UTC'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-8d60e263-5c5f-40bb-86e0-241dc3965ba4',
  'timestamp': 1379638613.767245,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedocal.meeting.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated the “wat” meeting from the “awesome” calendar
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘awesome/meetings/wat/update’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 1eb8189f-baf2-4297-bdc6-7762e7a5419a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 1eb8189f-baf2-4297-bdc6-7762e7a5419a-secondary_icon



These messages are published when someone add a candidate to an elections in elections.

You can view the history of messages with the fedora_elections.candidate.delete topic or all fedora_elections messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'candidate': { 'name': 'Toshio', 'url': ''},
           'election': { 'alias': 'test',
                         'description': 'test desc',
                         'embargoed': 1,
                         'end_date': 1397080800.0,
                         'shortdesc': 'test',
                         'start_date': 1396994400.0,
                         'url': 'http: //',
                         'voting_type': 'range'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedora_elections.candidate.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou deleted candidate “Toshio” of election “test”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘test/candidate/delete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 226daafc-3806-42bd-8a1d-9618aa01ed7c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 226daafc-3806-42bd-8a1d-9618aa01ed7c-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone edited a candidate of an elections in elections.

You can view the history of messages with the fedora_elections.candidate.edit topic or all fedora_elections messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'candidate': { 'name': 'Toshio', 'url': ''},
           'election': { 'alias': 'test',
                         'description': 'test desc',
                         'embargoed': 1,
                         'end_date': 1397080800.0,
                         'shortdesc': 'test',
                         'start_date': 1396994400.0,
                         'url': 'http: //',
                         'voting_type': 'range'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedora_elections.candidate.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou edited candidate “Toshio” of election “test”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘test/candidate/edit’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 7503d244-1500-4d23-91f6-7a89c74cbe9a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 7503d244-1500-4d23-91f6-7a89c74cbe9a-secondary_icon

These messages are published when someone added a candidate to an elections in elections.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fedora_elections messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'candidate': { 'name': 'Toshio', 'url': ''},
           'election': { 'alias': 'test',
                         'description': 'test desc',
                         'embargoed': 1,
                         'end_date': 1397080800.0,
                         'shortdesc': 'test',
                         'start_date': 1396994400.0,
                         'url': 'http: //',
                         'voting_type': 'range'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou added candidate “Toshio” to election “test”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘test/candidate/new’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e92b46e4-5090-4047-91d2-80d3b115bdc3-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e92b46e4-5090-4047-91d2-80d3b115bdc3-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone edit an elections in elections.

You can view the history of messages with the fedora_elections.election.edit topic or all fedora_elections messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'election': { 'alias': 'test',
                         'description': 'test desc',
                         'embargoed': 1,
                         'end_date': 1397080800.0,
                         'shortdesc': 'test',
                         'start_date': 1396994400.0,
                         'url': 'http: //',
                         'voting_type': 'range'}},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedora_elections.election.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou edited election “test”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘test/election/edit’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0a3b3144-d568-46f1-85ae-41d7c1116f37-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0a3b3144-d568-46f1-85ae-41d7c1116f37-secondary_icon

These messages are published when someone creates a new elections in elections.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all fedora_elections messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'admin_groups': [],
           'alias': 'council-nov14',
           'candidates': [],
           'candidates_are_fasusers': 1,
           'description': 'The Fedora Council is our top-level community ...',
           'embargoed': 1,
           'end_date': 1417046399.0,
           'fas_user': 'jreznik',
           'id': 65,
           'legal_voters': [ { 'election': 65,
                               'election_id': 65,
                               'group_name': 'anycla',
                               'id': 67}],
           'max_votes': None,
           'seats_elected': 2,
           'shortdesc': 'Council - November 2014',
           'start_date': 1416268800.0,
           'url': '',
           'votes': [],
           'voting_type': 'range'},
  'msg_id': '2014-6a4e287c-a65f-488f-8ba7-5b454a50642c',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1416208425.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() jreznik created election “council-nov14”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘jreznik’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘council-nov14/election/new’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 77f452e9-84c8-40ac-b9cb-926c0aed8f4f-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 77f452e9-84c8-40ac-b9cb-926c0aed8f4f-secondary_icon



Fedora Tagger doesn’t just do tagging of packages, in new versions it also allows users to rate packages. It publishes messages like this one when an anonymous user updates their rating of a package.

You can view the history of messages with the fedoratagger.rating.update topic or all fedoratagger messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'rating': { 'package': { 'icon': '',
                                    'name': 'nethack',
                                    'rating': 15.0,
                                    'summary': '',
                                    'tags': [ { 'dislike': 0,
                                                'like': 1,
                                                'package': 'nethack',
                                                'tag': 'awesome',
                                                'total': 1,
                                                'votes': 1}]},
                       'rating': 15,
                       'user': { 'anonymous': True,
                                 'rank': -1,
                                 'username': 'anonymous',
                                 'votes': 0}}},
  'timestamp': 1365514895.61764,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedoratagger.rating.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() An anonymous user gave nethack a rating of 15
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘nethack’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/nethack’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3b41ad3c-db18-4d63-ba05-af06978954e1-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


Fedora Tagger publishes messages like this one when a user creates a new tag.

You can view the history of messages with the fedoratagger.tag.create topic or all fedoratagger messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'tag': { 'dislike': 0,
                    'like': 1,
                    'package': 'mattd',
                    'tag': 'awesome',
                    'total': 1,
                    'votes': 1},
           'user': { 'anonymous': False,
                     'rank': -1,
                     'username': 'ralph',
                     'votes': 4},
           'vote': { 'like': True,
                     'tag': { 'dislike': 0,
                              'like': 1,
                              'package': 'mattd',
                              'tag': 'awesome',
                              'total': 1,
                              'votes': 1},
                     'user': { 'anonymous': False,
                               'rank': -1,
                               'username': 'ralph',
                               'votes': 4}}},
  'timestamp': 1365444411.924043,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedoratagger.tag.create
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph added tag “awesome” to mattd
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘mattd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘labels/awesome’, ‘packages/mattd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() de3ca781-dc43-4464-be07-199c04697d5c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() de3ca781-dc43-4464-be07-199c04697d5c-secondary_icon


Fedora Tagger publishes messages like this one when a user votes on a tag. Users may upvote or downvote a tag and they may do so either anonymously or authenticated. Here’s an example of an authenticated downvote:

You can view the history of messages with the fedoratagger.tag.update topic or all fedoratagger messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'tag': { 'dislike': 1,
                    'like': 0,
                    'package': 'mattd',
                    'tag': 'stupid',
                    'total': -1,
                    'votes': 1},
           'user': { 'anonymous': False,
                     'rank': -1,
                     'username': 'ralph',
                     'votes': 4},
           'vote': { 'like': False,
                     'tag': { 'dislike': 1,
                              'like': 0,
                              'package': 'mattd',
                              'tag': 'stupid',
                              'total': -1,
                              'votes': 1},
                     'user': { 'anonymous': False,
                               'rank': -1,
                               'username': 'ralph',
                               'votes': 4}}},
  'timestamp': 1365444503.627384,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedoratagger.tag.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph downvoted “stupid” on mattd
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘mattd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘labels/stupid’, ‘packages/mattd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 4d2706b0-c528-4171-9947-0df29cd50ce5-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4d2706b0-c528-4171-9947-0df29cd50ce5-secondary_icon


Fedora Tagger publishes messages like this one when a user toggles their usage status for a package.

Here is an example of ralph declaring that he no longer uses passwd.

You can view the history of messages with the fedoratagger.usage.toggle topic or all fedoratagger messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'package': { 'icon': '',
                        'name': 'passwd',
                        'rating': -1.0,
                        'summary': 'An utility for setting or changing passwords',
                        'tags': [],
                        'usage': 0},
           'usage': False,
           'user': { 'anonymous': False,
                     'rank': 6,
                     'score': 949,
                     'username': 'ralph',
                     'votes': 859}},
  'msg_id': '2014-8b4ffffc-4854-4da5-92b1-d266b4e7f52f',
  'timestamp': 1391107443,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedoratagger.usage.toggle
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph declared that they no longer use passwd
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘passwd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/passwd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 24fdcb2d-84fc-4e15-a347-7c34edc93778-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 24fdcb2d-84fc-4e15-a347-7c34edc93778-secondary_icon


Fedora Tagger publishes messages like this one when a user toggles their usage status for a package.

Here is an example of ralph declaring that he uses passwd.

You can view the history of messages with the fedoratagger.usage.toggle topic or all fedoratagger messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'package': { 'icon': '',
                        'name': 'passwd',
                        'rating': -1.0,
                        'summary': 'An utility for setting or changing passwords',
                        'tags': [],
                        'usage': 1},
           'usage': True,
           'user': { 'anonymous': False,
                     'rank': 6,
                     'score': 949,
                     'username': 'ralph',
                     'votes': 859}},
  'msg_id': '2014-8b4ffffc-4854-4da5-92b1-d266b4e7f52f',
  'timestamp': 1391107443,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedoratagger.usage.toggle
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph declared that they use passwd
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘passwd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/passwd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 18342d58-7596-4834-b632-903c28bf9b64-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 18342d58-7596-4834-b632-903c28bf9b64-secondary_icon


Fedora Tagger publishes messages like this one when a user’s rank on the Fedora Tagger leaderboard changes.

You can view the history of messages with the fedoratagger.user.rank.update topic or all fedoratagger messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'user': { 'anonymous': False,
                     'rank': 59,
                     'score': 275,
                     'username': 'immanetize',
                     'votes': 176}},
  'msg_id': '2014-3893d29a-e9a1-43e0-90f0-333feebb766c',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.1',
  'timestamp': 1396074860.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fedoratagger.user.rank.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() immanetize’s rank changed to 59
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘immanetize’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 944d774f-abdb-4a9c-82f6-7f876c2ffc11-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 944d774f-abdb-4a9c-82f6-7f876c2ffc11-secondary_icon



Messages of this type are published whenever the status of a confirmation changes in the Fedora Notifications app.

You can view the history of messages with the fmn.confirmation.update topic or all fmn messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'changed': 'status',
           'context': 'irc',
           'openid': ''},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fmn.confirmation.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() the status of one of ralph’s pending confirmations changed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ralph/irc/confirmation/status’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 504ed3e5-d9fa-4f27-8a7c-8e15db7cd633-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 504ed3e5-d9fa-4f27-8a7c-8e15db7cd633-secondary_icon


Messages of this type are published whenever a confirmation value changes in the Fedora Notifications app.

You can view the history of messages with the fmn.confirmation.update topic or all fmn messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'changed': 'value',
           'context': 'irc',
           'openid': ''},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fmn.confirmation.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() the value of one of ralph’s pending confirmations changed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ralph/irc/confirmation/value’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 98d26ebc-0dde-4fd5-b01a-50295e954bed-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 98d26ebc-0dde-4fd5-b01a-50295e954bed-secondary_icon


Messages of this type are published whenever someone updates one of their notification rules in the Fedora Notifications app.

You can view the history of messages with the fmn.filter.update topic or all fmn messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'changed': 'rules',
           'context': 'irc',
           'openid': ''},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fmn.filter.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated the rules on a fmn irc filter
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ralph/irc/filter/rules’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 99734bf2-23c3-4812-89b1-0a566d554f51-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 99734bf2-23c3-4812-89b1-0a566d554f51-secondary_icon


Messages of this type are published whenever someone updates their batch values in the Fedora Notifications app.

Batch values are the parameters used to determine how to send notification digests like “how many messages should we accumulate before forwarding them to you” or “how many days should we wait before forwarding you a digest”.

You can view the history of messages with the fmn.preference.update topic or all fmn messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'changed': 'batch_values',
           'context': 'email',
           'openid': ''},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fmn.preference.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated their email digest options
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ralph/email/preference/batch_values’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a8423501-ee92-4b2f-a294-ef0d48fb7f55-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a8423501-ee92-4b2f-a294-ef0d48fb7f55-secondary_icon


Messages of this type are published whenever someone updates their delivery details in the Fedora Notifications app.

Delivery details are the values used to figure out how to deliver messages, like “email address” or “irc nick”.

You can view the history of messages with the fmn.preference.update topic or all fmn messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'changed': 'details',
           'context': 'email',
           'openid': ''},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fmn.preference.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated their email delivery details
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ralph/email/preference/details’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6211a4b1-c565-4e9f-9afb-ed0078b1ed50-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6211a4b1-c565-4e9f-9afb-ed0078b1ed50-secondary_icon


Messages of this type are published whenever someone toggles delivery of messages in the Fedora Notifications app.

You can view the history of messages with the fmn.preference.update topic or all fmn messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'changed': 'enabled',
           'context': 'android',
           'openid': ''},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fmn.preference.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph toggled their flow of android messages
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ralph/android/preference/enabled’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 4fcb8a54-9fc0-44f7-886e-c85b7d511b2d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4fcb8a54-9fc0-44f7-886e-c85b7d511b2d-secondary_icon


Messages of this type are published whenever someone toggles delivery of messages in the Fedora Notifications app.

You can view the history of messages with the fmn.preference.update topic or all fmn messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'changed': 'filters',
           'context': 'irc',
           'openid': ''},
  'msg_id': '2013-96f9ca0e-c7c6-43f0-9de7-7a268c7f1cef',
  'timestamp': 1379638157.759283,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fmn.preference.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated their irc filters
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ralph/irc/preference/filters’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e03fe769-569b-4de6-a2b6-28a23dbe4fc3-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e03fe769-569b-4de6-a2b6-28a23dbe4fc3-secondary_icon


Messages of this type are published whenever a rule is updated in the Fedora Notifications app.

You can view the history of messages with the fmn.rule.update topic or all fmn messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'changed': 'filters',
           'context': 'email',
           'openid': ''},
  'msg_id': '2015-ca011930-b7ba-4355-a75d-079ffbe88fd2',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1427936259.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() fmn.rule.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() raveit65 updated the filters on a fmn email rule
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘raveit65’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘raveit65/email/rule/filters’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 06ce8958-bddd-4150-9d4c-c288e2eb92ea-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 06ce8958-bddd-4150-9d4c-c288e2eb92ea-secondary_icon



There is a script called pkgdb2branch that gets run by an SCM admin as part of the new package process. Typically, when an SCM Admin Request is approved, the scm admin will add the new package or branch to the package database. After that, the scm admin will run pkgdb2branch to create the branch in git on the file system. Messages of this topic are published for each new branch that that process creates.

You can view the history of messages with the git.branch topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'limburgher', 'branch': 'master', 'name': 'valgrind'},
  'timestamp': 1344350850.886738,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.branch
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() limburgher created branch ‘master’ for the ‘valgrind’ package
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘limburgher’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘valgrind’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘valgrind/__git__’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6f4f83d6-0faf-4996-add6-74f214a5004f-secondary_icon

Messages like this one are published when new sources are uploaded to the “lookaside cache”.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'jnovy',
           'filename': 'pst-diffraction.doc.tar.xz',
           'md5sum': 'dacad985394b3977f9dcf0c75f51a357',
           'name': 'texlive'},
  'timestamp': 1349197866.215465,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() jnovy uploaded pst-diffraction.doc.tar.xz for texlive
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘jnovy’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘texlive’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘texlive/pst-diffraction.doc.tar.xz’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f1b1c94d-3be4-4556-bcdf-b48f8066c411-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f1b1c94d-3be4-4556-bcdf-b48f8066c411-secondary_icon


There is a script called pkgdb2branch that gets run by an SCM admin as part of the new package process. Messages on this topic are emitted from that script when it finishes a “mass branch”.

You can view the history of messages with the git.mass_branch.complete topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'dgilmore'},
  'timestamp': 1344350850.886738,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.mass_branch.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mass branch started by dgilmore completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘dgilmore’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 28eac6ce-2a4a-400a-bae3-4c50791ee70a-secondary_icon


There is a script called pkgdb2branch that gets run by an SCM admin as part of the new package process. Messages on this topic are emitted from that script when it is instructed to carry out a “mass branch” of all packages.

You can view the history of messages with the git.mass_branch.start topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'dgilmore'},
  'timestamp': 1344350850.886738,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.mass_branch.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() dgilmore started a mass branch
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘dgilmore’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5eba0fe3-567d-4aaa-ac20-d7f41ea0c3b7-secondary_icon


There is a script called pkgdb2branch that gets run by an SCM admin as part of the new package process. Typically, when an SCM Admin Request is approved, the scm admin will add the new package or branch to the package database. After that, the scm admin will run pkgdb2branch to create the branch in git on the file system. Messages of this topic are published when that process completes.

You can view the history of messages with the git.pkgdb2branch.complete topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'limburgher',
           'branchedPackages': ['nethack'],
           'unbranchedPackages': []},
  'timestamp': 1344350850.886738,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.pkgdb2branch.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() run of pkgdb2branch started by limburgher completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘limburgher’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘nethack’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘nethack/__git__’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ba0ab3d1-4598-469d-8460-ee4fcc6c202a-secondary_icon


There is a script called pkgdb2branch that gets run by an SCM admin as part of the new package process. Typically, when an SCM Admin Request is approved, the scm admin will add the new package or branch to the package database. After that, the scm admin will run pkgdb2branch to create the branch in git on the file system. Messages of this topic are published when that process completes.

Sometimes that process can produce errors. Here’s an example of a message from a failed pkgdb2branch run.

You can view the history of messages with the git.pkgdb2branch.complete topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'limburgher',
           'branchedPackages': None,
           'unbranchedPackages': ['foo']},
  'timestamp': 1344350850.886738,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.pkgdb2branch.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() run of pkgdb2branch started by limburgher completed with 1 error
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘limburgher’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘foo/__git__’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 259f6efd-c87f-4268-8890-38a81201378c-secondary_icon


There is a script called pkgdb2branch that gets run by an SCM admin as part of the new package process. Typically, when an SCM Admin Request is approved, the scm admin will add the new package or branch to the package database. After that, the scm admin will run pkgdb2branch to create the branch in git on the file system. Messages of this topic are published when that process completes.

Sometimes that process can produce errors. Here’s an example of a message from a failed pkgdb2branch run (on multiple packages)

You can view the history of messages with the git.pkgdb2branch.complete topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'limburgher',
           'branchedPackages': [],
           'unbranchedPackages': ['foo', 'bar']},
  'timestamp': 1344350850.886738,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.pkgdb2branch.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() run of pkgdb2branch started by limburgher completed with 2 errors
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘limburgher’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘foo’, ‘bar’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘bar/__git__’, ‘foo/__git__’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 7c8d527a-2e88-4558-a4f4-9976151f335d-secondary_icon


There is a script called pkgdb2branch that gets run by an SCM admin as part of the new package process. Typically, when an SCM Admin Request is approved, the scm admin will add the new package or branch to the package database. After that, the scm admin will run pkgdb2branch to create the branch in git on the file system. Messages of this topic are published when that process begins.

You can view the history of messages with the git.pkgdb2branch.start topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'limburgher'},
  'timestamp': 1344350850.886738,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.pkgdb2branch.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() limburgher started a run of pkgdb2branch
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘limburgher’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 45095768-6638-42c7-87f8-a48946cccd88-secondary_icon


Messages like this one are published when somebody runs “fedpkg push” on a package. Sometimes, the git message may be multiple lines long like:

You can view the history of messages with the git.receive topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'commit': { 'branch': 'master',
                       'email': '',
                       'message': 'Clear CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS.\n                This is a bit of a hammer.',
                       'name': 'Mark Wielaard',
                       'repo': 'valgrind',
                       'rev': '7a98f80d9b61ce167e4ef8129c81ed9284ecf4e1',
                       'seen': True,
                       'stats': { 'files': { 'valgrind.spec': { 'deletions': 2,
                                                                'insertions': 1,
                                                                'lines': 3}},
                                  'total': { 'deletions': 2,
                                             'files': 1,
                                             'insertions': 1,
                                             'lines': 3}},
                       'summary': 'Clear CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS.',
                       'username': 'mjw'}},
  'timestamp': 1344350850.886738,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mjw pushed to valgrind (master). “Clear CFLAGS CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS. (..more)”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘mjw’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘valgrind’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘valgrind/valgrind.spec’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 90757781-e748-42be-bca8-4c1595a3f754-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 90757781-e748-42be-bca8-4c1595a3f754-secondary_icon


Messages like this one are published when somebody runs “fedpkg push” on a package. The whole git message is included for each commit.

You can view the history of messages with the git.receive topic or all git messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'commit': { 'branch': 'master',
                       'email': '',
                       'message': 'another missing patch? ridiculous.\n',
                       'name': 'Tom Callaway',
                       'repo': 'ember',
                       'rev': 'aa2df80f3d8dd217c7cbfe2d3451190028f3fe14',
                       'stats': { 'files': { 'ember-0.6.3-gcc47.patch': { 'deletions': 0,
                                                                          'insertions': 26,
                                                                          'lines': 26}},
                                  'total': { 'deletions': 0,
                                             'files': 1,
                                             'insertions': 26,
                                             'lines': 26}},
                       'summary': 'another missing patch? ridiculous.',
                       'username': 'spot'}},
  'timestamp': 1352998154.368305,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() git.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() spot pushed to ember (master). “another missing patch? ridiculous.”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘spot’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘ember’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ember/ember-0.6.3-gcc47.patch’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 34d68aaf-ee88-4b32-a589-37087fab6df2-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 34d68aaf-ee88-4b32-a589-37087fab6df2-secondary_icon



There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone comments directly on a commit.

You can view the history of messages with the github.commit_comment topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 5,
  'msg': { 'comment': { 'body': "Maybe add a ``# comment`` here that 'BUILD_ID' is from jenkins and link to ?",
                        'commit_id': '425c3610e129138a8b918b1eb1a40d291da20dc5',
                        'created_at': '2014-06-19T15:15:22Z',
                        'html_url': '',
                        'id': 6733053,
                        'line': 46,
                        'path': 'bodhi/tests/functional/',
                        'position': 21,
                        'updated_at': '2014-06-19T15:15:22Z',
                        'url': '',
                        'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                                  'html_url': '',
                                  'id': 331338,
                                  'login': 'ralphbean',
                                  'site_admin': False,
                                  'type': 'User',
                                  'url': ''}},
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                           'default_branch': 'pyramid',
                           'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 11,
                           'forks_count': 11,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': True,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 123299,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'name': 'bodhi',
                           'open_issues': 14,
                           'open_issues_count': 14,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-06-19T07:11:03Z',
                           'size': 34892,
                           'stargazers_count': 8,
                           'updated_at': '2014-06-19T07:11:03Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 8,
                           'watchers_count': 8},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-dacff065-b47b-4d0b-9dc3-86406f6be9fb',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1403190922.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.commit_comment
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph commented on a commit on fedora-infra/bodhi
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/bodhi/tree/bodhi/tests/functional/’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 81186a2b-cfdf-438a-b17f-9b584d08ea41-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 81186a2b-cfdf-438a-b17f-9b584d08ea41-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone creates a new tag or branch.

You can view the history of messages with the github.create topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'master_branch': 'develop',
           'pusher_type': 'user',
           'ref': 'feature/testing-stuff',
           'ref_type': 'branch',
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-03-17T14:09:56Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 0,
                           'forks_count': 0,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/github2fedmsg',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': None,
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 17830164,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'master_branch': 'develop',
                           'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                           'open_issues': 1,
                           'open_issues_count': 1,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T18:51:32Z',
                           'size': 804,
                           'stargazers_count': 2,
                           'updated_at': '2014-03-18T18:36:30Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 2,
                           'watchers_count': 2},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-eed312f7-7bb2-471c-acb6-afaaf8f097ba',
  'timestamp': 1395168693,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.create
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph created a new branch “feature/testing-stuff” at fedora-infra/github2fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/github2fedmsg/branch/feature/testing-stuff’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e0a7d692-b4b8-4468-9966-1fee5dabfc84-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e0a7d692-b4b8-4468-9966-1fee5dabfc84-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone deletes a new tag or branch.

You can view the history of messages with the github.delete topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'master_branch': 'develop',
           'pusher_type': 'user',
           'ref': 'feature/testing-stuff',
           'ref_type': 'branch',
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-03-17T14:09:56Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 0,
                           'forks_count': 0,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/github2fedmsg',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': None,
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 17830164,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'master_branch': 'develop',
                           'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                           'open_issues': 1,
                           'open_issues_count': 1,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T18:51:32Z',
                           'size': 804,
                           'stargazers_count': 2,
                           'updated_at': '2014-03-18T18:36:30Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 2,
                           'watchers_count': 2},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-eed312f7-7bb2-471c-acb6-afaaf8f097ba',
  'timestamp': 1395168693,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph deleted the “feature/testing-stuff” branch at fedora-infra/github2fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/github2fedmsg/branch/feature/testing-stuff’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b7cac3cf-1bd4-41ad-a859-aab6adad7a09-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b7cac3cf-1bd4-41ad-a859-aab6adad7a09-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever github updates the deployment status of a repo.

You can view the history of messages with the github.deployment_status topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'deployment': { 'created_at': '2015-07-02T15:51:23Z',
                           'creator': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                        'html_url': '',
                                        'id': 311929,
                                        'login': 'kracekumar',
                                        'site_admin': False,
                                        'type': 'User',
                                        'url': ''},
                           'description': None,
                           'environment': 'junctiondemo',
                           'id': 1128986,
                           'payload': { },
                           'ref': '291c9005b3ec899c8bc0cac3bf8dbf1d1948713b',
                           'sha': '291c9005b3ec899c8bc0cac3bf8dbf1d1948713b',
                           'task': 'deploy',
                           'updated_at': '2015-07-02T15:51:23Z',
                           'url': ''},
           'deployment_status': { 'created_at': '2015-07-02T15:52:02Z',
                                  'creator': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                               'html_url': '',
                                               'id': 311929,
                                               'login': 'kracekumar',
                                               'site_admin': False,
                                               'type': 'User',
                                               'url': ''},
                                  'description': None,
                                  'id': 1923714,
                                  'state': 'success',
                                  'target_url': '',
                                  'updated_at': '2015-07-02T15:52:02Z',
                                  'url': ''},
           'fas_usernames': { 'pythonindia': 'github_org_pythonindia'},
           'organization': { 'description': None,
                             'id': 1763047,
                             'login': 'pythonindia',
                             'url': ''},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-12-13T16:40:17Z',
                           'default_branch': 'master',
                           'description': 'Junction is a software to manage proposals, reviews, schedule, feedback during conference.',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 38,
                           'forks_count': 38,
                           'full_name': 'pythonindia/junction',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_pages': True,
                           'has_wiki': True,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 27966694,
                           'language': 'CSS',
                           'name': 'junction',
                           'open_issues': 43,
                           'open_issues_count': 43,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 1763047,
                                      'login': 'pythonindia',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2015-07-02T15:48:47Z',
                           'size': 5497,
                           'stargazers_count': 26,
                           'updated_at': '2015-06-30T14:13:26Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 26,
                           'watchers_count': 26},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 311929,
                       'login': 'kracekumar',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'timestamp': 1435852322.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.deployment_status
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() kracekumar’s deployment status for pythonindia/junction updated to “success”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pythonindia/junction/deployment_status’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 4e7d5170-c2ec-4a60-b326-72c766fed64b-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4e7d5170-c2ec-4a60-b326-72c766fed64b-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone forks a repo.

You can view the history of messages with the github.fork topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'fas_usernames': { },
           'forkee': { 'created_at': '2014-03-18T19:17:28Z',
                       'default_branch': 'develop',
                       'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                       'fork': True,
                       'forks': 0,
                       'forks_count': 0,
                       'full_name': 'kushal124/github2fedmsg',
                       'has_downloads': True,
                       'has_issues': False,
                       'has_wiki': False,
                       'homepage': None,
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 17878694,
                       'language': 'Python',
                       'master_branch': 'develop',
                       'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                       'open_issues': 0,
                       'open_issues_count': 0,
                       'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'c53aaf0b0f0633d6d82571b92985b6f3',
                                  'html_url': '',
                                  'id': 871398,
                                  'login': 'kushal124',
                                  'site_admin': False,
                                  'type': 'User',
                                  'url': ''},
                       'private': False,
                       'public': True,
                       'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T19:17:12Z',
                       'size': 804,
                       'stargazers_count': 0,
                       'updated_at': '2014-03-18T19:17:12Z',
                       'url': '',
                       'watchers': 0,
                       'watchers_count': 0},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-03-17T14:09:56Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 1,
                           'forks_count': 1,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/github2fedmsg',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': None,
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 17830164,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'master_branch': 'develop',
                           'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                           'open_issues': 1,
                           'open_issues_count': 1,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T19:17:12Z',
                           'size': 804,
                           'stargazers_count': 2,
                           'updated_at': '2014-03-18T19:17:12Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 2,
                           'watchers_count': 2},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': 'c53aaf0b0f0633d6d82571b92985b6f3',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 871398,
                       'login': 'kushal124',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-8134c58d-fe22-4296-ada9-047e4156a29a',
  'timestamp': 1395170248,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.fork
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() kushal124 forked fedora-infra/github2fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/github2fedmsg/forks/kushal124’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0b16600d-84e1-4191-a0b7-09d2137808e8-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0b16600d-84e1-4191-a0b7-09d2137808e8-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone comments on an issue on an enabled github repository.

You can view the history of messages with the github.issue.comment topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'action': 'created',
           'comment': { 'body': 'This issue is super great!',
                        'created_at': '2014-03-18T18:36:56Z',
                        'html_url': '',
                        'id': 37971221,
                        'updated_at': '2014-03-18T18:36:56Z',
                        'url': '',
                        'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                                  'html_url': '',
                                  'id': 331338,
                                  'login': 'ralphbean',
                                  'site_admin': False,
                                  'type': 'User',
                                  'url': ''}},
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'body': 'Testing stuff.',
                      'closed_at': None,
                      'comments': 6,
                      'created_at': '2014-03-17T20:48:13Z',
                      'html_url': '',
                      'id': 29597314,
                      'labels': [],
                      'milestone': None,
                      'number': 3,
                      'pull_request': { 'html_url': None},
                      'state': 'open',
                      'title': 'Testing',
                      'updated_at': '2014-03-18T18:36:56Z',
                      'url': '',
                      'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                                'html_url': '',
                                'id': 331338,
                                'login': 'ralphbean',
                                'site_admin': False,
                                'type': 'User',
                                'url': ''}},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-03-17T14:09:56Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 0,
                           'forks_count': 0,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/github2fedmsg',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': None,
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 17830164,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'master_branch': 'develop',
                           'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                           'open_issues': 1,
                           'open_issues_count': 1,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T18:36:30Z',
                           'size': 804,
                           'stargazers_count': 2,
                           'updated_at': '2014-03-18T18:36:30Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 2,
                           'watchers_count': 2},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-573a1443-bb14-4891-bf6a-120827d8f24c',
  'timestamp': 1395167817,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.issue.comment
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph commented on issue #3 on fedora-infra/github2fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/github2fedmsg/issues/3’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 201953a9-16d7-4112-98dc-b7a3b0167487-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 201953a9-16d7-4112-98dc-b7a3b0167487-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone adds a label to an issue on an enabled github repository.

You can view the history of messages with the github.issue.labeled topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'action': 'labeled',
           'fas_usernames': { 'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra',
                              'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'body': '... both  Candidate Builds and Related Bugs frames are affected.\r\n\r\nPossible solution: remove anything added through association with the currently used input, only then reflect the data from the new query.  Provided that each query is processed anew, these queries are time sensitive, so that the new and old data for the same input can differ.',
                      'closed_at': None,
                      'comments': 2,
                      'created_at': '2015-10-19T20:39:37Z',
                      'html_url': '',
                      'id': 112228308,
                      'labels': [ { 'color': '006b75',
                                    'name': 'JS',
                                    'url': ''}],
                      'locked': False,
                      'milestone': None,
                      'number': 664,
                      'state': 'open',
                      'title': 'Create New Update: repeated search for the same package leads to duplication clutter',
                      'updated_at': '2015-10-20T00:11:50Z',
                      'url': '',
                      'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                'html_url': '',
                                'id': 1391681,
                                'login': 'jnpkrn',
                                'site_admin': False,
                                'type': 'User',
                                'url': ''}},
           'label': { 'color': '006b75',
                      'name': 'JS',
                      'url': ''},
           'organization': { 'description': '',
                             'id': 3316637,
                             'login': 'fedora-infra',
                             'url': ''},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 40,
                           'forks_count': 40,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_pages': False,
                           'has_wiki': True,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 123299,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'name': 'bodhi',
                           'open_issues': 104,
                           'open_issues_count': 104,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2015-10-19T16:21:53Z',
                           'size': 37504,
                           'stargazers_count': 18,
                           'updated_at': '2015-10-18T19:35:29Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 18,
                           'watchers_count': 18},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-57ff1231-66ac-4273-8959-61b064aeb333',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1445299902.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.issue.labeled
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph added label JS to issue #664 on fedora-infra/bodhi
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/bodhi/issues/664’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 65700516-f1e9-4a36-a1e9-ecd82844eeff-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 65700516-f1e9-4a36-a1e9-ecd82844eeff-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone opens an issue on an enabled github repository.

You can view the history of messages with the github.issue.opened topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'action': 'opened',
           'fas_usernames': { 'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra',
                              'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'body': 'We had some metalink doom over the last couple [...]',
                      'closed_at': None,
                      'comments': 0,
                      'created_at': '2015-06-20T12:29:04Z',
                      'html_url': '',
                      'id': 89763382,
                      'labels': [],
                      'locked': False,
                      'milestone': None,
                      'number': 94,
                      'state': 'open',
                      'title': 'Add a script to check all the metalink urls',
                      'updated_at': '2015-06-20T12:29:04Z',
                      'url': '',
                      'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                'html_url': '',
                                'id': 331338,
                                'login': 'ralphbean',
                                'site_admin': False,
                                'type': 'User',
                                'url': ''}},
           'organization': { 'description': None,
                             'id': 3316637,
                             'login': 'fedora-infra',
                             'url': ''},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-05-04T11:26:26Z',
                           'default_branch': 'master',
                           'description': 'Rewrite of the MirrorManager application in Flask and SQLAlchemy',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 7,
                           'forks_count': 7,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/mirrormanager2',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_pages': False,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 19425076,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'name': 'mirrormanager2',
                           'open_issues': 11,
                           'open_issues_count': 11,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2015-06-20T02:04:19Z',
                           'size': 33108,
                           'stargazers_count': 3,
                           'updated_at': '2015-05-14T14:01:01Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 3,
                           'watchers_count': 3},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-2adf3e7c-a5ac-41dd-a588-8b0ee5b152a2',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1434803346.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.issue.opened
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph opened issue #94 on fedora-infra/mirrormanager2: Add a script to check all the metalink urls
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/mirrormanager2/issues/94’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 7fcaa086-8edb-40a7-80a9-760c59cbd9ca-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 7fcaa086-8edb-40a7-80a9-760c59cbd9ca-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone changes an issue on an enabled github repository. This includes closing and re-opening issues (opening issues is handled in another test, above because we special-case it internally to show titles).

Here’s an example of re-opening:

You can view the history of messages with the github.issue.reopened topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'action': 'reopened',
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'body': 'Testing stuff.',
                      'closed_at': None,
                      'comments': 4,
                      'created_at': '2014-03-17T20:48:13Z',
                      'html_url': '',
                      'id': 29597314,
                      'labels': [],
                      'milestone': None,
                      'number': 3,
                      'pull_request': { 'html_url': None},
                      'state': 'open',
                      'title': 'Testing',
                      'updated_at': '2014-03-18T18:08:32Z',
                      'url': '',
                      'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                                'html_url': '',
                                'id': 331338,
                                'login': 'ralphbean',
                                'site_admin': False,
                                'type': 'User',
                                'url': ''}},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-03-17T14:09:56Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 0,
                           'forks_count': 0,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/github2fedmsg',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': None,
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 17830164,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'master_branch': 'develop',
                           'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                           'open_issues': 1,
                           'open_issues_count': 1,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T17:45:16Z',
                           'size': 804,
                           'stargazers_count': 2,
                           'updated_at': '2014-03-18T17:45:15Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 2,
                           'watchers_count': 2},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-cbf1c4bc-6e87-47d2-8421-3f415b247781',
  'timestamp': 1395166113,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.issue.reopened
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph reopened issue #3 on fedora-infra/github2fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/github2fedmsg/issues/3’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f612478b-4cf2-41ba-9a25-725844a75e50-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f612478b-4cf2-41ba-9a25-725844a75e50-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone Adds a team to Github Repository.

You can view the history of messages with the github.member topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'action': 'added',
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'member': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 427420,
                       'login': 'decause',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2013-09-26T20:00:13Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'Everyone has to build their own...',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 3,
                           'forks_count': 3,
                           'full_name': 'ralphbean/lightsaber',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_pages': False,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 13132894,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'name': 'lightsaber',
                           'open_issues': 1,
                           'open_issues_count': 1,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 331338,
                                      'login': 'ralphbean',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'User',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2015-03-13T13:23:31Z',
                           'size': 1397,
                           'stargazers_count': 15,
                           'updated_at': '2015-03-13T13:23:31Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 15,
                           'watchers_count': 15},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-b21fdc03-9f22-4d6f-a086-74d4dae25b6c',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1426257201.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.member
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph added decause as a member of ralphbean/lightsaber
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ralphbean/lightsaber/member’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 96549448-8954-4d6b-a89d-3d0abeecf5a6-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 96549448-8954-4d6b-a89d-3d0abeecf5a6-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone builds a Github Page.

You can view the history of messages with the github.page_build topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'build': { 'commit': '670613e19f0b41beb837554b9be84959ccd7085e',
                      'created_at': '2015-01-15T18:13:38Z',
                      'duration': 3718,
                      'error': { 'message': None},
                      'pusher': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                  'html_url': '',
                                  'id': 43930,
                                  'login': 'relrod',
                                  'site_admin': False,
                                  'type': 'User',
                                  'url': ''},
                      'status': 'built',
                      'updated_at': '2015-01-15T18:13:41Z',
                      'url': ''},
           'fas_usernames': { 'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra',
                              'relrod': 'codeblock'},
           'id': 12773963,
           'organization': { 'description': None,
                             'id': 3316637,
                             'login': 'fedora-infra',
                             'url': ''},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2015-01-15T17:12:50Z',
                           'default_branch': 'master',
                           'description': 'Haskell API bindings for the upcoming Fedora Accounts System v3',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 0,
                           'forks_count': 0,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/fas3-api-haskell',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_pages': True,
                           'has_wiki': True,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 29308328,
                           'language': 'Shell',
                           'name': 'fas3-api-haskell',
                           'open_issues': 0,
                           'open_issues_count': 0,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2015-01-15T17:13:15Z',
                           'size': 0,
                           'stargazers_count': 0,
                           'updated_at': '2015-01-15T18:13:37Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 0,
                           'watchers_count': 0},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 43930,
                       'login': 'relrod',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-d6548647-adac-46e4-bdd3-ad8c1d7b1d8c',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1421345410.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.page_build
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() codeblock rebuilt the page for fedora-infra/fas3-api-haskell
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘codeblock’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/fas3-api-haskell/page_build’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d674ea70-522b-47be-8ff3-11ff2b37a69d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d674ea70-522b-47be-8ff3-11ff2b37a69d-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone closes an existing pull request. There are similar messages for opening one.

You can view the history of messages with the github.pull_request.closed topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'action': 'closed',
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'number': 6,
           'pull_request': { 'additions': 2,
                             'assignee': None,
                             'base': { 'label': 'fedora-infra:develop',
                                       'ref': 'develop',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2014-03-17T14:09:56Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                                                 'fork': False,
                                                 'forks': 0,
                                                 'forks_count': 0,
                                                 'full_name': 'fedora-infra/github2fedmsg',
                                                 'has_downloads': True,
                                                 'has_issues': True,
                                                 'has_wiki': False,
                                                 'homepage': None,
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 17830164,
                                                 'language': 'Python',
                                                 'master_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                                                 'open_issues': 1,
                                                 'open_issues_count': 1,
                                                 'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                                            'html_url': '',
                                                            'id': 3316637,
                                                            'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                            'site_admin': False,
                                                            'type': 'Organization',
                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T19:07:22Z',
                                                 'size': 804,
                                                 'stargazers_count': 2,
                                                 'updated_at': '2014-03-18T19:07:35Z',
                                                 'url': '',
                                                 'watchers': 2,
                                                 'watchers_count': 2},
                                       'sha': 'e6ee4b6d136e3897c00b6904becc29bacfa139e8',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 3316637,
                                                 'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'Organization',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'body': 'This is just a test.',
                             'changed_files': 1,
                             'closed_at': '2014-03-18T19:07:35Z',
                             'comments': 0,
                             'commits': 1,
                             'created_at': '2014-03-18T19:05:44Z',
                             'deletions': 2,
                             'head': { 'label': 'fedora-infra:feature/no-more-retask',
                                       'ref': 'feature/no-more-retask',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2014-03-17T14:09:56Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                                                 'fork': False,
                                                 'forks': 0,
                                                 'forks_count': 0,
                                                 'full_name': 'fedora-infra/github2fedmsg',
                                                 'has_downloads': True,
                                                 'has_issues': True,
                                                 'has_wiki': False,
                                                 'homepage': None,
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 17830164,
                                                 'language': 'Python',
                                                 'master_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                                                 'open_issues': 1,
                                                 'open_issues_count': 1,
                                                 'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                                            'html_url': '',
                                                            'id': 3316637,
                                                            'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                            'site_admin': False,
                                                            'type': 'Organization',
                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T19:07:22Z',
                                                 'size': 804,
                                                 'stargazers_count': 2,
                                                 'updated_at': '2014-03-18T19:07:35Z',
                                                 'url': '',
                                                 'watchers': 2,
                                                 'watchers_count': 2},
                                       'sha': '54c80f816ed992a3a43c823e11cfce0a69f64d6d',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 3316637,
                                                 'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'Organization',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'html_url': '',
                             'id': 13701851,
                             'merge_commit_sha': '8b5898c780f41baf41de624fd47988b29ac42ecb',
                             'mergeable': None,
                             'mergeable_state': 'unknown',
                             'merged': False,
                             'merged_at': None,
                             'merged_by': None,
                             'milestone': None,
                             'number': 6,
                             'review_comments': 0,
                             'state': 'closed',
                             'title': 'No more retask.',
                             'updated_at': '2014-03-18T19:07:35Z',
                             'url': '',
                             'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                                       'html_url': '',
                                       'id': 331338,
                                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                                       'site_admin': False,
                                       'type': 'User',
                                       'url': ''}},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-03-17T14:09:56Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 0,
                           'forks_count': 0,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/github2fedmsg',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': None,
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 17830164,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'master_branch': 'develop',
                           'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                           'open_issues': 1,
                           'open_issues_count': 1,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-03-18T19:07:22Z',
                           'size': 804,
                           'stargazers_count': 2,
                           'updated_at': '2014-03-18T19:07:35Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 2,
                           'watchers_count': 2},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 331338,
                       'login': 'ralphbean',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-0ebb72ca-bc13-493e-9b1b-687d94ff11e3',
  'timestamp': 1395169657,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.pull_request.closed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph closed pull request #6 on fedora-infra/github2fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/github2fedmsg/pull/6’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 337f3d00-1fb9-40f1-ab81-d273c109b1d4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 337f3d00-1fb9-40f1-ab81-d273c109b1d4-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone approves a pull request.

You can view the history of messages with the github.pull_request_review topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'action': 'submitted',
           'fas_usernames': { 'bowlofeggs': 'bowlofeggs',
                              'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra'},
           'organization': { 'description': 'Fedora Infrastructure Team',
                             'id': 3316637,
                             'login': 'fedora-infra',
                             'url': ''},
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'assignees': [],
                             'base': { 'label': 'fedora-infra:develop',
                                       'ref': 'develop',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                                                 'fork': False,
                                                 'forks': 84,
                                                 'forks_count': 84,
                                                 'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
                                                 'has_downloads': True,
                                                 'has_issues': True,
                                                 'has_pages': False,
                                                 'has_projects': True,
                                                 'has_wiki': True,
                                                 'homepage': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 123299,
                                                 'language': 'Python',
                                                 'name': 'bodhi',
                                                 'open_issues': 281,
                                                 'open_issues_count': 281,
                                                 'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                            'html_url': '',
                                                            'id': 3316637,
                                                            'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                            'site_admin': False,
                                                            'type': 'Organization',
                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:44Z',
                                                 'size': 38852,
                                                 'stargazers_count': 37,
                                                 'updated_at': '2017-04-06T13:49:47Z',
                                                 'url': '',
                                                 'watchers': 37,
                                                 'watchers_count': 37},
                                       'sha': '305f9aa8663ede691ccdd10cef005124276cbd21',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 3316637,
                                                 'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'Organization',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'body': 'This commit reworks the Build model to be polymorphic to allow it to support more types than just RPMs.',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'created_at': '2017-04-07T18:45:28Z',
                             'head': { 'label': 'bowlofeggs:1393',
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                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2016-06-10T20:19:18Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
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                                                            'id': 354506,
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                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:43Z',
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                                                 'updated_at': '2016-06-10T20:19:19Z',
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                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 354506,
                                                 'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'User',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'html_url': '',
                             'id': 114876965,
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                             'merge_commit_sha': '35fcffad184cf4c54d9251f614233bba16eb62f5',
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                             'milestone': { 'closed_at': None,
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                                            'created_at': '2017-03-03T17:16:18Z',
                                            'creator': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                         'html_url': '',
                                                         'id': 354506,
                                                         'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                                         'site_admin': False,
                                                         'type': 'User',
                                                         'url': ''},
                                            'description': 'This milestone tracks the work needed for Bodhi to support multiple content types.',
                                            'due_on': '2017-08-29T07:00:00Z',
                                            'html_url': '',
                                            'id': 2361630,
                                            'number': 4,
                                            'open_issues': 12,
                                            'state': 'open',
                                            'title': 'Multi-type support (Bodhi 3.0.0?)',
                                            'updated_at': '2017-04-07T18:45:28Z',
                                            'url': ''},
                             'number': 1420,
                             'state': 'open',
                             'title': 'Split the Build model to be polymorphic.',
                             'updated_at': '2017-04-13T16:45:07Z',
                             'url': '',
                             'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                       'html_url': '',
                                       'id': 354506,
                                       'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                       'site_admin': False,
                                       'type': 'User',
                                       'url': ''}},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 84,
                           'forks_count': 84,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
                           'has_downloads': True,
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                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 123299,
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                           'name': 'bodhi',
                           'open_issues': 281,
                           'open_issues_count': 281,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': 'https: //',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': 'https: //'},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:44Z',
                           'size': 38852,
                           'stargazers_count': 37,
                           'updated_at': '2017-04-06T13:49:47Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 37,
                           'watchers_count': 37},
           'review': { 'body': None,
                       'commit_id': '941c2d48d91d796f8660b0f2566539897d8d823f',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 32681568,
                       'state': 'approved',
                       'submitted_at': '2017-04-13T16:45:07Z',
                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                 'html_url': '',
                                 'id': 354506,
                                 'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                 'site_admin': False,
                                 'type': 'User',
                                 'url': ''}},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': 'https: //',
                       'id': 354506,
                       'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': 'https: //'}},
  'msg_id': '2017-51169b3a-1ce8-4714-9a48-4238b2d82705',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1492101909.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.pull_request_review
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bowlofeggs approved the changes on PR #1420 on fedora-infra/bodhi
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘bowlofeggs’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/bodhi/pull/1420’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f7ee6b92-38eb-4897-85df-3040cfa902f3-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f7ee6b92-38eb-4897-85df-3040cfa902f3-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone comments on pull request review.

You can view the history of messages with the github.pull_request_review topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'action': 'submitted',
           'fas_usernames': { 'bowlofeggs': 'bowlofeggs',
                              'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra'},
           'organization': { 'description': 'Fedora Infrastructure Team',
                             'id': 3316637,
                             'login': 'fedora-infra',
                             'url': ''},
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'assignees': [],
                             'base': { 'label': 'fedora-infra:develop',
                                       'ref': 'develop',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                                                 'fork': False,
                                                 'forks': 84,
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                                                 'has_issues': True,
                                                 'has_pages': False,
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                                                 'homepage': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 123299,
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                                                 'name': 'bodhi',
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                                                 'open_issues_count': 281,
                                                 'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                            'html_url': '',
                                                            'id': 3316637,
                                                            'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                            'site_admin': False,
                                                            'type': 'Organization',
                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:44Z',
                                                 'size': 38852,
                                                 'stargazers_count': 37,
                                                 'updated_at': '2017-04-06T13:49:47Z',
                                                 'url': '',
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                                       'sha': '305f9aa8663ede691ccdd10cef005124276cbd21',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 3316637,
                                                 'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'Organization',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'body': 'This commit reworks the Build model to be polymorphic to allow it to support more types than just RPMs.',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'created_at': '2017-04-07T18:45:28Z',
                             'head': { 'label': 'bowlofeggs:1393',
                                       'ref': '1393',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2016-06-10T20:19:18Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
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                                                            'html_url': '',
                                                            'id': 354506,
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                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:43Z',
                                                 'size': 38702,
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                                                 'updated_at': '2016-06-10T20:19:19Z',
                                                 'url': '',
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                                                 'watchers_count': 0},
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                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 354506,
                                                 'login': 'bowlofeggs',
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                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'html_url': '',
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                                                         'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                                         'site_admin': False,
                                                         'type': 'User',
                                                         'url': ''},
                                            'description': 'This milestone tracks the work needed for Bodhi to support multiple content types.',
                                            'due_on': '2017-08-29T07:00:00Z',
                                            'html_url': '',
                                            'id': 2361630,
                                            'number': 4,
                                            'open_issues': 12,
                                            'state': 'open',
                                            'title': 'Multi-type support (Bodhi 3.0.0?)',
                                            'updated_at': '2017-04-07T18:45:28Z',
                                            'url': ''},
                             'number': 1420,
                             'state': 'open',
                             'title': 'Split the Build model to be polymorphic.',
                             'updated_at': '2017-04-13T16:45:07Z',
                             'url': '',
                             'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                       'html_url': '',
                                       'id': 354506,
                                       'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                       'site_admin': False,
                                       'type': 'User',
                                       'url': ''}},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 84,
                           'forks_count': 84,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
                           'has_downloads': True,
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                           'has_pages': False,
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                           'homepage': '',
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                           'id': 123299,
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                           'name': 'bodhi',
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                           'open_issues_count': 281,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': 'https: //',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
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                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': 'https: //'},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:44Z',
                           'size': 38852,
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                           'updated_at': '2017-04-06T13:49:47Z',
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                           'watchers_count': 37},
           'review': { 'body': None,
                       'commit_id': '941c2d48d91d796f8660b0f2566539897d8d823f',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 32681568,
                       'state': 'commented',
                       'submitted_at': '2017-04-13T16:45:07Z',
                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                 'html_url': '',
                                 'id': 354506,
                                 'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                 'site_admin': False,
                                 'type': 'User',
                                 'url': ''}},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': 'https: //',
                       'id': 354506,
                       'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': 'https: //'}},
  'msg_id': '2017-51169b3a-1ce8-4714-9a48-4238b2d82705',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1492101909.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.pull_request_review
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bowlofeggs commented on PR #1420 on fedora-infra/bodhi
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘bowlofeggs’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/bodhi/pull/1420’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c76ed584-0141-4595-94e2-7a5c2eb5831b-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c76ed584-0141-4595-94e2-7a5c2eb5831b-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone comments on pull request review but it’s in pending state and only visible to commenter.

You can view the history of messages with the github.pull_request_review topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'action': 'submitted',
           'fas_usernames': { 'bowlofeggs': 'bowlofeggs',
                              'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra'},
           'organization': { 'description': 'Fedora Infrastructure Team',
                             'id': 3316637,
                             'login': 'fedora-infra',
                             'url': ''},
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'assignees': [],
                             'base': { 'label': 'fedora-infra:develop',
                                       'ref': 'develop',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                                                 'fork': False,
                                                 'forks': 84,
                                                 'forks_count': 84,
                                                 'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
                                                 'has_downloads': True,
                                                 'has_issues': True,
                                                 'has_pages': False,
                                                 'has_projects': True,
                                                 'has_wiki': True,
                                                 'homepage': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 123299,
                                                 'language': 'Python',
                                                 'name': 'bodhi',
                                                 'open_issues': 281,
                                                 'open_issues_count': 281,
                                                 'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                            'html_url': '',
                                                            'id': 3316637,
                                                            'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                            'site_admin': False,
                                                            'type': 'Organization',
                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:44Z',
                                                 'size': 38852,
                                                 'stargazers_count': 37,
                                                 'updated_at': '2017-04-06T13:49:47Z',
                                                 'url': '',
                                                 'watchers': 37,
                                                 'watchers_count': 37},
                                       'sha': '305f9aa8663ede691ccdd10cef005124276cbd21',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 3316637,
                                                 'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'Organization',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'body': 'This commit reworks the Build model to be polymorphic to allow it to support more types than just RPMs.',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'created_at': '2017-04-07T18:45:28Z',
                             'head': { 'label': 'bowlofeggs:1393',
                                       'ref': '1393',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2016-06-10T20:19:18Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
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                                                 'forks': 0,
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                                                 'open_issues_count': 0,
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                                                            'site_admin': False,
                                                            'type': 'User',
                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:43Z',
                                                 'size': 38702,
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                                                 'updated_at': '2016-06-10T20:19:19Z',
                                                 'url': '',
                                                 'watchers': 0,
                                                 'watchers_count': 0},
                                       'sha': '4acc56334698108de017c7a39bf35b5eae8774c5',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 354506,
                                                 'login': 'bowlofeggs',
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                                                 'type': 'User',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'html_url': '',
                             'id': 114876965,
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                             'merge_commit_sha': '35fcffad184cf4c54d9251f614233bba16eb62f5',
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                                            'created_at': '2017-03-03T17:16:18Z',
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                                                         'html_url': '',
                                                         'id': 354506,
                                                         'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                                         'site_admin': False,
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                                                         'url': ''},
                                            'description': 'This milestone tracks the work needed for Bodhi to support multiple content types.',
                                            'due_on': '2017-08-29T07:00:00Z',
                                            'html_url': '',
                                            'id': 2361630,
                                            'number': 4,
                                            'open_issues': 12,
                                            'state': 'open',
                                            'title': 'Multi-type support (Bodhi 3.0.0?)',
                                            'updated_at': '2017-04-07T18:45:28Z',
                                            'url': ''},
                             'number': 1420,
                             'state': 'open',
                             'title': 'Split the Build model to be polymorphic.',
                             'updated_at': '2017-04-13T16:45:07Z',
                             'url': '',
                             'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                       'html_url': '',
                                       'id': 354506,
                                       'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                       'site_admin': False,
                                       'type': 'User',
                                       'url': ''}},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 84,
                           'forks_count': 84,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_pages': False,
                           'has_projects': True,
                           'has_wiki': True,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 123299,
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                           'name': 'bodhi',
                           'open_issues': 281,
                           'open_issues_count': 281,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': 'https: //',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': 'https: //'},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:44Z',
                           'size': 38852,
                           'stargazers_count': 37,
                           'updated_at': '2017-04-06T13:49:47Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 37,
                           'watchers_count': 37},
           'review': { 'body': None,
                       'commit_id': '941c2d48d91d796f8660b0f2566539897d8d823f',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 32681568,
                       'state': 'pending',
                       'submitted_at': '2017-04-13T16:45:07Z',
                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                 'html_url': '',
                                 'id': 354506,
                                 'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                 'site_admin': False,
                                 'type': 'User',
                                 'url': ''}},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': 'https: //',
                       'id': 354506,
                       'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': 'https: //'}},
  'msg_id': '2017-51169b3a-1ce8-4714-9a48-4238b2d82705',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1492101909.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.pull_request_review
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bowlofeggs commented on PR #1420 on fedora-infra/bodhi which is in pending state
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘bowlofeggs’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/bodhi/pull/1420’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c9942aa1-4ac0-40f5-8e3d-46edb9751674-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c9942aa1-4ac0-40f5-8e3d-46edb9751674-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone requests changes on pull request review.

You can view the history of messages with the github.pull_request_review topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'action': 'submitted',
           'fas_usernames': { 'bowlofeggs': 'bowlofeggs',
                              'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra'},
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                             'id': 3316637,
                             'login': 'fedora-infra',
                             'url': ''},
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'assignees': [],
                             'base': { 'label': 'fedora-infra:develop',
                                       'ref': 'develop',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                                                 'fork': False,
                                                 'forks': 84,
                                                 'forks_count': 84,
                                                 'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
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                                                 'has_projects': True,
                                                 'has_wiki': True,
                                                 'homepage': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 123299,
                                                 'language': 'Python',
                                                 'name': 'bodhi',
                                                 'open_issues': 281,
                                                 'open_issues_count': 281,
                                                 'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                            'html_url': '',
                                                            'id': 3316637,
                                                            'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                            'site_admin': False,
                                                            'type': 'Organization',
                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:44Z',
                                                 'size': 38852,
                                                 'stargazers_count': 37,
                                                 'updated_at': '2017-04-06T13:49:47Z',
                                                 'url': '',
                                                 'watchers': 37,
                                                 'watchers_count': 37},
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                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 3316637,
                                                 'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'Organization',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'body': 'This commit reworks the Build model to be polymorphic to allow it to support more types than just RPMs.',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'created_at': '2017-04-07T18:45:28Z',
                             'head': { 'label': 'bowlofeggs:1393',
                                       'ref': '1393',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2016-06-10T20:19:18Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'develop',
                                                 'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                                                 'fork': True,
                                                 'forks': 0,
                                                 'forks_count': 0,
                                                 'full_name': 'bowlofeggs/bodhi',
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                                                            'id': 354506,
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                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:43Z',
                                                 'size': 38702,
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                                                 'updated_at': '2016-06-10T20:19:19Z',
                                                 'url': '',
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                                       'sha': '4acc56334698108de017c7a39bf35b5eae8774c5',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 354506,
                                                 'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'User',
                                                 'url': ''}},
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                             'id': 114876965,
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                             'milestone': { 'closed_at': None,
                                            'closed_issues': 4,
                                            'created_at': '2017-03-03T17:16:18Z',
                                            'creator': { 'gravatar_id': '',
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                                                         'id': 354506,
                                                         'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                                         'site_admin': False,
                                                         'type': 'User',
                                                         'url': ''},
                                            'description': 'This milestone tracks the work needed for Bodhi to support multiple content types.',
                                            'due_on': '2017-08-29T07:00:00Z',
                                            'html_url': '',
                                            'id': 2361630,
                                            'number': 4,
                                            'open_issues': 12,
                                            'state': 'open',
                                            'title': 'Multi-type support (Bodhi 3.0.0?)',
                                            'updated_at': '2017-04-07T18:45:28Z',
                                            'url': ''},
                             'number': 1420,
                             'state': 'open',
                             'title': 'Split the Build model to be polymorphic.',
                             'updated_at': '2017-04-13T16:45:07Z',
                             'url': '',
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                                       'html_url': '',
                                       'id': 354506,
                                       'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                       'site_admin': False,
                                       'type': 'User',
                                       'url': ''}},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2009-02-06T19:38:10Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 84,
                           'forks_count': 84,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/bodhi',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_pages': False,
                           'has_projects': True,
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                           'homepage': '',
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                           'id': 123299,
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                           'name': 'bodhi',
                           'open_issues': 281,
                           'open_issues_count': 281,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': 'https: //',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
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                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': 'https: //'},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2017-04-13T16:42:44Z',
                           'size': 38852,
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                           'updated_at': '2017-04-06T13:49:47Z',
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           'review': { 'body': None,
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                       'id': 32681568,
                       'state': 'changes_requested',
                       'submitted_at': '2017-04-13T16:45:07Z',
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                                 'html_url': '',
                                 'id': 354506,
                                 'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                                 'site_admin': False,
                                 'type': 'User',
                                 'url': ''}},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': 'https: //',
                       'id': 354506,
                       'login': 'bowlofeggs',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': 'https: //'}},
  'msg_id': '2017-51169b3a-1ce8-4714-9a48-4238b2d82705',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1492101909.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.pull_request_review
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() bowlofeggs requested changes on PR #1420 on fedora-infra/bodhi
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘bowlofeggs’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/bodhi/pull/1420’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 630632ab-d557-48a1-8c18-abae9b943146-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 630632ab-d557-48a1-8c18-abae9b943146-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone comments on a pull request.

You can view the history of messages with the github.pull_request_review_comment topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'action': 'created',
           'comment': { 'body': 'I was thinking the ``flask.request.args.get(...',
                        'commit_id': '31b3d03951c9cc40e4c497e09ff9b7c6f708239d',
                        'created_at': '2014-06-19T08:30:17Z',
                        'diff_hunk': '@@ -401,6 +401,19 @@ def calendar_list(...',
                        'html_url': '',
                        'id': 13957675,
                        'original_commit_id': '31b3d03951c9cc40e4c497e09ff9b7c6f708239d',
                        'original_position': 16,
                        'path': 'fedocal/',
                        'position': 16,
                        'updated_at': '2014-06-19T08:30:17Z',
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                                  'html_url': '',
                                  'id': 1240038,
                                  'login': 'pypingou',
                                  'site_admin': False,
                                  'type': 'User',
                                  'url': ''}},
           'fas_usernames': { 'pypingou': 'pingou'},
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'base': { 'label': 'fedora-infra:master',
                                       'ref': 'master',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2013-03-22T19:35:10Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'master',
                                                 'description': 'A web based calendar application for Fedora',
                                                 'fork': False,
                                                 'forks': 9,
                                                 'forks_count': 9,
                                                 'full_name': 'fedora-infra/fedocal',
                                                 'has_downloads': True,
                                                 'has_issues': False,
                                                 'has_wiki': False,
                                                 'homepage': '',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 8959394,
                                                 'language': 'Python',
                                                 'name': 'fedocal',
                                                 'open_issues': 1,
                                                 'open_issues_count': 1,
                                                 'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                                            'html_url': '',
                                                            'id': 3316637,
                                                            'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                            'site_admin': False,
                                                            'type': 'Organization',
                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2014-06-19T08:24:38Z',
                                                 'size': 5719,
                                                 'stargazers_count': 4,
                                                 'updated_at': '2014-06-19T08:24:34Z',
                                                 'url': '',
                                                 'watchers': 4,
                                                 'watchers_count': 4},
                                       'sha': 'c7bdf86b8bd52c78805ee708ca11e2b81f90b82e',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 3316637,
                                                 'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'Organization',
                                                 'url': ''}},
                             'body': 'This implement filtering the meetings in the list view server side rather than iterating through all the meetings retrieved',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'created_at': '2014-06-17T10:16:31Z',
                             'head': { 'label': 'fedora-infra:filter_db',
                                       'ref': 'filter_db',
                                       'repo': { 'created_at': '2013-03-22T19:35:10Z',
                                                 'default_branch': 'master',
                                                 'description': 'A web based calendar application for Fedora',
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                                                 'forks': 9,
                                                 'forks_count': 9,
                                                 'full_name': 'fedora-infra/fedocal',
                                                 'has_downloads': True,
                                                 'has_issues': False,
                                                 'has_wiki': False,
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                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 8959394,
                                                 'language': 'Python',
                                                 'name': 'fedocal',
                                                 'open_issues': 1,
                                                 'open_issues_count': 1,
                                                 'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
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                                                            'id': 3316637,
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                                                            'url': ''},
                                                 'private': False,
                                                 'pushed_at': '2014-06-19T08:24:38Z',
                                                 'size': 5719,
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                                                 'updated_at': '2014-06-19T08:24:34Z',
                                                 'url': '',
                                                 'watchers': 4,
                                                 'watchers_count': 4},
                                       'sha': '31b3d03951c9cc40e4c497e09ff9b7c6f708239d',
                                       'user': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                                 'html_url': '',
                                                 'id': 3316637,
                                                 'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                                 'site_admin': False,
                                                 'type': 'Organization',
                                                 'url': ''}},
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                             'id': 17226690,
                             'merge_commit_sha': '88cdeaf8e6986c4469f1619229c2b0580b0018dd',
                             'merged_at': None,
                             'milestone': None,
                             'number': 129,
                             'state': 'open',
                             'title': 'Filter db',
                             'updated_at': '2014-06-19T08:30:17Z',
                             'url': '',
                             'user': { 'gravatar_id': '072b4416fbfad867a44bc7a5be5eddb9',
                                       'html_url': '',
                                       'id': 1240038,
                                       'login': 'pypingou',
                                       'site_admin': False,
                                       'type': 'User',
                                       'url': ''}},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2013-03-22T19:35:10Z',
                           'default_branch': 'master',
                           'description': 'A web based calendar application for Fedora',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 9,
                           'forks_count': 9,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/fedocal',
                           'has_downloads': True,
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                           'has_wiki': False,
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                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 8959394,
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                           'name': 'fedocal',
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                           'open_issues_count': 1,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
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                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
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                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-06-19T08:24:38Z',
                           'size': 5719,
                           'stargazers_count': 4,
                           'updated_at': '2014-06-19T08:24:34Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 4,
                           'watchers_count': 4},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '072b4416fbfad867a44bc7a5be5eddb9',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 1240038,
                       'login': 'pypingou',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-cdf3f751-1af5-4773-91e4-6b2f71e0a905',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1403166618.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.pull_request_review_comment
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou commented on PR #129 on fedora-infra/fedocal
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/fedocal/pull/129’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() dae80c29-10c4-4682-9262-a23e211845ca-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() dae80c29-10c4-4682-9262-a23e211845ca-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone pushes to a so-enabled github repository.

You can view the history of messages with the github.push topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'after': '404a417299f85eadb72457e94c08ac8ba39d53e8',
           'before': '60a6d3eb508ca45a0740de90628abf5b59c0e698',
           'commits': [ { 'added': [],
                          'author': { 'email': '',
                                      'name': 'Ralph Bean',
                                      'username': 'ralphbean'},
                          'committer': { 'email': '',
                                         'name': 'Ralph Bean',
                                         'username': 'ralphbean'},
                          'distinct': True,
                          'id': '404a417299f85eadb72457e94c08ac8ba39d53e8',
                          'message': 'Updates to the README.',
                          'modified': ['README.rst'],
                          'removed': [],
                          'timestamp': '2014-03-18T13:45:12-04:00',
                          'url': ''}],
           'compare': '',
           'created': False,
           'deleted': False,
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'forced': False,
           'head_commit': { 'added': [],
                            'author': { 'email': '',
                                        'name': 'Ralph Bean',
                                        'username': 'ralphbean'},
                            'committer': { 'email': '',
                                           'name': 'Ralph Bean',
                                           'username': 'ralphbean'},
                            'distinct': True,
                            'id': '404a417299f85eadb72457e94c08ac8ba39d53e8',
                            'message': 'Updates to the README.',
                            'modified': ['README.rst'],
                            'removed': [],
                            'timestamp': '2014-03-18T13:45:12-04:00',
                            'url': ''},
           'pusher': { 'email': '', 'name': 'ralphbean'},
           'ref': 'refs/heads/develop',
           'repository': { 'created_at': 1395065396,
                           'description': 'A pubsubhubbub application that rebroadcasts github events on the fedmsg bus',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 0,
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'id': 17830164,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'master_branch': 'develop',
                           'name': 'github2fedmsg',
                           'open_issues': 0,
                           'organization': 'fedora-infra',
                           'owner': { 'email': None, 'name': 'fedora-infra'},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': 1395164716,
                           'size': 804,
                           'stargazers': 2,
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 2}},
  'msg_id': '2014-f00946a5-2e26-4638-aa9f-ab3dffd9b4c2',
  'timestamp': 1395164717,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.push
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph pushed 1 commit(s) to fedora-infra/github2fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/github2fedmsg/tree/README.rst’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0d28d892-4dae-44f4-8406-ac4018deb904-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0d28d892-4dae-44f4-8406-ac4018deb904-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone releases a new tarball.

You can view the history of messages with the github.release topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'action': 'published',
           'fas_usernames': { 'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra',
                              'lmacken': 'lmacken'},
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           'release': { 'assets': [ { 'browser_download_url': '',
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                                      'created_at': '2014-12-17T19:34:06Z',
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                                      'updated_at': '2014-12-17T19:34:07Z',
                                      'uploader': { 'avatar_url': '',
                                                    'events_url': '{/privacy}',
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                        'body': '* Make the topic grid scrollable (rhbz#1087076)\r\n* Fixed the distro-specific imports\r\n* Uses the abrt python API',
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           'repository': { 'created_at': '2013-02-01T18:54:35Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'Fedmsg Desktop Notifications',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 5,
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                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/fedmsg-notify',
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                                      'url': ''},
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                           'pushed_at': '2014-12-17T19:32:09Z',
                           'size': 408,
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                           'updated_at': '2014-12-17T19:31:57Z',
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           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 9980,
                       'login': 'lmacken',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-2db6e3e6-4eca-42cf-8057-d2c75946360d',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1418844844.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.release
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken cut a release of fedmsg-notify, version 0.5.5
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/fedmsg-notify/releases/0.5.5’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 8359f0a2-4ddc-4764-9cba-475b281dad36-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 8359f0a2-4ddc-4764-9cba-475b281dad36-secondary_icon

There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone stars a repository.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'action': 'started',
           'fas_usernames': { },
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2014-02-07T16:35:59Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'fedmsg consumer that extracts hashes of source files',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 7,
                           'forks_count': 7,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/summershum',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 16620564,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'name': 'summershum',
                           'open_issues': 2,
                           'open_issues_count': 2,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-06-13T12:11:18Z',
                           'size': 907,
                           'stargazers_count': 10,
                           'updated_at': '2014-06-21T15:08:53Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 10,
                           'watchers_count': 10},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '81877b32b5fac41db3207c94ecc26173',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 15162,
                       'login': 'alikins',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-5273bf43-d483-48d4-a8d6-11c988cae0cb',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1403363334.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() alikins starred fedora-infra/summershum
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/summershum/stargazers’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 5db583bb-e5de-4c11-a89c-03a90dd54c95-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5db583bb-e5de-4c11-a89c-03a90dd54c95-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever a continuous integration service updates the status of a new commit.

You can view the history of messages with the github.status topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'branches': [ { 'commit': { 'sha': 'e2ebf193a204cedefb48bb8c67a000b44a3b05b9',
                                       'url': ''},
                           'name': 'feature/fix-category-bug'}],
           'commit': { 'author': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                                   'html_url': '',
                                   'id': 331338,
                                   'login': 'ralphbean',
                                   'site_admin': False,
                                   'type': 'User',
                                   'url': ''},
                       'commit': { 'author': { 'date': '2014-06-18T22:23:17Z',
                                               'email': '',
                                               'name': 'Ralph Bean'},
                                   'comment_count': 0,
                                   'committer': { 'date': '2014-06-18T22:23:17Z',
                                                  'email': '',
                                                  'name': 'Ralph Bean'},
                                   'message': 'Add failing test.',
                                   'tree': { 'sha': '4087c0707f6e8c084c9dd4d61dd08f88ed948488',
                                             'url': ''},
                                   'url': ''},
                       'committer': { 'gravatar_id': 'ba940b433c2695635d32d2c4aec00540',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 331338,
                                      'login': 'ralphbean',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'User',
                                      'url': ''},
                       'html_url': '',
                       'parents': [ { 'html_url': '',
                                      'sha': '03fd8eaedf5cb4ed5bc2ced77805f8c78bc7ccc9',
                                      'url': ''}],
                       'sha': 'e71e2ba93fa992d9026f89d65f9220d5234bfab1',
                       'url': ''},
           'context': 'default',
           'description': 'PEP8Bot scan pending',
           'fas_usernames': { 'ralphbean': 'ralph'},
           'name': 'fedora-infra/datanommer',
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2012-07-05T18:07:29Z',
                           'default_branch': 'develop',
                           'description': 'Put all the messages in the postgres',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 5,
                           'forks_count': 5,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/datanommer',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_wiki': False,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 4912314,
                           'language': 'Python',
                           'name': 'datanommer',
                           'open_issues': 0,
                           'open_issues_count': 0,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': 'ebdef1eaaa4b1c1cb01f5570efbb3cc4',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2014-06-18T22:24:15Z',
                           'size': 3304,
                           'stargazers_count': 8,
                           'updated_at': '2014-06-18T22:24:11Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 8,
                           'watchers_count': 8},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': 'b8083eb4cd5c69b1b1e9305bf2495d76',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 3322886,
                       'login': 'yograterol',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'User',
                       'url': ''},
           'sha': 'e71e2ba93fa992d9026f89d65f9220d5234bfab1',
           'state': 'pending',
           'target_url': ''},
  'msg_id': '2014-8347add9-960c-4780-814a-c85378cd79bc',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1403130257.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.status
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() PEP8Bot scan pending for fedora-infra/datanommer e71e2ba9
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/datanommer/status/e71e2ba93fa992d9026f89d65f9220d5234bfab1’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d01cf8e1-0cd5-433b-a955-81d3eddb0d83-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d01cf8e1-0cd5-433b-a955-81d3eddb0d83-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone Adds a team to Github Repository.

You can view the history of messages with the github.team_add topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'fas_usernames': { 'fedora-infra': 'github_org_fedora-infra'},
           'organization': { 'description': None,
                             'id': 3316637,
                             'login': 'fedora-infra',
                             'url': ''},
           'repository': { 'created_at': '2015-01-15T17:12:50Z',
                           'default_branch': 'master',
                           'description': 'Haskell API bindings for the upcoming Fedora Accounts System v3',
                           'fork': False,
                           'forks': 0,
                           'forks_count': 0,
                           'full_name': 'fedora-infra/fas3-api-haskell',
                           'has_downloads': True,
                           'has_issues': True,
                           'has_pages': True,
                           'has_wiki': True,
                           'homepage': '',
                           'html_url': '',
                           'id': 29308328,
                           'language': 'Shell',
                           'name': 'fas3-api-haskell',
                           'open_issues': 0,
                           'open_issues_count': 0,
                           'owner': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                                      'html_url': '',
                                      'id': 3316637,
                                      'login': 'fedora-infra',
                                      'site_admin': False,
                                      'type': 'Organization',
                                      'url': ''},
                           'private': False,
                           'pushed_at': '2015-01-15T17:13:15Z',
                           'size': 0,
                           'stargazers_count': 0,
                           'updated_at': '2015-01-15T18:13:37Z',
                           'url': '',
                           'watchers': 0,
                           'watchers_count': 0},
           'sender': { 'gravatar_id': '',
                       'html_url': '',
                       'id': 3316637,
                       'login': 'fedora-infra',
                       'site_admin': False,
                       'type': 'Organization',
                       'url': ''},
           'team': { 'description': None,
                     'id': 319263,
                     'name': 'Owners',
                     'permission': 'admin',
                     'slug': 'owners',
                     'url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-b24f3067-26ae-4df9-b35e-95b19b77fe73',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1421345406.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.team_add
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() The ‘owners’ team was added to the fedora-infra/fas3-api-haskell repository
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedora-infra/fas3-api-haskell/team_add’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 239f36ad-e61d-4e0f-b2c6-79495f5ec4c9-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 239f36ad-e61d-4e0f-b2c6-79495f5ec4c9-secondary_icon


There exists a service to link the select github repos of fedora contributors with the fedmsg bus.

Messages of this type are published whenever someone enables a new repository for fedmsg broadcast. It, unfortunately, contains very little information.

You can view the history of messages with the github.webhook topic or all github messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'fas_usernames': { },
           'hook_id': 1966604,
           'zen': 'Responsive is better than fast.'},
  'msg_id': '2014-185bc51e-ad8e-4906-a623-445f3dbe794a',
  'timestamp': 1395167225,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() github.webhook
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() A new github repository has been added to fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b63214ff-6bd6-4afd-966e-d186df23f629-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b63214ff-6bd6-4afd-966e-d186df23f629-secondary_icon



These messages are published by the greenwave when some event causes it to change its decision about an artifacts.

Here we have an example of a positive decision change on whether or not Bodhi should allow libmtp-1.1.14-1.fc27 to go to the stable repos.

You can view the history of messages with the greenwave.decision.update topic or all greenwave messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'applicable_policies': [ 'taskotron_release_critical_tasks_for_stable'],
           'decision_context': 'bodhi_update_push_stable',
           'policies_satisified': True,
           'previous': { 'applicable_policies': [ 'taskotron_release_critical_tasks_for_stable'],
                         'policies_satisified': False,
                         'summary': '1 of 2 required tests not found',
                         'unsatisfied_requirements': [ { 'item': { 'item': 'libmtp-1.1.14-1.fc27',
                                                                   'type': 'koji_build'},
                                                         'testcase': 'dist.upgradepath',
                                                         'type': 'test-result-missing'}]},
           'product_version': 'fedora-27',
           'subject': [ { 'item': 'libmtp-1.1.14-1.fc27',
                          'type': 'koji_build'}],
           'summary': 'all required tests passed',
           'unsatisfied_requirements': []},
  'msg_id': '2017-5ee197f3-dcc7-4cd6-af54-c5c448e0fe94',
  'timestamp': 1508872576.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'openshift'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() greenwave.decision.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() greenwave is a GO on libmtp-1.1.14-1.fc27 for “bodhi_update_push_stable” (fedora-27)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘libmtp’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b2e714ec-98a7-425d-b0b4-10b0eacfda19-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b2e714ec-98a7-425d-b0b4-10b0eacfda19-secondary_icon


These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published when a new package gets added to Fedora and the-new-hotness tries to add that package to, but fails.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'success': False,
           'total': 3,
           'trigger': { u'msg': { u'agent': u'limb',
                                  u'package_listing': { u'collection': { u'branchname': u'master',
                                                                         u'dist_tag': u'.fc22',
                                                                         u'koji_name': u'rawhide',
                                                                         u'name': u'Fedora',
                                                                         u'status': u'Under Development',
                                                                         u'version': u'devel'},
                                                        u'critpath': False,
                                                        u'package': { u'acls': [ ],
                                                                      u'creation_date': 1421329015.0,
                                                                      u'description': u'',
                                                                      u'monitor': False,
                                                                      u'name': u'python-django-angular',
                                                                      u'review_url': u'',
                                                                      u'status': u'Approved',
                                                                      u'summary': u'Classes and utility functions to integrate AngularJS with Django',
                                                                      u'upstream_url': u''},
                                                        u'point_of_contact': u'mrunge',
                                                        u'status': u'Approved',
                                                        u'status_change': 1421329016.0},
                                  u'package_name': u'python-django-angular'},
                        u'msg_id': u'2015-b5cb92c6-9bdf-4807-ab29-2604ee93b407',
                        u'timestamp': 1421445385,
                        u'topic': u''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-30c4b30d-ca69-4c95-bad9-8e4c0b5d8fdb',
  'timestamp': 1421445401,
  'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() hotness tried to map python-django-angular to an upstream project, but failed due to ambiguity. 3 other projects share the same homepage
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/python-django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 549d2f0f-23e5-482d-8045-446a8445543b-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 549d2f0f-23e5-482d-8045-446a8445543b-secondary_icon

These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published when a new package gets added to Fedora and the-new-hotness tries to add that package to but fails for unknown reasons.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'success': False,
           'trigger': { u'msg': { u'agent': u'limb',
                                  u'package_listing': { u'collection': { u'branchname': u'master',
                                                                         u'dist_tag': u'.fc22',
                                                                         u'koji_name': u'rawhide',
                                                                         u'name': u'Fedora',
                                                                         u'status': u'Under Development',
                                                                         u'version': u'devel'},
                                                        u'critpath': False,
                                                        u'package': { u'acls': [ ],
                                                                      u'creation_date': 1421329015.0,
                                                                      u'description': u'',
                                                                      u'monitor': False,
                                                                      u'name': u'python-django-angular',
                                                                      u'review_url': u'',
                                                                      u'status': u'Approved',
                                                                      u'summary': u'Classes and utility functions to integrate AngularJS with Django',
                                                                      u'upstream_url': u''},
                                                        u'point_of_contact': u'mrunge',
                                                        u'status': u'Approved',
                                                        u'status_change': 1421329016.0},
                                  u'package_name': u'python-django-angular'},
                        u'msg_id': u'2015-b5cb92c6-9bdf-4807-ab29-2604ee93b407',
                        u'timestamp': 1421445385,
                        u'topic': u''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-30c4b30d-ca69-4c95-bad9-8e4c0b5d8fdb',
  'timestamp': 1421445401,
  'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() hotness tried to map python-django-angular to a brand-new upstream project, but failed for unknown reasons
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/python-django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f1dce09c-3905-424f-a56d-5bf30faccc38-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f1dce09c-3905-424f-a56d-5bf30faccc38-secondary_icon

These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published when a new package gets added to Fedora and the-new-hotness tries to add that package to, but fails.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'project': { 'backend': 'PyPI',
                        'created_on': 1421442402.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5510,
                        'name': 'django-angular',
                        'regex': '',
                        'updated_on': 1421442470.0,
                        'version': '0.7.10',
                        'version_url': '',
                        'versions': ['0.7.10']},
           'success': False,
           'trigger': { u'msg': { u'agent': u'limb',
                                  u'package_listing': { u'collection': { u'branchname': u'master',
                                                                         u'dist_tag': u'.fc22',
                                                                         u'koji_name': u'rawhide',
                                                                         u'name': u'Fedora',
                                                                         u'status': u'Under Development',
                                                                         u'version': u'devel'},
                                                        u'critpath': False,
                                                        u'package': { u'acls': [ ],
                                                                      u'creation_date': 1421329015.0,
                                                                      u'description': u'',
                                                                      u'monitor': False,
                                                                      u'name': u'python-django-angular',
                                                                      u'review_url': u'',
                                                                      u'status': u'Approved',
                                                                      u'summary': u'Classes and utility functions to integrate AngularJS with Django',
                                                                      u'upstream_url': u''},
                                                        u'point_of_contact': u'mrunge',
                                                        u'status': u'Approved',
                                                        u'status_change': 1421329016.0},
                                  u'package_name': u'python-django-angular'},
                        u'msg_id': u'2015-b5cb92c6-9bdf-4807-ab29-2604ee93b407',
                        u'timestamp': 1421445385,
                        u'topic': u''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-30c4b30d-ca69-4c95-bad9-8e4c0b5d8fdb',
  'timestamp': 1421445401,
  'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() hotness tried to map python-django-angular to the pre-existing upstream project django-angular, but failed for unknown reasons
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/python-django-angular’, ‘projects/django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 695ef1ed-4eb3-42cd-8f88-cb5f93136fab-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 695ef1ed-4eb3-42cd-8f88-cb5f93136fab-secondary_icon

These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published when a package has its monitoring flag toggled in pkgdb and the-new-hotness tries to map that package in, but fails.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 20,
  'msg': { 'reason': 'Could not determine backend for',
           'success': False,
           'trigger': { 'crypto': 'x509',
                        'i': 1,
                        'msg': { 'agent': 'fale',
                                 'package': { 'acls': [],
                                              'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                              'description': "A pure-perl implementation of Ron Rivest's MD5 Algorithm.",
                                              'monitor': True,
                                              'name': 'perl-Digest-Perl-MD5',
                                              'review_url': '',
                                              'status': 'Approved',
                                              'summary': "Perl implementation of Ron Rivest's MD5 Algorithm",
                                              'upstream_url': ''},
                                 'status': True},
                        'msg_id': '2015-364c5f35-c5c8-4d25-a367-29f34cd5418e',
                        'timestamp': 1427635611,
                        'topic': '',
                        'username': 'apache'}},
  'msg_id': '2015-122c5e1a-b1f4-4403-8703-7b12f07456c0',
  'timestamp': 1427635619.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() hotness tried to map perl-Digest-Perl-MD5 to an upstream project, but failed: “Could not determine backend for
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘perl-Digest-Perl-MD5’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/perl-Digest-Perl-MD5’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 7b6cb6bc-e0f3-42a7-9f67-dc6190cb19cf-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 7b6cb6bc-e0f3-42a7-9f67-dc6190cb19cf-secondary_icon

These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published when a new package gets added to Fedora and the-new-hotness adds that package to

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'success': True,
           'trigger': { u'msg': { u'agent': u'limb',
                                  u'package_listing': { u'collection': { u'branchname': u'master',
                                                                         u'dist_tag': u'.fc22',
                                                                         u'koji_name': u'rawhide',
                                                                         u'name': u'Fedora',
                                                                         u'status': u'Under Development',
                                                                         u'version': u'devel'},
                                                        u'critpath': False,
                                                        u'package': { u'acls': [ ],
                                                                      u'creation_date': 1421329015.0,
                                                                      u'description': u'',
                                                                      u'monitor': False,
                                                                      u'name': u'python-django-angular',
                                                                      u'review_url': u'',
                                                                      u'status': u'Approved',
                                                                      u'summary': u'Classes and utility functions to integrate AngularJS with Django',
                                                                      u'upstream_url': u''},
                                                        u'point_of_contact': u'mrunge',
                                                        u'status': u'Approved',
                                                        u'status_change': 1421329016.0},
                                  u'package_name': u'python-django-angular'},
                        u'msg_id': u'2015-b5cb92c6-9bdf-4807-ab29-2604ee93b407',
                        u'timestamp': 1421445385,
                        u'topic': u''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-30c4b30d-ca69-4c95-bad9-8e4c0b5d8fdb',
  'timestamp': 1421445401,
  'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() hotness mapped python-django-angular to a brand-new upstream project
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/python-django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3221a29c-112e-4029-9b75-95a42574c1b6-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3221a29c-112e-4029-9b75-95a42574c1b6-secondary_icon

These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published when a new package gets added to Fedora and the-new-hotness adds that package to

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'project': { 'backend': 'PyPI',
                        'created_on': 1421442402.0,
                        'homepage': '',
                        'id': 5510,
                        'name': 'django-angular',
                        'regex': '',
                        'updated_on': 1421442470.0,
                        'version': '0.7.10',
                        'version_url': '',
                        'versions': ['0.7.10']},
           'success': True,
           'trigger': { u'msg': { u'agent': u'limb',
                                  u'package_listing': { u'collection': { u'branchname': u'master',
                                                                         u'dist_tag': u'.fc22',
                                                                         u'koji_name': u'rawhide',
                                                                         u'name': u'Fedora',
                                                                         u'status': u'Under Development',
                                                                         u'version': u'devel'},
                                                        u'critpath': False,
                                                        u'package': { u'acls': [ ],
                                                                      u'creation_date': 1421329015.0,
                                                                      u'description': u'',
                                                                      u'monitor': False,
                                                                      u'name': u'python-django-angular',
                                                                      u'review_url': u'',
                                                                      u'status': u'Approved',
                                                                      u'summary': u'Classes and utility functions to integrate AngularJS with Django',
                                                                      u'upstream_url': u''},
                                                        u'point_of_contact': u'mrunge',
                                                        u'status': u'Approved',
                                                        u'status_change': 1421329016.0},
                                  u'package_name': u'python-django-angular'},
                        u'msg_id': u'2015-b5cb92c6-9bdf-4807-ab29-2604ee93b407',
                        u'timestamp': 1421445385,
                        u'topic': u''}},
  'msg_id': '2015-30c4b30d-ca69-4c95-bad9-8e4c0b5d8fdb',
  'timestamp': 1421445401,
  'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() hotness mapped python-django-angular to the pre-existing upstream project django-angular
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/python-django-angular’, ‘projects/django-angular’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d66561a7-dbbe-4322-857f-92d8888ee56b-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d66561a7-dbbe-4322-857f-92d8888ee56b-secondary_icon


These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published when a bug gets filed notifying packager owners that they should update their packages in rawhide.

You can view the history of messages with the hotness.update.bug.file topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 5,
  'msg': { 'bug': { 'bug_id': 1143475},
           'trigger': { 'crypto': 'x509',
                        'i': 1,
                        'msg': { 'distro': None,
                                 'message': { 'agent': 'anitya',
                                              'old_version': '0.006',
                                              'packages': [ { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                                                              'package_name': 'perl-Makefile-DOM'}],
                                              'project': { 'backend': 'CPAN (perl)',
                                                           'created_on': 1412175050.0,
                                                           'homepage': '',
                                                           'id': 3052,
                                                           'name': 'Makefile-DOM',
                                                           'regex': None,
                                                           'updated_on': 1414068821.0,
                                                           'version': '0.007',
                                                           'version_url': None},
                                              'upstream_version': '0.007',
                                              'versions': [ '0.006',
                                 'project': { 'backend': 'CPAN (perl)',
                                              'created_on': 1412175050.0,
                                              'homepage': '',
                                              'id': 3052,
                                              'name': 'Makefile-DOM',
                                              'regex': None,
                                              'updated_on': 1416358331.0,
                                              'version': '0.007',
                                              'version_url': None}},
                        'msg_id': '2014-7c19ff86-e6ef-4ccb-91b7-e836f33c7350',
                        'timestamp': 1416513232,
                        'topic': 'org.fedoraproject.stg.anitya.project.version.update',
                        'username': 'ralph'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-c1fc1501-a043-4e5a-9a50-3076bb6d5089',
  'timestamp': 1416513240,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() hotness.update.bug.file
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() the-new-hotness filed a bug on perl-Makefile-DOM
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘perl-Makefile-DOM’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/Makefile-DOM’, ‘packages/perl-Makefile-DOM’, ‘bugs/1143475’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 5aa7e0eb-f1e1-40c4-bbf0-bd2a5c00fa99-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5aa7e0eb-f1e1-40c4-bbf0-bd2a5c00fa99-secondary_icon


These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published in a couple different scenarios:

  • After having filed a bug and kicked off a scratch build, the-new-hotness notices that one of its scratch builds completes and follows up on a ticket.
  • After having filed a bug, the-new-hotness notices that the package owner has completed a real build of the package and follows up on a ticket.

The message here is an example of the second case, where the daemon notices a real build:

You can view the history of messages with the hotness.update.bug.followup topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'bug': { u'bug_id': 1144231},
            u'trigger': { u'msg': { u'attribute': u'state',
                                    u'build_id': 603868,
                                    u'instance': u'primary',
                                    u'name': u'gd',
                                    u'new': 1,
                                    u'old': 0,
                                    u'owner': u'jmlich',
                                    u'release': u'1.fc22',
                                    u'task_id': 8615864,
                                    u'version': u'2.1.1'},
                          u'msg_id': u'2015-a4653ee6-2ec7-42af-91a9-57c54ef9448c',
                          u'topic': u'',
                          u'username ': u'apache'}},
  u'msg_id': u'2015-f6b6e30c-bdf7-4200-8d53-7d9c54ce1749',
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() hotness.update.bug.followup
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() jmlich’s real build of gd-2.1.1-1.fc22 for RHBZ#1144231 completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘jmlich’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘gd’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘bugs/1144231’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 9a89808b-cefa-4748-a98f-b148b792f79f-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9a89808b-cefa-4748-a98f-b148b792f79f-secondary_icon


These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published in a couple different scenarios:

  • After having filed a bug and kicked off a scratch build, the-new-hotness notices that one of its scratch builds completes and follows up on a ticket.
  • After having filed a bug, the-new-hotness notices that the package owner has completed a real build of the package and follows up on a ticket.

The message here is an example of the first case where the daemon notices one of its own scratch builds:

You can view the history of messages with the hotness.update.bug.followup topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 5,
  'msg': { 'bug': { 'bug_id': 1143475},
           'trigger': { 'crypto': 'x509',
                        'i': 1,
                        'msg': { 'attribute': 'state',
                                 'id': 174,
                                 'info': { 'arch': 'noarch',
                                           'awaited': None,
                                           'channel_id': 1,
                                           'children': [],
                                           'completion_time': None,
                                           'create_time': '2014-11-20 19:54:09.028052',
                                           'host_id': 3,
                                           'id': 174,
                                           'label': None,
                                           'method': 'build',
                                           'owner': 1127,
                                           'parent': None,
                                           'priority': 50,
                                           'request': [ 'cli-build/1416513248.864099.haYhDKay/perl-Makefile-DOM-0.007-1.el7.src.rpm',
                                                        { 'scratch': True}],
                                           'start_time': '2014-11-20 19:54:11.737219',
                                           'state': 1,
                                           'waiting': None},
                                 'instance': 'primary',
                                 'method': 'build',
                                 'new': 'CLOSED',
                                 'old': 'OPEN',
                                 'owner': 'hotness',
                                 'srpm': 'perl-Makefile-DOM-0.007-1.el7.src.rpm'},
                        'msg_id': '2014-786f6cfc-c76f-4cef-a791-6a6166861ab1',
                        'timestamp': 1416513251,
                        'topic': 'org.fedoraproject.stg.buildsys.task.state.change',
                        'username': 'apache'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-c1fc1501-a043-4e5a-9a50-3076bb6d5089',
  'timestamp': 1416513240,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() hotness.update.bug.followup
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() scratch build of perl-Makefile-DOM-0.007-1.el7.src.rpm for RHBZ#1143475 completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘bugs/1143475’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0bf95be8-013c-4b16-ad78-bcf1d908ab6c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0bf95be8-013c-4b16-ad78-bcf1d908ab6c-secondary_icon


These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

Sometimes, there is a new upstream release of something, but there is no explicit mapping in between that upstream project and a Fedora package. In that event, no bugzilla bugs can be filed – we don’t know the package name.

These kinds of messages get published when a new notification arrives, but the upstream mapping for Fedora is absent – so the-new-hotness doesn’t know what to do and just drops the event (but tells us about it via these messages).

You can view the history of messages with the hotness.update.drop topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'reason': 'anitya',
           'trigger': { 'crypto': 'x509',
                        'i': 1,
                        'msg': { 'distro': None,
                                 'message': { 'agent': 'anitya',
                                              'old_version': '',
                                              'packages': [],
                                              'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                                                           'created_on': 1412175076.0,
                                                           'homepage': '',
                                                           'id': 3772,
                                                           'name': 'apsw',
                                                           'regex': None,
                                                           'updated_on': 1416504528.0,
                                                           'version': '',
                                                           'version_url': 'rogerbinns/apsw'},
                                              'upstream_version': '',
                                              'versions': ['']},
                                 'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                                              'created_on': 1412175076.0,
                                              'homepage': '',
                                              'id': 3772,
                                              'name': 'apsw',
                                              'regex': None,
                                              'updated_on': 1416504528.0,
                                              'version': '',
                                              'version_url': 'rogerbinns/apsw'}},
                        'msg_id': '2014-86d41c9d-3ea0-4ee3-888b-ccf4e2544189',
                        'timestamp': 1416510031,
                        'topic': 'org.fedoraproject.stg.anitya.project.version.update',
                        'username': 'anitya'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-187a78cc-83cf-476d-be91-2b8e6b0befbf',
  'timestamp': 1416510033,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() hotness.update.drop
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() the-new-hotness saw an update for apsw, but doesn’t know what that project is called in Fedora land
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘projects/apsw’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b505fcbb-b1f8-48de-bf1d-227864e8d35e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b505fcbb-b1f8-48de-bf1d-227864e8d35e-secondary_icon


These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

These kinds of messages get published when a new notification arrives, but a bugzilla ticket has already been filed for that update – so the-new-hotness just drops the event (but tells us about it via these messages).

You can view the history of messages with the hotness.update.drop topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'reason': 'bugzilla',
           'trigger': { 'crypto': 'x509',
                        'i': 1,
                        'msg': { 'distro': None,
                                 'message': { 'agent': 'anitya',
                                              'old_version': '',
                                              'packages': [ { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                                                              'package_name': 'python-apsw'}],
                                              'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                                                           'created_on': 1412175076.0,
                                                           'homepage': '',
                                                           'id': 3772,
                                                           'name': 'apsw',
                                                           'regex': None,
                                                           'updated_on': 1416504528.0,
                                                           'version': '',
                                                           'version_url': 'rogerbinns/apsw'},
                                              'upstream_version': '',
                                              'versions': ['']},
                                 'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                                              'created_on': 1412175076.0,
                                              'homepage': '',
                                              'id': 3772,
                                              'name': 'apsw',
                                              'regex': None,
                                              'updated_on': 1416504528.0,
                                              'version': '',
                                              'version_url': 'rogerbinns/apsw'}},
                        'msg_id': '2014-86d41c9d-3ea0-4ee3-888b-ccf4e2544189',
                        'timestamp': 1416510031,
                        'topic': '',
                        'username': 'anitya'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-187a78cc-83cf-476d-be91-2b8e6b0befbf',
  'timestamp': 1416510033,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() hotness.update.drop
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() the-new-hotness saw an update for python-apsw, but a bugzilla ticket had already been filed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-apsw’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/python-apsw’, ‘projects/apsw’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a581def0-2b17-4c23-9a15-afc819234f92-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a581def0-2b17-4c23-9a15-afc819234f92-secondary_icon


These messages are published by a backend service called the-new-hotness. It watches for new upstream release notifications from and in response it files bugs in bugzilla and kicks off scratch builds in koji.

Before it tries to file a bugzilla ticket, it checks to see if the 'monitor' setting is True for this package in the Fedora PkgDB.

These kinds of messages get published when a new notification arrives, but that monitor boolean was set to False for the given package – so the-new-hotness respects that and just drops the event (but tells us about it via these messages).

You can view the history of messages with the hotness.update.drop topic or all hotness messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'reason': 'pkgdb',
           'trigger': { 'crypto': 'x509',
                        'i': 1,
                        'msg': { 'distro': None,
                                 'message': { 'agent': 'anitya',
                                              'old_version': '',
                                              'packages': [ { 'distro': 'Fedora',
                                                              'package_name': 'python-apsw'}],
                                              'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                                                           'created_on': 1412175076.0,
                                                           'homepage': '',
                                                           'id': 3772,
                                                           'name': 'apsw',
                                                           'regex': None,
                                                           'updated_on': 1416504528.0,
                                                           'version': '',
                                                           'version_url': 'rogerbinns/apsw'},
                                              'upstream_version': '',
                                              'versions': ['']},
                                 'project': { 'backend': 'Github',
                                              'created_on': 1412175076.0,
                                              'homepage': '',
                                              'id': 3772,
                                              'name': 'apsw',
                                              'regex': None,
                                              'updated_on': 1416504528.0,
                                              'version': '',
                                              'version_url': 'rogerbinns/apsw'}},
                        'msg_id': '2014-86d41c9d-3ea0-4ee3-888b-ccf4e2544189',
                        'timestamp': 1416510031,
                        'topic': 'org.fedoraproject.stg.anitya.project.version.update',
                        'username': 'anitya'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-187a78cc-83cf-476d-be91-2b8e6b0befbf',
  'timestamp': 1416510033,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'fedmsg'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() hotness.update.drop
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() the-new-hotness saw an update for python-apsw, but pkgdb says the maintainers are not interested in bugs being filed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-apsw’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘packages/python-apsw’, ‘projects/apsw’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 433645d1-5e06-48e2-ac8f-2ede03fa148e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 433645d1-5e06-48e2-ac8f-2ede03fa148e-secondary_icon



These messages get published by git repos owned by the Fedora Infrastructure team. These are the repos we use to manage the systems that run

In particular, this message is an example of a message from our “ansible” repo, which is where we do most of our work.

You can view the history of messages with the infragit.receive topic or all infragit messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'commit': { 'agent': 'ralph',
                       'branch': 'master',
                       'email': '',
                       'message': 'Testing again for fedmsg.\n',
                       'name': 'Ralph Bean',
                       'path': '/git/ansible',
                       'repo': '',
                       'rev': '6e7177a1d5fd712cb53ce70acb17b92c5f791f08',
                       'seen': False,
                       'stats': { 'files': { 'test': { 'additions': 0,
                                                       'deletions': 0,
                                                       'lines': 0}},
                                  'total': { 'additions': 0,
                                             'deletions': 0,
                                             'files': 1,
                                             'lines': 0}},
                       'summary': 'Testing again for fedmsg.',
                       'username': 'ralph'}},
  'msg_id': '2015-ee126d0a-a89b-4a09-ba15-4ca3382eb8fe',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1439584387.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() infragit.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph pushed a commit to the fedora-infra ansible repo (master): “Testing again for fedmsg.”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() ralph
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘ansible/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b01e73cc-ec75-420e-978d-bfdcb56a33ad-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b01e73cc-ec75-420e-978d-bfdcb56a33ad-secondary_icon


These messages get published by git repos owned by the Fedora Infrastructure team. These are the repos we use to manage the systems that run

In particular, this message is an example of a message from our “puppet” repo, which is older and being retired in favor of our ansible repo.

You can view the history of messages with the infragit.receive topic or all infragit messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'commit': { 'agent': 'ralph',
                       'branch': 'master',
                       'email': '',
                       'message': 'Testing again for fedmsg.\n',
                       'name': 'Ralph Bean',
                       'path': '/git/puppet',
                       'repo': '',
                       'rev': '6e7177a1d5fd712cb53ce70acb17b92c5f791f08',
                       'seen': False,
                       'stats': { 'files': { 'test': { 'additions': 0,
                                                       'deletions': 0,
                                                       'lines': 0}},
                                  'total': { 'additions': 0,
                                             'deletions': 0,
                                             'files': 1,
                                             'lines': 0}},
                       'summary': 'Testing again for fedmsg.',
                       'username': 'ralph'}},
  'msg_id': '2015-ee126d0a-a89b-4a09-ba15-4ca3382eb8fe',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1439584387.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() infragit.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph pushed a commit to the fedora-infra puppet repo (master): “Testing again for fedmsg.”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() ralph
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘puppet/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 5f3620a8-e2b0-419d-a57a-2e3507e1e299-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5f3620a8-e2b0-419d-a57a-2e3507e1e299-secondary_icon



In IRC, users can give each other “karma” by saying user++ (and zodbot publishes messages for that too).

Here’s an example of that:

You can view the history of messages with the irc.karma topic or all irc messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 16,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'channel': '#fedora-apps',
           'line': 'thanks for all the fish, lmacken++',
           'recipient': 'lmacken',
           'total': 36,
           'vote': 1},
  'timestamp': 1345572862.556145,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() irc.karma
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph gave lmacken(36) a karma cookie in #fedora-apps. “thanks for all the fish, lmacken++”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘karma/lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 544edbbb-6024-4428-9eac-bc5781f1a731-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 544edbbb-6024-4428-9eac-bc5781f1a731-secondary_icon


Jenkins publishes these messages when a build is aborted.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all jenkins messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'build': 165, u'project': 'fedora-mobile', u'took': u'9.4 sec'},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-851eb465-56f2-4f3f-bf8a-2b86c95d1246',
  u'timestamp': 1390982532.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Jenkins project ‘fedora-mobile’ build aborted
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘jenkins/fedora-mobile/build.aborted’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() |1b3487b3-d348-41ef-83f9-562028b62d00-secondary_icon|

Jenkins publishes these messages when a build completes with a failure.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all jenkins messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'build': 165, u'project': 'fedora-mobile', u'took': u'9.4 sec'},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-851eb465-56f2-4f3f-bf8a-2b86c95d1246',
  u'timestamp': 1390982532.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Jenkins project ‘fedora-mobile’ failed to build
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘jenkins/fedora-mobile/build.failed’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() |667ebfba-d2ad-4b40-ba14-833edddf1388-secondary_icon|

Jenkins publishes these messages when a build doesn’t actually build (wat?).

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all jenkins messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'build': 165, u'project': 'fedora-mobile', u'took': u'9.4 sec'},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-851eb465-56f2-4f3f-bf8a-2b86c95d1246',
  u'timestamp': 1390982532.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Jenkins project ‘fedora-mobile’ did not build
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘jenkins/fedora-mobile/build.notbuilt’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() |1b6d37bd-9e9f-4a68-b7b0-d1d47935390a-secondary_icon|

Jenkins publishes these messages when a build completes successfully.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all jenkins messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'build': 174,
            u'project': 'fedora-mobile',
            u'took': u'1 min 28 sec'},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-b035a3d4-078b-4733-9df6-be4f5da911bd',
  u'timestamp': 1392150202.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Jenkins project ‘fedora-mobile’ built successfully
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘jenkins/fedora-mobile/build.passed’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() |fdeacaf4-b437-4c4e-ac2c-a20628e9c786-secondary_icon|

Jenkins publishes these messages when a build starts.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all jenkins messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'build': 174, u'project': 'fedora-mobile'},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-2ffb842d-7868-47e8-bfb6-910fb93d9aa9',
  u'timestamp': 1392150202.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Jenkins project ‘fedora-mobile’ started building
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘jenkins/fedora-mobile/build.start’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() |77d99f81-2f3e-4680-9341-f287379b0b56-secondary_icon|

Jenkins publishes these messages when a build completes with warnings.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all jenkins messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'build': 165, u'project': 'fedora-mobile', u'took': u'9.4 sec'},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-851eb465-56f2-4f3f-bf8a-2b86c95d1246',
  u'timestamp': 1390982532.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Jenkins project ‘fedora-mobile’ built with warnings
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘jenkins/fedora-mobile/build.unstable’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() |8c814f65-c943-4b55-9853-2fe314e4f303-secondary_icon|



As part of the kernel testing initiative, we built an app that lets both real users and automated systems provide test feedback on new kernel builds and releases.

These kinds of messages are published whenever an administrator edits an existing release against which tests can be run.

You can view the history of messages with the kerneltest.release.edit topic or all kerneltest messages in datagrepper.

{ u'crypto': u'x509',
  u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'agent': u'jforbes',
            u'release': { u'releasenum': 21, u'support': 'TEST'}},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-4c25f684-c965-4003-b22d-57cda0e2e12c',
  u'timestamp': 1404746131,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() kerneltest.release.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() jforbes edited the 21-TEST release for kerneltest
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘jforbes’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘kernel’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘release/21/TEST’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 1e26e39d-1b36-4d19-be68-b03383a3d008-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 1e26e39d-1b36-4d19-be68-b03383a3d008-secondary_icon

As part of the kernel testing initiative, we built an app that lets both real users and automated systems provide test feedback on new kernel builds and releases.

These kinds of messages are published whenever an administrator sets up a new release for testing.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all kerneltest messages in datagrepper.

{ u'crypto': u'x509',
  u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'agent': u'jforbes',
            u'release': { u'releasenum': 21, u'support': 'TEST'}},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-4c25f684-c965-4003-b22d-57cda0e2e12c',
  u'timestamp': 1404746131,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() jforbes added a new release for kerneltest: 21 TEST
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘jforbes’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘kernel’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘release/21/TEST’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 5890dfe6-d50c-4491-ab2b-530b294d8bc5-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5890dfe6-d50c-4491-ab2b-530b294d8bc5-secondary_icon

As part of the kernel testing initiative, we built an app that lets both real users and automated systems provide test feedback on new kernel builds and releases.

These kinds of messages are published whenever either an automated system or a real user uploads a new test result.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all kerneltest messages in datagrepper.

{ u'crypto': u'x509',
  u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'agent': u'jforbes',
            u'test': { u'arch': u'x86_64',
                       u'authenticated': True,
                       u'failed_tests': u'None',
                       u'fedora_version': u'21',
                       u'kernel_version': u'3.16.0-0.rc3.git3.1.fc21.x86_64',
                       u'release': u'Fedora release 21 (Rawhide)',
                       u'result': u'PASS',
                       u'testdate': u'Mon Jul  7 11:15:23 EDT 2014',
                       u'tester': u'jforbes',
                       u'testset': u'default'}},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-4c25f684-c965-4003-b22d-57cda0e2e12c',
  u'timestamp': 1404746131,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() jforbes ran a test of 3.16.0-0.rc3.git3.1.fc21.x86_64 (PASS)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘jforbes’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘kernel’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘kernel/3.16.0-0.rc3.git3.1.fc21.x86_64’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d88eca11-47ad-4965-af13-c3be98816b3a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d88eca11-47ad-4965-af13-c3be98816b3a-secondary_icon



Koschei is a continuous integration system for RPM packages. It tracks
dependency changes done in Koji repositories and rebuilds packages whose build dependencies change too much.

This message type is published by Koschei when collection resolution state changes.

You can view the history of messages with the koschei.collection.state.change topic or all koschei messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'collection': 'f26',
           'collection_name': 'Fedora 26',
           'koji_instance': 'primary',
           'name': 'rnv',
           'new': 'unresolved',
           'old': 'ok'},
  'msg_id': '2014-45d99116-f93e-45ef-8611-04fa2eabbb82',
  'timestamp': 1412260063,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'msimacek'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() koschei.collection.state.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Fedora 26 buildroot was broken
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


Koschei is a continuous integration system for RPM packages. It tracks
dependency changes done in Koji repositories and rebuilds packages whose build dependencies change too much.

This message type is published by Koschei when package’s build or resolution state changes.

You can view the history of messages with the koschei.package.state.change topic or all koschei messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'collection': 'f22',
           'collection_name': 'Fedora 22',
           'groups': ['c', 'xml'],
           'koji_instance': 'arm',
           'name': 'rnv',
           'new': 'failing',
           'old': 'ok',
           'repo': 'f22'},
  'msg_id': '2014-45d99116-f93e-45ef-8611-04fa2eabbb82',
  'timestamp': 1412260063,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'msimacek'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() koschei.package.state.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() rnv’s builds started to fail in Fedora 22 (arm)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘rnv’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 72307d78-998f-4e55-a94f-668ab3c93828-secondary_icon



Discussion lists for the Fedora Project run on mailman3. When a new message is published on a list, fedmsg will pop out one of these messages. The following is an example of a new thread being started.

You can view the history of messages with the mailman.receive topic or all mailman messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'mlist': { 'list_name': 'devel'},
           'msg': { 'archived-at': '/list/',
                    'cc': None,
                    'delivered-to': '',
                    'from': 'Jaroslav Reznik <>',
                    'in-reply-to': None,
                    'message-id': '<>',
                    'references': None,
                    'subject': '[Devel] Fedora 19 Beta status is Go, release on May 28, 2013',
                    'to': ',\n\,\n\tFedora Logistics List <>',
                    'x-mailman-rule-hits': 'nonmember-moderation',
                    'x-mailman-rule-misses': 'approved; emergency; loop; member-moderation; administrivia; implicit-dest; max-recipients; max-size; news-moderation; no-subject; suspicious-header',
                    'x-message-id-hash': 'HDMTECNRNUHZTSDGM2FDK6LGCMAS2PZ4'}},
  'timestamp': 1369334087.929804,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'mailman'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() mailman.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() wrote ‘[Devel] Fedora 19 Beta status is Go, release on May 28, 2013’ to the devel list
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘devel/’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 50d090eb-fc5e-4a46-a15f-288728d82938-secondary_icon


Discussion lists for the Fedora Project run on mailman3. When a new message is published on a list, fedmsg will pop out one of these messages. The following is an example of a reply to a thread.

You can view the history of messages with the mailman.receive topic or all mailman messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'mlist': { 'list_name': 'devel'},
           'msg': { 'archived-at': '<>',
                    'cc': None,
                    'delivered-to': '',
                    'from': '"Nicolas Mailhot" <>',
                    'in-reply-to': '<>',
                    'message-id': '<>',
                    'references': '<>\n\t<>',
                    'subject': '[Devel] Re:Software Management call for RFEs',
                    'to': '"Development discussions related to Fedora" <>',
                    'x-mailman-rule-hits': 'nonmember-moderation',
                    'x-mailman-rule-misses': 'approved; emergency; loop; member-moderation; administrivia; implicit-dest; max-recipients; max-size; news-moderation; no-subject; suspicious-header',
                    'x-message-id-hash': 'S3PHLMD7PGWXXLBN3GENHVK7JJ37UWLJ'}},
  'timestamp': 1369322289.679402,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'mailman'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() mailman.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() On the devel list, nim replied to ‘[Devel] Re:Software Management call for RFEs’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘nim’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘devel/’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0a51bc67-c1ae-4dbe-a7bd-b8d870a59b65-secondary_icon



These messages are published by the module build service when a module build transitions between states (like starting, or completing).

You can view the history of messages with the mbs.module.state.change topic or all mbs messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'component_builds': [19, 20, 21],
           'id': 2,
           'modulemd': 'full modulemd text goes here...',
           'name': 'testmodule',
           'owner': 'ralph',
           'scmurl': 'git://',
           'state': 1,
           'state_name': 'wait',
           'state_reason': None,
           'state_url': '/module-build-service/1/module-builds/2',
           'stream': 'master',
           'time_completed': None,
           'time_modified': 1487188430.0,
           'time_submitted': 1487178787.0,
           'version': '20161115001755'},
  'msg_id': '2017-859a8cfb-6d95-43f4-9c0b-897e833b06b5',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1487188431.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() mbs.module.state.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s build of modules/testmodule entered the wait state.
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘testmodule’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 01e983a8-e2a3-478f-9ba2-cf9a73c5562e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 01e983a8-e2a3-478f-9ba2-cf9a73c5562e-secondary_icon



These messages are published when a new project is created on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the mdapi.repo.update topic or all mdapi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'name': 'rawhide',
           'packages': [ 'java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-debug',
           'url': 'fedora/linux/development/rawhide/x86_64/os/repodata/a0c75ee3abe48a4b602560d1c7c408d8d151caa1865678d2e0e1eb442d96ba90-filelists.sqlite.xz'},
  'msg_id': '2015-dbf52782-0a87-448f-a6fb-20c506cdd4eb',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1447413644.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() mdapi.repo.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mdapi noticed a rawhide repomd change: PyOpenGL, akonadi-mysql, and 26 others
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-debug’, ‘vips’, ‘python3-celery’, ‘journal-brief’, ‘libfdisk’, ‘avahi-ui-sharp-devel’, ‘python3-dropbox’, ‘meataxe’, ‘python-wrapt-doc’, ‘python3-yui’, ‘akonadi-mysql’, ‘python-Traits’, ‘java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless’, ‘rpm’, ‘python-faker-doc’, ‘python3-PyQt4-devel’, ‘boost’, ‘PyOpenGL’, ‘audit-libs-devel’, ‘python-simplegeneric’, ‘python-aniso8601’, ‘python3’, ‘python3-devel’, ‘python-pytools’, ‘tyrus-container-servlet’, ‘django-markdown2’, ‘waf-python3’, ‘python2-XStatic-roboto-fontface’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/vips’, ‘rawhide/python-aniso8601’, ‘rawhide/audit-libs-devel’, ‘rawhide/python-simplegeneric’, ‘rawhide/java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless’, ‘rawhide/python-faker-doc’, ‘rawhide/journal-brief’, ‘rawhide/meataxe’, ‘rawhide/PyOpenGL’, ‘rawhide/avahi-ui-sharp-devel’, ‘rawhide/python3’, ‘rawhide/python3-yui’, ‘rawhide/libfdisk’, ‘rawhide/python-pytools’, ‘rawhide/python-Traits’, ‘rawhide/waf-python3’, ‘rawhide/python3-PyQt4-devel’, ‘rawhide/python2-XStatic-roboto-fontface’, ‘rawhide/python3-celery’, ‘rawhide/django-markdown2’, ‘rawhide/tyrus-container-servlet’, ‘rawhide/python3-dropbox’, ‘rawhide/python3-devel’, ‘rawhide/boost’, ‘rawhide/python-wrapt-doc’, ‘rawhide/akonadi-mysql’, ‘rawhide/rpm’, ‘rawhide/java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-debug’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 8350df35-2dc5-4993-a395-8d58dd692dbd-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 8350df35-2dc5-4993-a395-8d58dd692dbd-secondary_icon



Trusty old zodbot publishes messages too! Messages on this topic get published when an IRC meeting ends. Meetings may or may not have a title (which can be tricky). Here’s an example message where the title is specified:

You can view the history of messages with the meetbot.meeting.complete topic or all meetbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 94,
  'msg': { 'attendees': { 'bochecha': 33,
                          'dgilmore': 116,
                          'janeznemanic': 1,
                          'masta': 1,
                          'nirik': 0,
                          'pbrobinson': 16,
                          'sharkcz': 0,
                          'tyll': 16,
                          'zodbot': 5},
           'chairs': { 'bochecha': True,
                       'dgilmore': True,
                       'masta': True,
                       'nirik': True,
                       'pbrobinson': True,
                       'sharkcz': True,
                       'tyll': True},
           'channel': '#fedora-meeting-1',
           'meeting_topic': 'RELENG (2015-02-09)',
           'owner': 'dgilmore',
           'topic': 'open floor',
           'url': ''},
  'msg_id': '2015-ff043996-5aaa-471b-bc87-b8551f7fd3b6',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1423504707.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() meetbot.meeting.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() dgilmore’s meeting titled “RELENG (2015-02-09)” ended in #fedora-meeting-1
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘masta’, ‘nirik’, ‘tyll’, ‘bochecha’, ‘dgilmore’, ‘pbrobinson’, ‘janeznemanic’, ‘sharkcz’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘attendees/masta’, ‘attendees/pbrobinson’, ‘titles/RELENG (2015-02-09)’, ‘channels/#fedora-meeting-1’, ‘attendees/dgilmore’, ‘attendees/bochecha’, ‘attendees/sharkcz’, ‘attendees/tyll’, ‘attendees/nirik’, ‘topics/open floor’, ‘attendees/janeznemanic’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


Trusty old zodbot publishes messages too! Messages on this topic get published when an IRC meeting ends. Meetings may or may not have a title (which can be tricky). Here’s an example message where the title is not specified:

You can view the history of messages with the meetbot.meeting.complete topic or all meetbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 16,
  'msg': { 'attendees': { 'threebean': 2, 'zodbot': 2},
           'chairs': { },
           'channel': '#channel',
           'meeting_topic': None,
           'owner': 'threebean',
           'url': ''},
  'timestamp': 1345572862.556145,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() meetbot.meeting.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s meeting ended in #channel
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘channels/#channel’, ‘attendees/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified

As IRC meetings chug along, people can declare items for the record. Here’s an example of someone calling for help on some item:

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all meetbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'attendees': { 'lmacken': 2, 'threebean': 2, 'zodbot': 2},
           'chairs': { 'lmacken': True, 'threebean': True},
           'channel': '#fedora-meeting',
           'details': { 'line': 'The #fedora-apps team needs people to help review code',
                        'linenum': 4,
                        'nick': 'threebean',
                        'time_': 1426553001.0},
           'meeting_topic': 'fancytown',
           'owner': 'lmacken',
           'topic': '',
           'url': 'threebean/2015/threebean.2015-03-17-00.42'},
  'msg_id': '2015-ab5c6d46-4010-4966-9d0e-dd5f7ae819a5',
  'timestamp': 1426553001,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph called for help in the “fancytown” meeting in #fedora-meeting: “The #fedora-apps team needs people to help review code
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘channels/#fedora-meeting’, ‘titles/fancytown’, ‘attendees/lmacken’, ‘attendees/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4c8c5d37-7a5d-4ec3-9825-3e8216994368-secondary_icon


Trusty old zodbot publishes messages too! Messages on this topic get published (somewhat obviously) when a new IRC meeting is started. The user starting the meeting may specify a meeting title, but doesn’t have to. Here’s an example message with a specified meeting title:

You can view the history of messages with the meetbot.meeting.start topic or all meetbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 16,
  'msg': { 'attendees': { 'threebean': 2, 'zodbot': 2},
           'chairs': { },
           'channel': '#channel',
           'meeting_topic': 'title',
           'owner': 'threebean',
           'url': ''},
  'timestamp': 1345572862.556145,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() meetbot.meeting.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph started meeting “title” in #channel
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘titles/title’, ‘channels/#channel’, ‘attendees/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


Trusty old zodbot publishes messages too! Messages on this topic get published (somewhat obviously) when a new IRC meeting is started. The user starting the meeting may specify a meeting title, but doesn’t have to. Here’s an example message with no meeting title specified:

You can view the history of messages with the meetbot.meeting.start topic or all meetbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 16,
  'msg': { 'attendees': { 'threebean': 2, 'zodbot': 2},
           'chairs': { },
           'channel': '#channel',
           'meeting_topic': None,
           'owner': 'threebean',
           'url': ''},
  'timestamp': 1345572862.556145,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() meetbot.meeting.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph started a meeting in #channel
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘channels/#channel’, ‘attendees/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f8978404-1f0e-42a2-8166-d48f171167ed-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f8978404-1f0e-42a2-8166-d48f171167ed-secondary_icon


As IRC meetings chug along, the chairperson may change the meeting; zodbot publishes message for that! An example with a title specified:

You can view the history of messages with the meetbot.meeting.topic.update topic or all meetbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 16,
  'msg': { 'attendees': { 'threebean': 2, 'zodbot': 2},
           'chairs': { },
           'channel': '#channel',
           'meeting_topic': 'title',
           'owner': 'threebean',
           'topic': 'Food',
           'url': ''},
  'timestamp': 1345572862.556145,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() meetbot.meeting.topic.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() The topic of ralph’s “title” meeting changed to “Food” in #channel
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘titles/title’, ‘topics/Food’, ‘channels/#channel’, ‘attendees/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


As IRC meetings chug along, the chairperson may change the meeting; zodbot publishes message for that! An example without a title specified:

You can view the history of messages with the meetbot.meeting.topic.update topic or all meetbot messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 16,
  'msg': { 'attendees': { 'threebean': 2, 'zodbot': 2},
           'chairs': { },
           'channel': '#channel',
           'meeting_topic': None,
           'owner': 'threebean',
           'topic': 'Food',
           'url': ''},
  'timestamp': 1345572862.556145,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() meetbot.meeting.topic.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() The topic of ralph’s meeting changed to “Food” in #channel
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘topics/Food’, ‘channels/#channel’, ‘attendees/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified



Mirrormanager is the system that (surprise) manages the mirror network for Fedora (and others). To accomplish this task, it does lots of things.

One of those things is to regularly crawl the list of mirrors and determine who has up-to-date content and who has stale content. This message is one that gets published by its backend crawler when it completes its task.

You can view the history of messages with the mirrormanager.crawler.complete topic or all mirrormanager messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'results': [ { 'host': { 'admin_active': True,
                                    'asn': None,
                                    'asn_clients': True,
                                    'bandwidth_int': 1000,
                                    'comment': 'Mirror FPT Telecom',
                                    'country': 'VN',
                                    'id': 1432,
                                    'internet2': True,
                                    'internet2_clients': False,
                                    'last_checked_in': None,
                                    'last_crawl_duration': 9,
                                    'last_crawled': 1374957440.0,
                                    'max_connections': 1,
                                    'name': '',
                                    'private': False,
                                    'site': { 'id': 1043,
                                              'name': ''},
                                    'user_active': False},
                          'rc': 0}]},
  'msg_id': '2014-1f52337a-8dbe-48f1-baad-f2c770c60640',
  'timestamp': 1412327834,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() mirrormanager.crawler.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mirrormanager’s crawler finished a crawl of 1 mirrors (1 succeeded, 0 failed)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘mirrors/’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 4e27e197-39f1-4d9b-a25e-19a79dd3623e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4e27e197-39f1-4d9b-a25e-19a79dd3623e-secondary_icon


Mirrormanager is the system that (surprise) manages the mirror network for Fedora (and others). To accomplish this task, it does lots of things.

One of those things is to regularly crawl the list of mirrors and determine who has up-to-date content and who has stale content. This message is one that gets published by its backend crawler when it starts its task.

You can view the history of messages with the mirrormanager.crawler.start topic or all mirrormanager messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'hosts': [ { 'admin_active': True,
                        'asn': None,
                        'asn_clients': True,
                        'bandwidth_int': 1000,
                        'comment': 'Mirror FPT Telecom',
                        'country': 'VN',
                        'id': 1432,
                        'internet2': True,
                        'internet2_clients': False,
                        'last_checked_in': None,
                        'last_crawl_duration': 9,
                        'last_crawled': 1374957440.0,
                        'max_connections': 1,
                        'name': '',
                        'private': False,
                        'site': { 'id': 1043,
                                  'name': ''},
                        'user_active': False}]},
  'msg_id': '2014-1f52337a-8dbe-48f1-baad-f2c770c60640',
  'timestamp': 1412327834,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() mirrormanager.crawler.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mirrormanager’s crawler started a crawl of 1 mirrors
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘mirrors/’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d8296424-5d59-4de5-b1b7-de4b2f753bbd-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d8296424-5d59-4de5-b1b7-de4b2f753bbd-secondary_icon


Mirrormanager is the system that (surprise) manages the mirror network for Fedora (and others). To accomplish this task, it does lots of things.

One of those things is to pull in mappings of ASN numbers from publicly accessible BGP tables. It uses this information as part of a larger process to try and route clients to mirrors that are close to them.

This message is one that gets published by a backend cronjob when it fails to rebuild one of its netblocks tables.

You can view the history of messages with the mirrormanager.netblocks.get topic or all mirrormanager messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'success': False, 'type': 'internet2'},
  'msg_id': '2014-1f52337a-8dbe-48f1-baad-f2c770c60640',
  'timestamp': 1412327834,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() mirrormanager.netblocks.get
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mirrormanager’s backend failed to update its internet2 netblocks file
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘netblocks/internet2’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 8e727d3e-c243-4234-b959-1abf4be6b9c0-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 8e727d3e-c243-4234-b959-1abf4be6b9c0-secondary_icon


Mirrormanager is the system that (surprise) manages the mirror network for Fedora (and others). To accomplish this task, it does lots of things.

One of those things is to pull in mappings of ASN numbers from publicly accessible BGP tables. It uses this information as part of a larger process to try and route clients to mirrors that are close to them.

This message is one that gets published by a backend cronjob when it successfully rebuilds one of its netblocks tables.

You can view the history of messages with the mirrormanager.netblocks.get topic or all mirrormanager messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'success': True, 'type': 'global'},
  'msg_id': '2014-1f52337a-8dbe-48f1-baad-f2c770c60640',
  'timestamp': 1412327834,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() mirrormanager.netblocks.get
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mirrormanager’s backend successfully updated its global netblocks file
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘netblocks/global’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 8a4a4478-0459-4312-821c-25c1a3670a10-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 8a4a4478-0459-4312-821c-25c1a3670a10-secondary_icon


It might not be a good idea… but we hooked our nagios instance because “open infrastructure”. Note that, you shouldn’t really rely on this stream for alerts about systems, because if you’re expecting to get an alert about fedmsg being down, via fedmsg… well, it’s just not going to work, friend.

Here’s an example message sent when a host changes state.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all nagios messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'host': '',
           'host_ack_author': '',
           'output': 'ZOMG!',
           'service_ack_author': '',
           'state': 'CRITICAL',
           'type': 'PROBLEM'},
  'msg_id': '2015-c29fd2e7-b4f3-4ac0-8eed-9aa2f6d0d675',
  'timestamp': 1450127478.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() is down: “ZOMG!”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f01ba406-8809-4598-8d3f-52d2ef6c9ba8-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f01ba406-8809-4598-8d3f-52d2ef6c9ba8-secondary_icon


It might not be a good idea… but we hooked our nagios instance because “open infrastructure”. Note that, you shouldn’t really rely on this stream for alerts about systems, because if you’re expecting to get an alert about fedmsg being down, via fedmsg… well, it’s just not going to work, friend.

Here’s an example message sent when an admin acknowledges a problem.

You can view the history of messages with the nagios.service.state.change topic or all nagios messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'host': '',
           'host_ack_author': '',
           'service_ack_author': '',
           'state': 'WARNING',
           'type': 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'},
  'msg_id': '2015-e80ad530-8f35-473d-b90d-26b61de2f51d',
  'timestamp': 1450195509.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() nagios.service.state.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() kevin acknowledged that some service is having problems on
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘kevin’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 3937f7f8-5846-420f-a3c7-4bdd9d428718-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3937f7f8-5846-420f-a3c7-4bdd9d428718-secondary_icon


It might not be a good idea… but we hooked our nagios instance because “open infrastructure”. Note that, you shouldn’t really rely on this stream for alerts about systems, because if you’re expecting to get an alert about fedmsg being down, via fedmsg… well, it’s just not going to work, friend.

Here’s an example message sent when a service changes state.

You can view the history of messages with the nagios.service.state.change topic or all nagios messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'host': '',
           'host_ack_author': '',
           'output': 'HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 438 bytes in 0.536 second response time',
           'service': 'mm-publiclist-internal',
           'service_ack_author': '',
           'state': 'OK',
           'type': 'RECOVERY'},
  'msg_id': '2015-6b240c0f-c946-40ea-b9d7-34237c3268fc',
  'timestamp': 1450204405.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() nagios.service.state.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mm-publiclist-internal is back up on “HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 438 bytes in 0.536 second response time”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 4ba73c13-1387-4ec8-b79b-f621099936c1-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4ba73c13-1387-4ec8-b79b-f621099936c1-secondary_icon



These messages are published when an admin approves a candidate submission to the “Nuancier” wallpaper voting app.

You can view the history of messages with the nuancier.candidate.approved topic or all nuancier messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'gnokii',
           'candidate': { 'author': 'ralph',
                          'license': 'CC-BY-SA',
                          'name': 'Handsome',
                          'original_url': '',
                          'submitter': 'ralph'},
           'election': { 'date_end': 1393045200.0,
                         'date_start': 1392958800.0,
                         'id': 4,
                         'name': 'Fedora 22',
                         'submission_date_start': 1392786000.0,
                         'year': 2015}},
  'msg_id': '2014-32dce0de-5d80-4f9e-a445-d63b6f9e320f',
  'timestamp': 1392916813,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() nuancier.candidate.approved
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() gnokii approved ralph’s “Handsome” submission to the “Fedora 22” wallpaper election
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘gnokii’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘2015/Fedora 22/Handsome/candidate/approved’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 569bbc98-6e9e-4949-91b7-9e3c328aec0e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 569bbc98-6e9e-4949-91b7-9e3c328aec0e-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an admin denies a candidate submission to the “Nuancier” wallpaper voting app.

You can view the history of messages with the nuancier.candidate.denied topic or all nuancier messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'gnokii',
           'candidate': { 'author': 'ralph',
                          'license': 'CC-BY-SA',
                          'name': 'Handsome',
                          'original_url': '',
                          'submitter': 'ralph'},
           'election': { 'date_end': 1393045200.0,
                         'date_start': 1392958800.0,
                         'id': 4,
                         'name': 'Fedora 22',
                         'submission_date_start': 1392786000.0,
                         'year': 2015}},
  'msg_id': '2014-32dce0de-5d80-4f9e-a445-d63b6f9e320f',
  'timestamp': 1392916813,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() nuancier.candidate.denied
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() gnokii denied ralph’s “Handsome” submission to the “Fedora 22” wallpaper election
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘gnokii’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘2015/Fedora 22/Handsome/candidate/denied’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() bc885a34-9976-44bb-8f8f-e18a95c80517-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() bc885a34-9976-44bb-8f8f-e18a95c80517-secondary_icon

These messages are published when a contributor submits a new candidate for an existing election on the “Nuancier” wallpaper voting app.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all nuancier messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'candidate': { 'author': 'ralph',
                          'license': 'CC-BY-SA',
                          'name': 'Handsome',
                          'original_url': '',
                          'submitter': 'ralph'},
           'election': { 'date_end': 1393045200.0,
                         'date_start': 1392958800.0,
                         'id': 4,
                         'name': 'Fedora 22',
                         'submission_date_start': 1392786000.0,
                         'year': 2015}},
  'msg_id': '2014-0838ce6a-9f99-41d9-84a4-e076665d3b2b',
  'timestamp': 1392908853,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph uploaded a new candidate for the “Fedora 22” wallpaper election
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘2015/Fedora 22/Handsome/candidate/new’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 25e09166-96b8-47b2-927f-7e0faae36574-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 25e09166-96b8-47b2-927f-7e0faae36574-secondary_icon

These messages are published when an admin creates a new election on the “Nuancier” wallpaper voting app.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all nuancier messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'election': { 'date_end': 1393045200.0,
                         'date_start': 1392786000.0,
                         'id': 4,
                         'name': 'Fedora 22',
                         'submission_date_start': 1392786000.0,
                         'year': '2015'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-88577310-f466-4c88-8deb-dc98c8abc09e',
  'timestamp': 1392908460,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph created a new election “Fedora 22”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘2015/Fedora 22/election/new’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c8c94006-0dbd-4380-bf2e-30cf2d7994b1-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c8c94006-0dbd-4380-bf2e-30cf2d7994b1-secondary_icon


These messages are published when an admin updates the details of an existing election on the “Nuancier” wallpaper voting app.

You can view the history of messages with the nuancier.election.update topic or all nuancier messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'election': { 'date_end': 1393045200.0,
                         'date_start': 1392958800.0,
                         'id': 1,
                         'name': 'Fedora 21',
                         'submission_date_start': 1392958800.0,
                         'year': '2014'},
           'updated': ['election year', 'election name']},
  'msg_id': '2014-a97d68bd-bc9e-49e0-b028-f10297f36767',
  'timestamp': 1392907947,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() nuancier.election.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph changed the following details on the “Fedora 21” election: election year, election name
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘2014/Fedora 21/election/update’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f789c3de-fb97-432b-8a9b-767b0f13978c-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f789c3de-fb97-432b-8a9b-767b0f13978c-secondary_icon



openQA emits messages on this topic when a new comment is created.

You can view the history of messages with the openqa.comment.create topic or all openqa messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'created': '2016-12-01T12:22:52Z',
           'group_id': None,
           'id': 1,
           'job_id': 15052,
           'text': 'test comment',
           'updated': '2016-12-01T12:22:52Z',
           'user': 'perci'},
  'msg_id': '2016-809a50c2-0829-46b7-beb1-e9cf0ed2ca1a',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1458740621.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() openqa.comment.create
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() perci created comment #1 on openQA job 15052, text: test comment
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘perci’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([15052])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


openQA emits messages on this topic when a comment is deleted.

You can view the history of messages with the openqa.comment.delete topic or all openqa messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'created': '2016-12-01T12:22:52Z',
           'group_id': None,
           'id': 1,
           'job_id': 15052,
           'text': 'test comment',
           'updated': '2016-12-01T12:22:52Z',
           'user': 'perci'},
  'msg_id': '2016-809a50c2-0829-46b7-beb1-e9cf0ed2ca1a',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1458740621.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() openqa.comment.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() perci deleted comment #1 on openQA job 15052, text: test comment
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘perci’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([15052])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


openQA emits messages on this topic when a comment is updated.

You can view the history of messages with the openqa.comment.update topic or all openqa messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'created': '2016-12-01T12:22:52Z',
           'group_id': 1,
           'id': 2,
           'job_id': None,
           'text': 'some text longer than 30 characters',
           'updated': '2016-12-01T12:22:52Z',
           'user': 'perci'},
  'msg_id': '2016-809a50c2-0829-46b7-beb1-e9cf0ed2ca1a',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1458740621.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() openqa.comment.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() perci updated comment #2 on openQA group 1, text: some text longer than 30 chara…
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘perci’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([1])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


openQA emits messages on this topic when a job completes. ‘remaining’ indicates the number of jobs for the same compose that are either running or waiting to start. ‘result’ should indicate the result of the job, but at present it is always None due to upstream openQA issues.

You can view the history of messages with the openqa.job.done topic or all openqa messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'ARCH': 'x86_64',
           'BUILD': 'Fedora-Rawhide-20160323.n.0',
           'FLAVOR': 'universal',
           'ISO': 'Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-Rawhide-20160323.n.0.iso',
           'MACHINE': '64bit',
           'TEST': 'install_xfs',
           'id': 10826,
           'newbuild': None,
           'remaining': 23,
           'result': None},
  'msg_id': '2016-fb9690a0-96fd-41e7-a532-0547a4b9229b',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1458779794.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() openqa.job.done
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() staging job 10826 (test install_xfs on 64bit for iso Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-Rawhide-20160323.n.0.iso) completed for Fedora-Rawhide-20160323.n.0, 23 remaining jobs
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-Rawhide-20160323.n.0.iso’, ‘Fedora-Rawhide-20160323.n.0’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


openQA emits messages on this topic when a job is duplicated. The ‘id’ is the job that was duplicated, the ‘result’ is the new job.

You can view the history of messages with the openqa.job.duplicate topic or all openqa messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'ARCH': 'x86_64',
           'BUILD': 'Fedora-24-20160323.n.0',
           'FLAVOR': 'Everything-boot-iso',
           'ISO': 'Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24-20160323.n.0.iso',
           'MACHINE': '64bit',
           'TEST': 'base_selinux',
           'auto': '1',
           'id': 10625,
           'remaining': 39,
           'result': '10695'},
  'msg_id': '2016-809a50c2-0829-46b7-beb1-e9cf0ed2ca1a',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1458740621.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() openqa.job.duplicate
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() job 10625 (test base_selinux on 64bit for iso Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24-20160323.n.0.iso) automatically duplicated as 10695 for Fedora-24-20160323.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora-24-20160323.n.0’, ‘Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24-20160323.n.0.iso’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


openQA emits messages on this topic when a job is duplicated. The ‘id’ is the job that was duplicated, the ‘result’ is the new job.

You can view the history of messages with the openqa.job.duplicate topic or all openqa messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'ARCH': 'x86_64',
           'BUILD': 'Fedora-24-20160323.n.0',
           'FLAVOR': 'Everything-boot-iso',
           'HDD_1': 'disk_Everything-boot-iso_64bit.qcow2',
           'ISO': 'Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24-20160323.n.0.iso',
           'MACHINE': '64bit',
           'TEST': 'base_selinux',
           'auto': '0',
           'id': 10625,
           'remaining': 39,
           'result': '10695'},
  'msg_id': '2016-809a50c2-0829-46b7-beb1-e9cf0ed2ca1a',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1458740621.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() openqa.job.duplicate
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() job 10625 (test base_selinux on 64bit for iso Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24-20160323.n.0.iso) manually duplicated as 10695 for Fedora-24-20160323.n.0
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora-24-20160323.n.0’, ‘Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24-20160323.n.0.iso’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


openQA emits messages on this topic when a job is restarted. The ‘id’ is the job that was restarted, the ‘result’ is the id of the new job.

You can view the history of messages with the openqa.job.restart topic or all openqa messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'ARCH': 'x86_64',
           'BUILD': 'Fedora-24-20160322.4',
           'FLAVOR': 'universal',
           'ISO': 'Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24_Alpha-1.7.iso',
           'MACHINE': 'uefi',
           'TEST': 'server_simple_encrypted',
           'id': 10589,
           'remaining': 2,
           'result': '10619'},
  'msg_id': '2016-02ec7b3a-ca9d-4844-8361-f46bc883a91d',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1458702088.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() openqa.job.restart
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() job 10589 (test server_simple_encrypted on uefi for iso Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24_Alpha-1.7.iso) restarted as 10619 for Fedora-24-20160322.4
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora-24-20160322.4’, ‘Fedora-Everything-netinst-x86_64-24_Alpha-1.7.iso’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified



These messages are published when someone adds a flag on a commit made to a project hosted on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.commit.flag.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'flag': { 'comment': 'Built successfully',
                     'commit_hash': '54af3859766332fca930ef46d1ada001c6ed4502',
                     'date_created': '1511776677',
                     'percent': '100',
                     'status': 'success',
                     'url': '',
                     'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                               'name': 'pingou'},
                     'username': 'simple-koji-ci'},
           'repo': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': ['provenpackager'],
                                        'commit': [],
                                        'ticket': []},
                     'access_users': { 'admin': ['kparal'],
                                       'commit': [],
                                       'owner': ['pingou'],
                                       'ticket': []},
                     'close_status': [ 'Fixed',
                                       'Insufficient Data'],
                     'custom_keys': [ ['Reviewed', 'boolean'],
                                      ['review status', 'list']],
                     'date_created': '1483532124',
                     'date_modified': '1511180063',
                     'description': 'test project',
                     'fullname': 'test',
                     'id': 1,
                     'milestones': { '1.0.1': '',
                                     '2': '',
                                     'Caf\\u00e9': '',
                                     'k\\u00e4py': ''},
                     'name': 'test',
                     'namespace': None,
                     'parent': None,
                     'priorities': { '': '',
                                     '-1': 'Sky falling',
                                     '0': 'Urgent',
                                     '1': 'High',
                                     '2': 'Normal',
                                     '3': 'Low'},
                     'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                   'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                   'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                   'Web-hooks': '',
                                   'always_merge': False,
                                   'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                   'issue_tracker': True,
                                   'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                   'project_documentation': True,
                                   'pull_request_access_only': True,
                                   'pull_requests': True},
                     'tags': [],
                     'url_path': 'test',
                     'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                               'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2017-56e00e7e-03d6-4427-9453-b8da4ac98c68',
  'timestamp': 1511780277,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.commit.flag.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() simple-koji-ci added a flag on the commit 54af3859 of the project test
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6e240bcb-1ad6-4e08-b5ec-e69635183731-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6e240bcb-1ad6-4e08-b5ec-e69635183731-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone updates a flag on a commit made to a project hosted on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.commit.flag.updated topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'flag': { 'comment': 'Built successfully',
                     'commit_hash': '54af3859766332fca930ef46d1ada001c6ed4502',
                     'date_created': '1511365564',
                     'percent': '100',
                     'status': 'success',
                     'url': '',
                     'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                               'name': 'pingou'},
                     'username': 'simple-koji-ci'},
           'repo': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': ['provenpackager'],
                                        'commit': [],
                                        'ticket': []},
                     'access_users': { 'admin': ['kparal'],
                                       'commit': [],
                                       'owner': ['pingou'],
                                       'ticket': []},
                     'close_status': [ 'Fixed',
                                       'Insufficient Data'],
                     'custom_keys': [ ['Reviewed', 'boolean'],
                                      ['review status', 'list']],
                     'date_created': '1483532124',
                     'date_modified': '1511180063',
                     'description': 'test project',
                     'fullname': 'test',
                     'id': 1,
                     'milestones': { '1.0.1': '',
                                     '2': '',
                                     'Caf\\u00e9': '',
                                     'k\\u00e4py': ''},
                     'name': 'test',
                     'namespace': None,
                     'parent': None,
                     'priorities': { '': '',
                                     '-1': 'Sky falling',
                                     '0': 'Urgent',
                                     '1': 'High',
                                     '2': 'Normal',
                                     '3': 'Low'},
                     'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                   'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                   'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                   'Web-hooks': '',
                                   'always_merge': False,
                                   'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                   'issue_tracker': True,
                                   'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                   'project_documentation': True,
                                   'pull_request_access_only': True,
                                   'pull_requests': True},
                     'tags': [],
                     'url_path': 'test',
                     'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                               'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2017-0609b359-c0b7-4675-a729-d575144e2a07',
  'timestamp': 1511780070,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.commit.flag.updated
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() simple-koji-ci updated its flag on the commit 54af3859 of the project test
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() b2315016-b5cd-4f84-be4c-37e96cf550f0-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() b2315016-b5cd-4f84-be4c-37e96cf550f0-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone pushes a commit to a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.git.receive topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'branch': 'refs/heads/master',
           'end_commit': 'edc02fbb423d3957d174c571896418f29fa169b8',
           'forced': False,
           'repo': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                     'description': 'test project #1',
                     'id': 1,
                     'name': 'pagure',
                     'parent': None,
                     'settings': { 'Comment-editing': False,
                                   'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                   'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                   'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                   'Web-hooks': None,
                                   'always_merge': True,
                                   'issue_tracker': True,
                                   'project_documentation': False,
                                   'pull_requests': True},
                     'tags': ['fedora-infra', 'fedora'],
                     'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                               'name': 'pingou'}},
           'start_commit': 'b5e65479e4bd91554d8d3084bf378ffb6e4ef605',
           'total_commits': 3},
  'msg_id': '2016-c854f690-5691-42e8-b488-2d65aef80fdc',
  'timestamp': 1457538778,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.git.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou pushed 3 commits to pagure (master)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/pagure’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() ff2f40f9-dbe1-46c2-92db-44592d4ff5aa-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ff2f40f9-dbe1-46c2-92db-44592d4ff5aa-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone is assigned to a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.assigned.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'assignee': { 'emails': [''],
                                    'fullname': 'Ralph',
                                    'name': 'ralph'},
                      'blocks': '',
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': '',
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-4ab5479a-1a99-4e26-a52f-e9e1ce423e40',
  'timestamp': 1427450780,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.assigned.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou assigned ticket foo#4 to ralph
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d4b2fb06-14dc-452c-b938-73ca0ffc738d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d4b2fb06-14dc-452c-b938-73ca0ffc738d-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone is assigned to a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

This tests the dealing with assignee=None. This was a breakage in Pagure, filed as but since messages containing this bug have been sent to the bus, we need to deal with it.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.assigned.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'blocks': '',
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': '',
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-4ab5479a-1a99-4e26-a52f-e9e1ce423e40',
  'timestamp': 1427450780,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.assigned.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou assigned ticket foo#4
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 19853e5c-4c96-4abd-a98c-f61b4e748723-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 19853e5c-4c96-4abd-a98c-f61b4e748723-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone is reset the assignee of a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.assigned.reset topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'blocks': '',
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': '',
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-bc20fa0e-8baa-4b6a-ac44-c30b9e579da3',
  'timestamp': 1427453148,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.assigned.reset
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou reset the assignee of ticket foo#4
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 861f78dc-f643-40c1-b709-3dd79c37726d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 861f78dc-f643-40c1-b709-3dd79c37726d-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone comments on a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.comment.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'blocks': '',
                      'comments': [ { 'comment': 'We should really fix this',
                                      'date_created': '1427445097',
                                      'id': 380,
                                      'parent': None,
                                      'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                'name': 'pingou'}}],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': '',
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-539fc955-db5a-4bb5-a6a6-4a096a2d795d',
  'timestamp': 1427448698,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.comment.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou commented on ticket foo#4: “bug”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 112a3d27-f3e0-4f0f-969f-e3faf08cc692-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 112a3d27-f3e0-4f0f-969f-e3faf08cc692-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone comments on a ticket opened against a project on pagure that has a namespace.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.comment.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'langdon',
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'blocks': [],
                      'close_status': None,
                      'closed_at': None,
                      'comments': [ { 'comment': 'CC: @jflory7 ',
                                      'date_created': '1480450913',
                                      'edited_on': None,
                                      'editor': None,
                                      'id': 43594,
                                      'notification': False,
                                      'parent': None,
                                      'user': { 'fullname': 'Justin W. Flory',
                                                'name': 'jflory7'}},
                                    { 'comment': "I'd rather see this piloted in a more focused group first.  If we start there, at a more likely entry point for new-to-elections people then we can figure out what works and scale up.  This also gives it definition, imho.  The council is a rather wide-ranging set of duties.",
                                      'date_created': '1480963470',
                                      'edited_on': None,
                                      'editor': None,
                                      'id': 45748,
                                      'notification': False,
                                      'parent': None,
                                      'user': { 'fullname': 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd',
                                                'name': 'bex'}},
                                    { 'comment': 'Separate? related conversion on the council-discuss ML:',
                                      'date_created': '1480963587',
                                      'edited_on': None,
                                      'editor': None,
                                      'id': 45749,
                                      'notification': False,
                                      'parent': None,
                                      'user': { 'fullname': 'Langdon White',
                                                'name': 'langdon'}}],
                      'content': 'New people may feel intimidated to join the council, and having a process for them to learn could encourage more volunteers. This would remove some of the feelings of inadequacy that many people have about doing something new. \r\n\r\nThe training period could involve having someone shadow another council member and ask them questions, or have a few council members act as mentors to help the new people with the process and questions they may have. A handbook or guide on what council members do and their expected behavior and duties and how do carry them out would also be helpful.',
                      'custom_fields': [],
                      'date_created': '1480443846',
                      'depends': [],
                      'id': 79,
                      'last_updated': '1480963471',
                      'milestone': None,
                      'priority': None,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'Have a training period for new first time Council members',
                      'user': { 'fullname': 'Dolores Portalatin',
                                'name': 'meskarune'}},
           'project': { 'close_status': [ 'approved',
                                          'no action needed',
                        'custom_keys': [],
                        'date_created': '1479131198',
                        'description': 'The Fedora Council uses this to record ongoing work and to track issues which need a specific resolution. ',
                        'id': 1383,
                        'milestones': { },
                        'name': 'tickets',
                        'namespace': 'Fedora-Council',
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { '': '',
                                        '1': 'Next Meeting',
                                        '2': 'Coming Up',
                                        '3': 'Back Burner'},
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'project_documentation': False,
                                      'pull_requests': True},
                        'tags': [],
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Matthew Miller',
                                  'name': 'mattdm'}}},
  'msg_id': '2016-b4b8c21f-cbfd-4045-96d2-6a471e9bd3f3',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1480963588.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.comment.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() langdon commented on ticket Fedora-Council/tickets#79: “Have a training period for new first time Council members”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘langdon’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘issue/79’, ‘project/Fedora-Council/tickets’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6c9c9c15-317b-4132-94ac-a3a90bbe6b38-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6c9c9c15-317b-4132-94ac-a3a90bbe6b38-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone edits a comment on a ticket on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.comment.edited topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'headers': { },
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'churchyard',
           'comment': { 'comment': "No I don't. I took the design as per, I've installed all the fonts and exported a regular PDF from Inkscape. I gave it to the printer via @kmrstiko (if anyone knows what you've asked, it's her). Turned out pretty good",
                        'date_created': '1521016453',
                        'edited_on': '1521016484',
                        'editor': { 'fullname': 'Miro Hron\\u010dok',
                                    'name': 'churchyard'},
                        'id': 499092,
                        'notification': False,
                        'parent': None,
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Miro Hron\\u010dok',
                                  'name': 'churchyard'}},
           'issue': { 'assignee': { 'fullname': 'Ryan Lerch',
                                    'name': 'ryanlerch'},
                      'blocks': [],
                      'close_status': None,
                      'closed_at': None,
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': "We'd like to have a new **Fedora \\u2665 Python** Brochure",
                      'custom_fields': [],
                      'date_created': '1502196615',
                      'depends': [],
                      'id': 541,
                      'last_updated': '1521016484',
                      'milestone': None,
                      'priority': None,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': ['triaged'],
                      'title': 'New Fedora Loves Python Brochure',
                      'user': { 'fullname': 'Miro Hron\\u010dok',
                                'name': 'churchyard'}},
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                           'commit': ['fedora-design'],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'ryanlerch',
                                          'commit': [],
                                          'owner': ['duffy'],
                                          'ticket': []},
                        'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                          'Insufficient data',
                        'custom_keys': [],
                        'date_created': '1473343869',
                        'date_modified': '1513082697',
                        'description': "Fedora Design Team, the Fedora Project's in-house creative agency covering everything from logos and branding, to icons, to print media and swag design, to UX design a usability testing and assessment.",
                        'fullname': 'design',
                        'id': 1115,
                        'milestones': { 'mizmo active work queue': ''},
                        'name': 'design',
                        'namespace': None,
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { },
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'project_documentation': True,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                      'pull_requests': True},
                        'tags': ['artwork', 'design', 'UX', 'creative'],
                        'url_path': 'design',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'M\\u00e1ir\\u00edn Duffy',
                                  'name': 'duffy'}}},
  'msg_id': '2018-e3e2f800-fbe2-4841-a0cb-c0bb0f71bbca',
  'source_version': '0.8.2',
  'timestamp': 1521016485.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'git'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.comment.edited
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() churchyard edited a comment on ticket design#541: “New Fedora Loves Python Brochure”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘churchyard’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘issue/541’, ‘project/design’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e0d58a12-064e-4043-805e-d0566e95c2f9-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e0d58a12-064e-4043-805e-d0566e95c2f9-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone is reset the assignee of a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.dependency.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'added_dependency': 4,
           'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'blocks': [4],
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442076',
                      'depends': '',
                      'id': 2,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-c8189e0c-ef22-4e72-92cc-9ffa68c35b7b',
  'timestamp': 1427453868,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.dependency.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou added ticket foo#2 as a dependency of ticket foo#4
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/2’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 9f1f77e4-4da8-4ac2-aaf8-1797b5ce07d3-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9f1f77e4-4da8-4ac2-aaf8-1797b5ce07d3-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone is reset the assignee of a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.dependency.removed topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'blocks': [],
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': [],
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': ['0.1'],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'removed_dependency': 2},
  'msg_id': '2015-cb2e1acd-c6c7-4da4-ba99-c136954bb039',
  'timestamp': 1427454576,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.dependency.removed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou removed ticket foo#4 as a dependency of ticket foo#2
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a7801207-4737-4a1e-b85b-18d67e711938-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a7801207-4737-4a1e-b85b-18d67e711938-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a ticket is deleted against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.drop topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'yangl1996',
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'blocks': [],
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1434789890',
                      'depends': [],
                      'id': 42,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'foobar',
                      'user': { 'fullname': 'Lei Yang', 'name': 'yangl1996'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1434262409',
                        'description': '',
                        'id': 78,
                        'name': 'docs-test',
                        'parent': None,
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': '-1',
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': '',
                                      'issue_tracker': 'y',
                                      'project_documentation': 'y',
                                      'pull_requests': 'y'},
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Lei Yang',
                                  'name': 'yangl1996'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-9ab3ba70-02aa-4034-a532-8791696165fd',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1434790435.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.drop
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() yangl1996 deleted ticket docs-test#42: “foobar”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘yangl1996’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/docs-test’, ‘issue/42’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f85fe590-938a-4458-bdfe-b62dacf1cfe6-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f85fe590-938a-4458-bdfe-b62dacf1cfe6-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone edited a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.edit topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 5,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'fields': ['status', 'private'],
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'blocks': [],
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': [],
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Fixed',
                      'tags': ['0.1'],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-5755ee3a-43ba-4552-9423-8fe3b0a96662',
  'timestamp': 1427454847,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou edited the private and status fields of ticket foo#4
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 68ff3e92-747e-4814-af63-95a26929c680-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 68ff3e92-747e-4814-af63-95a26929c680-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone edited a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.edit topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 5,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'fields': ['status'],
           'issue': { 'assignee': None,
                      'blocks': [],
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': [],
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Fixed',
                      'tags': ['0.1'],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-5755ee3a-43ba-4552-9423-8fe3b0a96662',
  'timestamp': 1427454847,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou set the status of ticket foo#4 to: Fixed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 28a9c263-ef5a-4350-b7ed-be71422612aa-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 28a9c263-ef5a-4350-b7ed-be71422612aa-secondary_icon

These messages are published when a ticket is opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'blocks': '',
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': '',
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-a9e8a8d6-6197-48b8-9fc9-a03967a9d4bb',
  'timestamp': 1427445817,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou opened a new ticket foo#4: “bug”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 130823de-a375-42e4-8375-0e9d398a59cc-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 130823de-a375-42e4-8375-0e9d398a59cc-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone adds a tag on a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.tag.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'blocks': '',
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': '',
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': [],
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'tags': ['easyfix', 'bug']},
  'msg_id': '2015-64ac444e-915c-4a6c-820b-59e8daf14584',
  'timestamp': 1427449624,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.tag.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou tagged ticket foo#4: bug and easyfix
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 76ce3678-9589-4695-877f-622fc93e30ed-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 76ce3678-9589-4695-877f-622fc93e30ed-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone removes a tag on a ticket opened against a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.issue.tag.removed topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'issue': { 'blocks': '',
                      'comments': [],
                      'content': 'report',
                      'date_created': '1427442217',
                      'depends': '',
                      'id': 4,
                      'private': False,
                      'status': 'Open',
                      'tags': '',
                      'title': 'bug',
                      'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                'name': 'pingou'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'tags': ['feature', 'future']},
  'msg_id': '2015-e1921852-c269-4c08-a611-dffe5c39417f',
  'timestamp': 1427450043,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.issue.tag.removed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou removed the feature and future tags from ticket foo#4
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’, ‘issue/4’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 42d3bdd4-1857-4f61-a142-b30e57713016-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 42d3bdd4-1857-4f61-a142-b30e57713016-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone removes a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.deleted topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                           'commit': [],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                          'commit': [],
                                          'owner': ['pingou'],
                                          'ticket': []},
                        'close_status': [],
                        'custom_keys': [],
                        'date_created': '1511771023',
                        'date_modified': '1511771023',
                        'description': 'rpms/fedocal',
                        'fullname': 'fedocal',
                        'id': 121,
                        'milestones': { },
                        'name': 'fedocal',
                        'namespace': None,
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { },
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'project_documentation': False,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                      'pull_requests': True},
                        'tags': [],
                        'url_path': 'fedocal',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2017-ccf84c90-8da8-47dd-b940-f44973b3fc94',
  'timestamp': 1511774645,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.deleted
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou deleted the project “fedocal”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/fedocal’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 964d028b-c03b-4b38-80fa-095bb2deb938-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 964d028b-c03b-4b38-80fa-095bb2deb938-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone edited a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.edit topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'fields': ['project_docs'],
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': False,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-3b53c72a-8585-4ddc-ba60-d7e969a0acbb',
  'timestamp': 1427455343,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou edited the project_docs fields of project foo
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 88cc4d1b-b4b1-4672-be2b-6cc35cb32deb-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 88cc4d1b-b4b1-4672-be2b-6cc35cb32deb-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone forks a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.forked topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427453169',
                        'description': '',
                        'id': 8,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'fedmsg',
                        'parent': { 'date_created': '1426595173',
                                    'description': '',
                                    'id': 5,
                                    'issue_tracker': True,
                                    'name': 'fedmsg',
                                    'parent': None,
                                    'project_docs': True,
                                    'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                              'fullname': 'ralph',
                                              'name': 'ralph'}},
                        'project_docs': True,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-7ec8cd76-8ed7-4360-ac32-2e881273a7c2',
  'timestamp': 1427456769,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.forked
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou forked fedmsg to fork/pingou/fedmsg
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/fork/pingou/fedmsg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() bd5e97f8-05db-4d7b-b45c-cd2e057ea1ab-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() bd5e97f8-05db-4d7b-b45c-cd2e057ea1ab-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone forks a project on dist-git.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.forked topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': None,
  'headers': { },
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'puiterwijk',
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                           'commit': [],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                          'commit': [],
                                          'owner': ['puiterwijk'],
                                          'ticket': []},
                        'close_status': [],
                        'custom_keys': [],
                        'date_created': '1502052151',
                        'date_modified': '1502052151',
                        'description': 'The ipsilon rpms',
                        'fullname': 'forks/puiterwijk/rpms/ipsilon',
                        'id': 22745,
                        'milestones': { },
                        'name': 'ipsilon',
                        'namespace': 'rpms',
                        'parent': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                       'commit': [],
                                                       'ticket': []},
                                    'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                                      'commit': ['simo'],
                                                      'owner': [ 'puiterwijk'],
                                                      'ticket': []},
                                    'close_status': [],
                                    'custom_keys': [],
                                    'date_created': '1501275113',
                                    'date_modified': '1501275113',
                                    'description': 'The ipsilon rpms',
                                    'fullname': 'rpms/ipsilon',
                                    'id': 6398,
                                    'milestones': { },
                                    'name': 'ipsilon',
                                    'namespace': 'rpms',
                                    'parent': None,
                                    'priorities': { },
                                    'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                  'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                  'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                  'Web-hooks': None,
                                                  'always_merge': False,
                                                  'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                  'issue_tracker': True,
                                                  'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                  'project_documentation': False,
                                                  'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                  'pull_requests': True},
                                    'tags': [],
                                    'user': { 'fullname': 'Patrick "\\u30de\\u30eb\\u30bf\\u30a4\\u30f3\\u30a2\\u30f3\\u30c9\\u30ec\\u30a2\\u30b9" Uiterwijk',
                                              'name': 'puiterwijk'}},
                        'priorities': { },
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': False,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'project_documentation': False,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                      'pull_requests': False},
                        'tags': [],
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Patrick "\\u30de\\u30eb\\u30bf\\u30a4\\u30f3\\u30a2\\u30f3\\u30c9\\u30ec\\u30a2\\u30b9" Uiterwijk',
                                  'name': 'puiterwijk'}}},
  'msg_id': '2017-a992188d-62c4-4c53-aea6-67a82a355b9b',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.7.0',
  'timestamp': 1502052155.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': None}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.forked
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() puiterwijk forked ipsilon to fork/puiterwijk/rpms/ipsilon
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘puiterwijk’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/fork/puiterwijk/rpms/ipsilon’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d5f313bf-a262-4a63-bae1-57ea57acb648-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d5f313bf-a262-4a63-bae1-57ea57acb648-secondary_icon

These messages are published when a someone updated someone’s rights on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'new_access': 'commit',
           'new_group': 'awesome',
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': False,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-b3c2e568-259a-4b1f-9ecc-79493b89687a',
  'timestamp': 1427455518,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou updated access of group “awesome” to commit on project foo
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() ee2f922d-ae13-40df-9ed9-7f115859c9d5-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ee2f922d-ae13-40df-9ed9-7f115859c9d5-secondary_icon

These messages are published when a someone gave some rights on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'access': 'admin',
           'agent': 'pingou',
           'new_group': 'awesome',
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': False,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-b3c2e568-259a-4b1f-9ecc-79493b89687a',
  'timestamp': 1427455518,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou added group “awesome” to project foo with admin access
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 05112d15-6199-4432-84b4-08ded43a9787-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 05112d15-6199-4432-84b4-08ded43a9787-secondary_icon

These messages are published when a new project is created on dist-git.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'headers': { },
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'mprahl',
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                           'commit': [],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                          'commit': [],
                                          'owner': ['mprahl'],
                                          'ticket': []},
                        'close_status': [],
                        'custom_keys': [],
                        'date_created': '1505394470',
                        'date_modified': '1505394470',
                        'description': 'The arachne-pnr package',
                        'fullname': 'rpms/arachne-pnr',
                        'id': 22781,
                        'milestones': { },
                        'name': 'arachne-pnr',
                        'namespace': 'rpms',
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { },
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'project_documentation': False,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                      'pull_requests': True},
                        'tags': [],
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Matt Prahl', 'name': 'mprahl'}}},
  'msg_id': '2017-d5a8da88-bcdc-402b-863a-1545016f2f2c',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.8.1',
  'timestamp': 1505394473.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pagure'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() mprahl created a new project “rpms/arachne-pnr”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘mprahl’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/rpms/arachne-pnr’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() ea66a93a-483d-4949-a777-41e7ec5f9bdc-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ea66a93a-483d-4949-a777-41e7ec5f9bdc-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone edited a tag of a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.tag.edited topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'new_tag': 'easyfix',
           'old_tag': 'easyfix1',
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': False,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-79d76ac7-5c66-460d-8a39-17849e462a85',
  'timestamp': 1427456487,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.tag.edited
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou altered tags on project foo from “easyfix1” to “easyfix”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 440e30f0-5646-48c8-8416-aa56efcc1999-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 440e30f0-5646-48c8-8416-aa56efcc1999-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone removed a tag of a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.tag.removed topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 5,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': False,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'tags': ['easyfix1']},
  'msg_id': '2015-c6db4dd3-0a87-4eee-aab7-7758f566f36e',
  'timestamp': 1427455744,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.tag.removed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou removed tags “easyfix1” from project foo
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 813e04c4-09cb-4dc5-893b-97106e470545-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 813e04c4-09cb-4dc5-893b-97106e470545-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone updates someones rights on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.user.access.updated topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'new_access': 'commit',
           'new_user': 'ralph',
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': False,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-b3c2e568-259a-4b1f-9ecc-79493b89687a',
  'timestamp': 1427455518,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.user.access.updated
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou updated access of “ralph” to commit in project foo
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 17c46534-3872-4d6f-b0f5-d5dad8608b9f-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 17c46534-3872-4d6f-b0f5-d5dad8608b9f-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone gave some rights on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.user.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'access': 'admin',
           'agent': 'pingou',
           'new_user': 'ralph',
           'project': { 'date_created': '1427441537',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'id': 7,
                        'issue_tracker': True,
                        'name': 'foo',
                        'parent': None,
                        'project_docs': False,
                        'user': { 'emails': [''],
                                  'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-b3c2e568-259a-4b1f-9ecc-79493b89687a',
  'timestamp': 1427455518,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.user.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou added “ralph” to project foo with admin access
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/foo’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 558229f8-45b0-46f9-8755-b08d34b62254-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 558229f8-45b0-46f9-8755-b08d34b62254-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone gave some rights on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.project.user.removed topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                           'commit': [],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                          'commit': [],
                                          'owner': ['pingou'],
                                          'ticket': []},
                        'close_status': [],
                        'custom_keys': [],
                        'date_created': '1504684095',
                        'date_modified': '1512571393',
                        'description': 'bar',
                        'fullname': 'pingoutest',
                        'id': 103,
                        'milestones': { },
                        'name': 'pingoutest',
                        'namespace': None,
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { },
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'project_documentation': False,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                      'pull_requests': True},
                        'tags': [],
                        'url_path': 'pingoutest',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'removed_user': 'ralph'},
  'msg_id': '2017-d45576b4-8201-45d6-b498-5019312310c1',
  'timestamp': 1512574999,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.project.user.removed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou removed “ralph” from the project pingoutest
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/pingoutest’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 234cbfcd-d529-4129-9f02-b104798539a7-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 234cbfcd-d529-4129-9f02-b104798539a7-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone merged a pull-request of a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.pull-request.closed topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'merged': True,
           'pullrequest': { 'branch': 'master',
                            'branch_from': 'master',
                            'comments': [ { 'comment': 'awesome!',
                                            'commit': 'fa72f315373ec5f98f2b08c8ffae3645c97aaad2',
                                            'date_created': '1426843778',
                                            'filename': 'test',
                                            'id': 1,
                                            'line': 5,
                                            'parent': None,
                                            'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                      'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                      'name': 'pingou'}}],
                            'commit_start': '788efeaaf86bde8618f594a8181abb402e1dd904',
                            'commit_stop': '5ca3e1c7ccff3327ebeb2f07eaa9bf3820d3f5c8',
                            'date_created': '1426843732',
                            'id': 7,
                            'project': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                                         'description': 'test project',
                                         'id': 1,
                                         'issue_tracker': True,
                                         'name': 'test',
                                         'parent': None,
                                         'project_docs': True,
                                         'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                   'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                   'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'repo_from': { 'date_created': '1426843440',
                                           'description': 'test project',
                                           'id': 6,
                                           'issue_tracker': True,
                                           'name': 'test',
                                           'parent': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                                                       'description': 'test project',
                                                       'id': 1,
                                                       'issue_tracker': True,
                                                       'name': 'test',
                                                       'parent': None,
                                                       'project_docs': True,
                                                       'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                                 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                                 'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           'project_docs': True,
                                           'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                     'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                     'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'status': False,
                            'title': 'test request',
                            'uid': 'd4182a2ac2d541d884742d3037c26e56',
                            'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                      'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                      'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-22ec6669-91fe-4c32-b324-db80fba696dd',
  'timestamp': 1427458778,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.pull-request.closed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou merged pull request #7 on test
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pull-request/7’, ‘project/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 9a6606c3-d6cc-49b2-9fde-740068e14fb4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9a6606c3-d6cc-49b2-9fde-740068e14fb4-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone closed a pull-request of a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.pull-request.closed topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'merged': False,
           'pullrequest': { 'branch': 'master',
                            'branch_from': 'master',
                            'comments': [ { 'comment': "Sorry but this won't do",
                                            'commit': None,
                                            'date_created': '1427453701',
                                            'filename': None,
                                            'id': 16,
                                            'line': None,
                                            'parent': None,
                                            'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                      'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                      'name': 'pingou'}}],
                            'commit_start': '788efeaaf86bde8618f594a8181abb402e1dd904',
                            'commit_stop': '5ca3e1c7ccff3327ebeb2f07eaa9bf3820d3f5c8',
                            'date_created': '1426843718',
                            'id': 6,
                            'project': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                                         'description': 'test project',
                                         'id': 1,
                                         'issue_tracker': True,
                                         'name': 'test',
                                         'parent': None,
                                         'project_docs': True,
                                         'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                   'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                   'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'repo_from': { 'date_created': '1426843440',
                                           'description': 'test project',
                                           'id': 6,
                                           'issue_tracker': True,
                                           'name': 'test',
                                           'parent': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                                                       'description': 'test project',
                                                       'id': 1,
                                                       'issue_tracker': True,
                                                       'name': 'test',
                                                       'parent': None,
                                                       'project_docs': True,
                                                       'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                                 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                                 'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           'project_docs': True,
                                           'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                     'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                     'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'status': False,
                            'title': 'test request',
                            'uid': '0a7d6b626b934511b6355dd48926916a',
                            'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                      'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                      'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-c9636fda-3a4c-452b-85ee-870e29f63a03',
  'timestamp': 1427458544,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.pull-request.closed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou closed (without merging) pull request #6 on test
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pull-request/6’, ‘project/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 10f7c710-4ab5-4e22-baee-44880f17880d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 10f7c710-4ab5-4e22-baee-44880f17880d-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone commented on a pull-request of a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.pull-request.comment.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'pullrequest': { 'branch': 'master',
                            'branch_from': 'master',
                            'comments': [ { 'comment': 'This is looking good!',
                                            'commit': None,
                                            'date_created': '1427453701',
                                            'filename': None,
                                            'id': 16,
                                            'line': None,
                                            'parent': None,
                                            'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                      'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                      'name': 'pingou'}}],
                            'commit_start': '788efeaaf86bde8618f594a8181abb402e1dd904',
                            'commit_stop': '5ca3e1c7ccff3327ebeb2f07eaa9bf3820d3f5c8',
                            'date_created': '1426843718',
                            'id': 6,
                            'project': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                                         'description': 'test project',
                                         'id': 1,
                                         'issue_tracker': True,
                                         'name': 'test',
                                         'parent': None,
                                         'project_docs': True,
                                         'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                   'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                   'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'repo_from': { 'date_created': '1426843440',
                                           'description': 'test project',
                                           'id': 6,
                                           'issue_tracker': True,
                                           'name': 'test',
                                           'parent': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                                                       'description': 'test project',
                                                       'id': 1,
                                                       'issue_tracker': True,
                                                       'name': 'test',
                                                       'parent': None,
                                                       'project_docs': True,
                                                       'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                                 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                                 'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           'project_docs': True,
                                           'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                     'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                     'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'status': True,
                            'title': 'test request',
                            'uid': '0a7d6b626b934511b6355dd48926916a',
                            'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                      'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                      'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-cbf24329-b51c-4160-983c-ffa45ef63863',
  'timestamp': 1427457362,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.pull-request.comment.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou commented on PR #6 on test
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pull-request/6’, ‘project/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 90b588dd-370d-4882-8af6-21481a4fe809-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 90b588dd-370d-4882-8af6-21481a4fe809-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone commented on a pull-request of a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.pull-request.comment.edited topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'lmacken',
           'comment': { 'comment': 'From\r\n\r\nThings a coroutine can do:\r\n\r\n`result = await future` or `result = yield from future` \\u2013...',
                        'commit': None,
                        'date_created': '1456854157',
                        'edited_on': '1456854211',
                        'editor': { 'fullname': 'Luke Macken',
                                    'name': 'lmacken'},
                        'filename': None,
                        'id': 2922,
                        'line': None,
                        'notification': False,
                        'parent': None,
                        'tree': None,
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Luke Macken',
                                  'name': 'lmacken'}},
           'project': { 'date_created': '1445511838',
                        'description': 'Expose the repo metadata information in a simple api',
                        'id': 221,
                        'name': 'mdapi',
                        'parent': None,
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'project_documentation': False,
                                      'pull_requests': True},
                        'tags': ['fedmsg', 'fedora-infra'],
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'pullrequest': { 'assignee': None,
                            'branch': 'master',
                            'branch_from': 'more_asyncio',
                            'closed_at': None,
                            'closed_by': None,
                            'comments': [],
                            'commit_start': 'e307cc14de0f0ab38a5fbf235e62d5d8e106dd9c',
                            'commit_stop': 'e307cc14de0f0ab38a5fbf235e62d5d8e106dd9c',
                            'date_created': '1456770725',
                            'id': 31,
                            'project': { 'date_created': '1445511838',
                                         'description': 'Expose the repo metadata information in a simple api',
                                         'id': 221,
                                         'name': 'mdapi',
                                         'parent': None,
                                         'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                       'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                       'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                       'Web-hooks': None,
                                                       'always_merge': False,
                                                       'issue_tracker': True,
                                                       'project_documentation': False,
                                                       'pull_requests': True},
                                         'tags': ['fedmsg', 'fedora-infra'],
                                         'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                   'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'remote_git': None,
                            'repo_from': { 'date_created': '1445511838',
                                           'description': 'Expose the repo metadata information in a simple api',
                                           'id': 221,
                                           'name': 'mdapi',
                                           'parent': None,
                                           'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                         'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                         'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                         'Web-hooks': None,
                                                         'always_merge': False,
                                                         'issue_tracker': True,
                                                         'project_documentation': False,
                                                         'pull_requests': True},
                                           'tags': [ 'fedmsg',
                                           'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                     'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'status': 'Open',
                            'title': 'Chain the method as coroutines to make the process more asynchronous',
                            'uid': 'd358fb141cab47dda84fe1cd1a19f042',
                            'updated_on': '1456853926',
                            'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                      'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2016-79bbee62-ed68-4989-a930-d40f09edd1da',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1456854211.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.pull-request.comment.edited
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() lmacken edited a comment on PR #31 on mdapi
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/mdapi’, ‘pull-request/31’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() abf17641-5376-4405-8dbf-76badb164799-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() abf17641-5376-4405-8dbf-76badb164799-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone flags a pull-request on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.pull-request.flag.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'flag': { 'comment': 'Tests failed',
                     'date_created': '1433160759',
                     'percent': '0',
                     'pull_request_uid': 'cb0cc178203046fe86f675779b31b913',
                     'uid': 'jenkins_build_pagure_100+seed',
                     'url': '',
                     'user': { 'default_email': '',
                               'emails': [ '',
                               'fullname': 'PY C',
                               'name': 'pingou'},
                     'username': 'Jenkins'},
           'pullrequest': { 'assignee': None,
                            'branch': 'master',
                            'branch_from': 'master',
                            'comments': [],
                            'commit_start': None,
                            'commit_stop': None,
                            'date_created': '1433160759',
                            'id': 1,
                            'project': { 'date_created': '1433160759',
                                         'description': 'test project #1',
                                         'id': 1,
                                         'name': 'test',
                                         'parent': None,
                                         'settings': { 'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                       'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                       'Web-hooks': None,
                                                       'issue_tracker': True,
                                                       'project_documentation': True,
                                                       'pull_requests': True},
                                         'user': { 'default_email': '',
                                                   'emails': [ '',
                                                   'fullname': 'PY C',
                                                   'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'repo_from': { 'date_created': '1433160759',
                                           'description': 'test project #1',
                                           'id': 1,
                                           'name': 'test',
                                           'parent': None,
                                           'settings': { 'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                         'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                         'Web-hooks': None,
                                                         'issue_tracker': True,
                                                         'project_documentation': True,
                                                         'pull_requests': True},
                                           'user': { 'default_email': '',
                                                     'emails': [ '',
                                                     'fullname': 'PY C',
                                                     'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'status': True,
                            'title': 'test pull-request',
                            'uid': 'cb0cc178203046fe86f675779b31b913',
                            'user': { 'default_email': '',
                                      'emails': [ '',
                                      'fullname': 'PY C',
                                      'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-e7094e2a-1259-49da-91f5-635e81011ffa',
  'timestamp': 1433167960,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.pull-request.flag.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Jenkins flagged test#1 with “Tests failed”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pull-request/1’, ‘project/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 98b57078-0267-4f4d-97ce-32cc5c2f57bd-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 98b57078-0267-4f4d-97ce-32cc5c2f57bd-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone updates a flag on a pull-request on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.pull-request.flag.updated topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'flag': { 'comment': 'Tests passed',
                     'date_created': '1433160759',
                     'percent': '100',
                     'pull_request_uid': 'cb0cc178203046fe86f675779b31b913',
                     'uid': 'jenkins_build_pagure_101+seed',
                     'url': '',
                     'user': { 'default_email': '',
                               'emails': [ '',
                               'fullname': 'PY C',
                               'name': 'pingou'},
                     'username': 'Jenkins'},
           'pullrequest': { 'assignee': None,
                            'branch': 'master',
                            'branch_from': 'master',
                            'comments': [],
                            'commit_start': None,
                            'commit_stop': None,
                            'date_created': '1433160759',
                            'id': 1,
                            'project': { 'date_created': '1433160759',
                                         'description': 'test project #1',
                                         'id': 1,
                                         'name': 'test',
                                         'parent': None,
                                         'settings': { 'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                       'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                       'Web-hooks': None,
                                                       'issue_tracker': True,
                                                       'project_documentation': True,
                                                       'pull_requests': True},
                                         'user': { 'default_email': '',
                                                   'emails': [ '',
                                                   'fullname': 'PY C',
                                                   'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'repo_from': { 'date_created': '1433160759',
                                           'description': 'test project #1',
                                           'id': 1,
                                           'name': 'test',
                                           'parent': None,
                                           'settings': { 'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                         'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                         'Web-hooks': None,
                                                         'issue_tracker': True,
                                                         'project_documentation': True,
                                                         'pull_requests': True},
                                           'user': { 'default_email': '',
                                                     'emails': [ '',
                                                     'fullname': 'PY C',
                                                     'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'status': True,
                            'title': 'test pull-request',
                            'uid': 'cb0cc178203046fe86f675779b31b913',
                            'user': { 'default_email': '',
                                      'emails': [ '',
                                      'fullname': 'PY C',
                                      'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-e7094e2a-1259-49da-91f5-635e81011ffa',
  'timestamp': 1433167960,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.pull-request.flag.updated
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Jenkins updated the flags on test#1 with: “Tests passed”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pull-request/1’, ‘project/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e9a21f50-df6d-4882-aaf9-d9c2dfcdd3b1-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e9a21f50-df6d-4882-aaf9-d9c2dfcdd3b1-secondary_icon

These messages are published when a someone opens a new pull-request on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'pullrequest': { 'branch': 'master',
                            'branch_from': 'test',
                            'comments': [],
                            'commit_start': None,
                            'commit_stop': None,
                            'date_created': '1427455470',
                            'id': 21,
                            'project': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                                         'description': 'test project',
                                         'id': 1,
                                         'issue_tracker': True,
                                         'name': 'test',
                                         'parent': None,
                                         'project_docs': True,
                                         'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                   'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                   'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'repo_from': { 'date_created': '1426843440',
                                           'description': 'test project',
                                           'id': 6,
                                           'issue_tracker': True,
                                           'name': 'test',
                                           'parent': { 'date_created': '1426500194',
                                                       'description': 'test project',
                                                       'id': 1,
                                                       'issue_tracker': True,
                                                       'name': 'test',
                                                       'parent': None,
                                                       'project_docs': True,
                                                       'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                                 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                                 'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           'project_docs': True,
                                           'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                                     'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                     'name': 'pingou'}},
                            'status': True,
                            'title': 'Improve loading speed',
                            'uid': '2bf721f0fbd34977aab78b5e1959e504',
                            'user': { 'emails': [ ''],
                                      'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                      'name': 'pingou'}}},
  'msg_id': '2015-1f03dc6a-3a0b-4b09-a06d-e4ca7d374729',
  'timestamp': 1427459070,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou opened pull request #21 on test: Improve loading speed
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pull-request/21’, ‘project/test’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 2d934e32-81a8-4b23-ab3a-5461577a96ce-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 2d934e32-81a8-4b23-ab3a-5461577a96ce-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone adds one or more flags to a pull-request of a project hosted on pagure <>.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.pull-request.tag.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': ['provenpackager'],
                                           'commit': [],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': ['kparal'],
                                          'commit': [],
                                          'owner': ['pingou'],
                                          'ticket': []},
                        'close_status': [ 'Fixed',
                                          'Insufficient Data'],
                        'custom_keys': [ ['Reviewed', 'boolean'],
                                         ['review status', 'list']],
                        'date_created': '1483532124',
                        'date_modified': '1511180063',
                        'description': 'test project',
                        'fullname': 'test',
                        'id': 1,
                        'milestones': { '1.0.1': '',
                                        '2': '',
                                        'Caf\\u00e9': '',
                                        'k\\u00e4py': ''},
                        'name': 'test',
                        'namespace': None,
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { '': '',
                                        '-1': 'Sky falling',
                                        '0': 'Urgent',
                                        '1': 'High',
                                        '2': 'Normal',
                                        '3': 'Low'},
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': '',
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'project_documentation': True,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': True,
                                      'pull_requests': True},
                        'tags': [],
                        'url_path': 'test',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'branch': 'master',
                             'branch_from': 'another_branch',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'closed_by': None,
                             'comments': [ { 'comment': 'rebased onto 9470011f46a3a3d4ea08873bc5373936a47cc7ee',
                                             'commit': None,
                                             'date_created': '1507698376',
                                             'edited_on': None,
                                             'editor': None,
                                             'filename': None,
                                             'id': 42,
                                             'line': None,
                                             'notification': True,
                                             'parent': None,
                                             'tree': None,
                                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           { 'comment': 'This is madness!',
                                             'commit': '734156dc73cccb9703067e6366f3d09266e090dd',
                                             'date_created': '1507698412',
                                             'edited_on': None,
                                             'editor': None,
                                             'filename': 'test',
                                             'id': 43,
                                             'line': 5,
                                             'notification': False,
                                             'parent': None,
                                             'tree': '9f38e1c9ad5c4dd1a53abd14dd51832f8402080f',
                                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           { 'comment': 'foo!',
                                             'commit': None,
                                             'date_created': '1507728997',
                                             'edited_on': None,
                                             'editor': None,
                                             'filename': None,
                                             'id': 44,
                                             'line': None,
                                             'notification': False,
                                             'parent': None,
                                             'tree': None,
                                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                       'name': 'pingou'}}],
                             'commit_start': '9470011f46a3a3d4ea08873bc5373936a47cc7ee',
                             'commit_stop': '39ccbc360a3f30e7dc87c1f8fb138175e27a1e8f',
                             'date_created': '1497361679',
                             'id': 35,
                             'initial_comment': None,
                             'last_updated': '1509442215',
                             'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [ 'provenpackager'],
                                                             'commit': [],
                                                             'ticket': []},
                                          'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'kparal'],
                                                            'commit': [],
                                                            'owner': [ 'pingou'],
                                                            'ticket': []},
                                          'close_status': [ 'Fixed',
                                                            'Insufficient Data'],
                                          'custom_keys': [ [ 'Reviewed',
                                                           [ 'review status',
                                          'date_created': '1483532124',
                                          'date_modified': '1511180063',
                                          'description': 'test project',
                                          'fullname': 'test',
                                          'id': 1,
                                          'milestones': { '1.0.1': '',
                                                          '2': '',
                                                          'Caf\\u00e9': '',
                                                          'k\\u00e4py': ''},
                                          'name': 'test',
                                          'namespace': None,
                                          'parent': None,
                                          'priorities': { '': '',
                                                          '-1': 'Sky falling',
                                                          '0': 'Urgent',
                                                          '1': 'High',
                                                          '2': 'Normal',
                                                          '3': 'Low'},
                                          'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                        'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                        'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                        'Web-hooks': '',
                                                        'always_merge': False,
                                                        'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                        'issue_tracker': True,
                                                        'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                        'project_documentation': True,
                                                        'pull_request_access_only': True,
                                                        'pull_requests': True},
                                          'tags': [],
                                          'url_path': 'test',
                                          'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                    'name': 'pingou'}},
                             'remote_git': None,
                             'repo_from': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                               'commit': [ ],
                                                               'ticket': [ ]},
                                            'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                                              'commit': [],
                                                              'owner': [ 'pingou'],
                                                              'ticket': []},
                                            'close_status': [],
                                            'custom_keys': [],
                                            'date_created': '1497361621',
                                            'date_modified': '1497361621',
                                            'description': 'test project',
                                            'fullname': 'forks/pingou/test',
                                            'id': 45,
                                            'milestones': { },
                                            'name': 'test',
                                            'namespace': None,
                                            'parent': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [ 'provenpackager'],
                                                                           'commit': [ ],
                                                                           'ticket': [ ]},
                                                        'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'kparal'],
                                                                          'commit': [ ],
                                                                          'owner': [ 'pingou'],
                                                                          'ticket': [ ]},
                                                        'close_status': [ 'Fixed',
                                                                          'Insufficient Data'],
                                                        'custom_keys': [ [ 'Reviewed',
                                                                         [ 'review status',
                                                        'date_created': '1483532124',
                                                        'date_modified': '1511180063',
                                                        'description': 'test project',
                                                        'fullname': 'test',
                                                        'id': 1,
                                                        'milestones': { '1.0.1': '',
                                                                        '2': '',
                                                                        'Caf\\u00e9': '',
                                                                        'k\\u00e4py': ''},
                                                        'name': 'test',
                                                        'namespace': None,
                                                        'parent': None,
                                                        'priorities': { '': '',
                                                                        '-1': 'Sky falling',
                                                                        '0': 'Urgent',
                                                                        '1': 'High',
                                                                        '2': 'Normal',
                                                                        '3': 'Low'},
                                                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                                      'Web-hooks': '',
                                                                      'always_merge': False,
                                                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                                      'project_documentation': True,
                                                                      'pull_request_access_only': True,
                                                                      'pull_requests': True},
                                                        'tags': [],
                                                        'url_path': 'test',
                                                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
                                            'priorities': { },
                                            'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                          'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                          'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                          'Web-hooks': None,
                                                          'always_merge': False,
                                                          'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                          'issue_tracker': False,
                                                          'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                          'project_documentation': False,
                                                          'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                          'pull_requests': False},
                                            'tags': [],
                                            'url_path': 'fork/pingou/test',
                                            'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                      'name': 'pingou'}},
                             'status': 'Open',
                             'title': 'Some more commits',
                             'uid': 'f2996c6121b644e3a44c838c51c7d21e',
                             'updated_on': '1497361679',
                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
           'tags': ['pending_review', 'easyfix']},
  'msg_id': '2017-dbc72067-b054-4ae7-bf21-b272f41df9ba',
  'timestamp': 1511780892,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.pull-request.tag.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou tagged pull-request test#35: easyfix and pending_review
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/test’, ‘pull-request/35’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 9a2e1a36-b82d-4036-9cd5-ae365adf74f7-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9a2e1a36-b82d-4036-9cd5-ae365adf74f7-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone adds one or more flags to a pull-request of a project hosted on pagure <>.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.pull-request.tag.removed topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': ['provenpackager'],
                                           'commit': [],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': ['kparal'],
                                          'commit': [],
                                          'owner': ['pingou'],
                                          'ticket': []},
                        'close_status': [ 'Fixed',
                                          'Insufficient Data'],
                        'custom_keys': [ ['Reviewed', 'boolean'],
                                         ['review status', 'list']],
                        'date_created': '1483532124',
                        'date_modified': '1511180063',
                        'description': 'test project',
                        'fullname': 'test',
                        'id': 1,
                        'milestones': { '1.0.1': '',
                                        '2': '',
                                        'Caf\\u00e9': '',
                                        'k\\u00e4py': ''},
                        'name': 'test',
                        'namespace': None,
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { '': '',
                                        '-1': 'Sky falling',
                                        '0': 'Urgent',
                                        '1': 'High',
                                        '2': 'Normal',
                                        '3': 'Low'},
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': '',
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'project_documentation': True,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': True,
                                      'pull_requests': True},
                        'tags': [],
                        'url_path': 'test',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'branch': 'master',
                             'branch_from': 'another_branch',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'closed_by': None,
                             'comments': [ { 'comment': 'rebased onto 9470011f46a3a3d4ea08873bc5373936a47cc7ee',
                                             'commit': None,
                                             'date_created': '1507698376',
                                             'edited_on': None,
                                             'editor': None,
                                             'filename': None,
                                             'id': 42,
                                             'line': None,
                                             'notification': True,
                                             'parent': None,
                                             'tree': None,
                                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           { 'comment': 'This is madness!',
                                             'commit': '734156dc73cccb9703067e6366f3d09266e090dd',
                                             'date_created': '1507698412',
                                             'edited_on': None,
                                             'editor': None,
                                             'filename': 'test',
                                             'id': 43,
                                             'line': 5,
                                             'notification': False,
                                             'parent': None,
                                             'tree': '9f38e1c9ad5c4dd1a53abd14dd51832f8402080f',
                                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           { 'comment': 'foo!',
                                             'commit': None,
                                             'date_created': '1507728997',
                                             'edited_on': None,
                                             'editor': None,
                                             'filename': None,
                                             'id': 44,
                                             'line': None,
                                             'notification': False,
                                             'parent': None,
                                             'tree': None,
                                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
                                           { 'comment': '**Metadata Update from @pingou**:\n- Pull-request tagged with: blue, green',
                                             'commit': None,
                                             'date_created': '1511777292',
                                             'edited_on': None,
                                             'editor': None,
                                             'filename': None,
                                             'id': 50,
                                             'line': None,
                                             'notification': True,
                                             'parent': None,
                                             'tree': None,
                                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                       'name': 'pingou'}}],
                             'commit_start': '9470011f46a3a3d4ea08873bc5373936a47cc7ee',
                             'commit_stop': '39ccbc360a3f30e7dc87c1f8fb138175e27a1e8f',
                             'date_created': '1497361679',
                             'id': 35,
                             'initial_comment': None,
                             'last_updated': '1511777292',
                             'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [ 'provenpackager'],
                                                             'commit': [],
                                                             'ticket': []},
                                          'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'kparal'],
                                                            'commit': [],
                                                            'owner': [ 'pingou'],
                                                            'ticket': []},
                                          'close_status': [ 'Fixed',
                                                            'Insufficient Data'],
                                          'custom_keys': [ [ 'Reviewed',
                                                           [ 'review status',
                                          'date_created': '1483532124',
                                          'date_modified': '1511180063',
                                          'description': 'test project',
                                          'fullname': 'test',
                                          'id': 1,
                                          'milestones': { '1.0.1': '',
                                                          '2': '',
                                                          'Caf\\u00e9': '',
                                                          'k\\u00e4py': ''},
                                          'name': 'test',
                                          'namespace': None,
                                          'parent': None,
                                          'priorities': { '': '',
                                                          '-1': 'Sky falling',
                                                          '0': 'Urgent',
                                                          '1': 'High',
                                                          '2': 'Normal',
                                                          '3': 'Low'},
                                          'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                        'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                        'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                        'Web-hooks': '',
                                                        'always_merge': False,
                                                        'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                        'issue_tracker': True,
                                                        'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                        'project_documentation': True,
                                                        'pull_request_access_only': True,
                                                        'pull_requests': True},
                                          'tags': [],
                                          'url_path': 'test',
                                          'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                    'name': 'pingou'}},
                             'remote_git': None,
                             'repo_from': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                               'commit': [ ],
                                                               'ticket': [ ]},
                                            'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                                              'commit': [],
                                                              'owner': [ 'pingou'],
                                                              'ticket': []},
                                            'close_status': [],
                                            'custom_keys': [],
                                            'date_created': '1497361621',
                                            'date_modified': '1497361621',
                                            'description': 'test project',
                                            'fullname': 'forks/pingou/test',
                                            'id': 45,
                                            'milestones': { },
                                            'name': 'test',
                                            'namespace': None,
                                            'parent': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [ 'provenpackager'],
                                                                           'commit': [ ],
                                                                           'ticket': [ ]},
                                                        'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'kparal'],
                                                                          'commit': [ ],
                                                                          'owner': [ 'pingou'],
                                                                          'ticket': [ ]},
                                                        'close_status': [ 'Fixed',
                                                                          'Insufficient Data'],
                                                        'custom_keys': [ [ 'Reviewed',
                                                                         [ 'review status',
                                                        'date_created': '1483532124',
                                                        'date_modified': '1511180063',
                                                        'description': 'test project',
                                                        'fullname': 'test',
                                                        'id': 1,
                                                        'milestones': { '1.0.1': '',
                                                                        '2': '',
                                                                        'Caf\\u00e9': '',
                                                                        'k\\u00e4py': ''},
                                                        'name': 'test',
                                                        'namespace': None,
                                                        'parent': None,
                                                        'priorities': { '': '',
                                                                        '-1': 'Sky falling',
                                                                        '0': 'Urgent',
                                                                        '1': 'High',
                                                                        '2': 'Normal',
                                                                        '3': 'Low'},
                                                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                                      'Web-hooks': '',
                                                                      'always_merge': False,
                                                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                                      'project_documentation': True,
                                                                      'pull_request_access_only': True,
                                                                      'pull_requests': True},
                                                        'tags': [],
                                                        'url_path': 'test',
                                                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
                                            'priorities': { },
                                            'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                          'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                          'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                          'Web-hooks': None,
                                                          'always_merge': False,
                                                          'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                          'issue_tracker': False,
                                                          'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                          'project_documentation': False,
                                                          'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                          'pull_requests': False},
                                            'tags': [],
                                            'url_path': 'fork/pingou/test',
                                            'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                      'name': 'pingou'}},
                             'status': 'Open',
                             'title': 'Some more commits',
                             'uid': 'f2996c6121b644e3a44c838c51c7d21e',
                             'updated_on': '1497361679',
                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
           'tags': ['easyfix']},
  'msg_id': '2017-d6885143-fd11-4966-9278-48cf97706180',
  'timestamp': 1511781374,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pierrey'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.pull-request.tag.removed
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou removed the easyfix tags from pull-request test#35
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘project/test’, ‘pull-request/35’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 5afb1377-57fd-421f-896a-e81074ab62df-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5afb1377-57fd-421f-896a-e81074ab62df-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone assigns to someone a pull-request on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.request.assigned.added topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'headers': { },
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                           'commit': [],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                          'commit': [],
                                          'owner': ['pingou'],
                                          'ticket': []},
                        'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                          'Insufficient data',
                                          "Won't Fix"],
                        'custom_keys': [],
                        'date_created': '1431549490',
                        'date_modified': '1526655561',
                        'description': 'A git centered forge',
                        'fullname': 'pagure',
                        'id': 10,
                        'milestones': { },
                        'name': 'pagure',
                        'namespace': None,
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { },
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'notify_on_commit_flag': False,
                                      'notify_on_pull-request_flag': False,
                                      'project_documentation': True,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                      'pull_requests': True,
                                      'roadmap_on_issues_page': False,
                                      'stomp_notifications': False},
                        'tags': ['pagure', 'fedmsg'],
                        'url_path': 'pagure',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'request': { 'assignee': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                      'name': 'pingou'},
                        'branch': 'master',
                        'branch_from': 'reactions',
                        'cached_merge_status': 'FFORWARD',
                        'closed_at': None,
                        'closed_by': None,
                        'comments': [],
                        'commit_start': '7924676a7b6d1f8f3296b359d008991ecf0820f5',
                        'commit_stop': '0ff0e98d48c4124f47e4d912182a9a856ef0d90d',
                        'date_created': '1526584967',
                        'id': 3246,
                        'initial_comment': "A user can select from a predefined list of reactions for a comment.  There can be multiple reactions from the same person on a single comment, but only one of each type.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n\r\nThis is still work in progress. I'm posting it here to get some feedback.\r\n\r\n* Is this way of storing the reactions reasonable?\r\n  \r\n    If it used user ids instead, it could display up-to-date name. But if a user is deleted, it would be more tricky. (Can a user be deleted? What happens to their comments then?)\r\n\r\n* Is a predefined list of reactions good enough? Or should it support any emoji as suggested by @jflory7?\r\n\r\n* Should only one reaction per comment per user be allowed?",
                        'last_updated': '1527501830',
                        'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                        'commit': [],
                                                        'ticket': []},
                                     'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'ryanlerch'],
                                                       'commit': [ 'puiterwijk'],
                                                       'owner': ['pingou'],
                                                       'ticket': [ 'vivekanand1101',
                                     'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                                       'Insufficient data',
                                                       "Won't Fix"],
                                     'custom_keys': [],
                                     'date_created': '1431549490',
                                     'date_modified': '1526655561',
                                     'description': 'A git centered forge',
                                     'fullname': 'pagure',
                                     'id': 10,
                                     'milestones': { },
                                     'name': 'pagure',
                                     'namespace': None,
                                     'parent': None,
                                     'priorities': { },
                                     'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                   'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                   'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                   'Web-hooks': None,
                                                   'always_merge': False,
                                                   'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                   'issue_tracker': True,
                                                   'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                   'notify_on_commit_flag': False,
                                                   'notify_on_pull-request_flag': False,
                                                   'project_documentation': True,
                                                   'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                   'pull_requests': True,
                                                   'roadmap_on_issues_page': False,
                                                   'stomp_notifications': False},
                                     'tags': ['pagure', 'fedmsg'],
                                     'url_path': 'pagure',
                                     'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                               'name': 'pingou'}},
                        'remote_git': None,
                        'repo_from': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                          'commit': [],
                                                          'ticket': []},
                                       'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                                         'commit': [],
                                                         'owner': [ 'lsedlar'],
                                                         'ticket': []},
                                       'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                                         'Insufficient data',
                                       'custom_keys': [],
                                       'date_created': '1450686367',
                                       'date_modified': '1450686367',
                                       'description': 'A git centered forge',
                                       'fullname': 'forks/lsedlar/pagure',
                                       'id': 293,
                                       'milestones': { },
                                       'name': 'pagure',
                                       'namespace': None,
                                       'parent': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [ ],
                                                                      'commit': [ ],
                                                                      'ticket': [ ]},
                                                   'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'ryanlerch'],
                                                                     'commit': [ 'puiterwijk'],
                                                                     'owner': [ 'pingou'],
                                                                     'ticket': [ 'vivekanand1101',
                                                   'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                                                     'Insufficient data',
                                                                     "Won't Fix"],
                                                   'custom_keys': [],
                                                   'date_created': '1431549490',
                                                   'date_modified': '1526655561',
                                                   'description': 'A git centered forge',
                                                   'fullname': 'pagure',
                                                   'id': 10,
                                                   'milestones': { },
                                                   'name': 'pagure',
                                                   'namespace': None,
                                                   'parent': None,
                                                   'priorities': { },
                                                   'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                                 'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                                 'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                                 'Web-hooks': None,
                                                                 'always_merge': False,
                                                                 'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                                 'issue_tracker': True,
                                                                 'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                                 'notify_on_commit_flag': False,
                                                                 'notify_on_pull-request_flag': False,
                                                                 'project_documentation': True,
                                                                 'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                                 'pull_requests': True,
                                                                 'roadmap_on_issues_page': False,
                                                                 'stomp_notifications': False},
                                                   'tags': [ 'pagure',
                                                   'url_path': 'pagure',
                                                   'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                             'name': 'pingou'}},
                                       'priorities': { },
                                       'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                     'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                     'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                     'Web-hooks': None,
                                                     'always_merge': False,
                                                     'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                     'issue_tracker': False,
                                                     'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                     'notify_on_commit_flag': False,
                                                     'notify_on_pull-request_flag': False,
                                                     'project_documentation': True,
                                                     'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                     'pull_requests': False,
                                                     'roadmap_on_issues_page': False,
                                                     'stomp_notifications': True},
                                       'tags': [],
                                       'url_path': 'fork/lsedlar/pagure',
                                       'user': { 'fullname': 'Lubom\\u00edr Sedl\\u00e1\\u0159',
                                                 'name': 'lsedlar'}},
                        'status': 'Open',
                        'title': 'WIP: Add comment reactions',
                        'uid': 'd7e37ef0385e43778e6f70737912528f',
                        'updated_on': '1526584967',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Lubom\\u00edr Sedl\\u00e1\\u0159',
                                  'name': 'lsedlar'}}},
  'msg_id': '2018-376ab989-dfcb-4cfa-a138-a2766c24b189',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.9.0',
  'timestamp': 1527501832.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'git'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.request.assigned.added
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou assigned PR pagure#3246 to pingou
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pull-request/3246’, ‘project/pagure’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c31b4d03-cd0d-4845-b53d-742ce6744086-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c31b4d03-cd0d-4845-b53d-742ce6744086-secondary_icon


These messages are published when a someone resets the assignee of a pull-request on a project on pagure.

You can view the history of messages with the pagure.request.assigned.reset topic or all pagure messages in datagrepper.

{ 'crypto': 'x509',
  'headers': { },
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                           'commit': [],
                                           'ticket': []},
                        'access_users': { 'admin': ['ryanlerch'],
                                          'commit': ['puiterwijk'],
                                          'owner': ['pingou'],
                                          'ticket': [ 'lslebodn',
                        'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                          'Insufficient data',
                                          "Won't Fix"],
                        'custom_keys': [],
                        'date_created': '1431549490',
                        'date_modified': '1526655561',
                        'description': 'A git centered forge',
                        'fullname': 'pagure',
                        'id': 10,
                        'milestones': { },
                        'name': 'pagure',
                        'namespace': None,
                        'parent': None,
                        'priorities': { },
                        'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                      'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                      'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                      'Web-hooks': None,
                                      'always_merge': False,
                                      'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                      'issue_tracker': True,
                                      'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                      'notify_on_commit_flag': False,
                                      'notify_on_pull-request_flag': False,
                                      'project_documentation': True,
                                      'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                      'pull_requests': True,
                                      'roadmap_on_issues_page': False,
                                      'stomp_notifications': False},
                        'tags': ['pagure', 'fedmsg'],
                        'url_path': 'pagure',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                  'name': 'pingou'}},
           'request': { 'assignee': None,
                        'branch': 'master',
                        'branch_from': 'reactions',
                        'cached_merge_status': 'FFORWARD',
                        'closed_at': None,
                        'closed_by': None,
                        'comments': [],
                        'commit_start': '7924676a7b6d1f8f3296b359d008991ecf0820f5',
                        'commit_stop': '0ff0e98d48c4124f47e4d912182a9a856ef0d90d',
                        'date_created': '1526584967',
                        'id': 3246,
                        'initial_comment': "A user can select from a predefined list of reactions for a comment.  There can be multiple reactions from the same person on a single comment, but only one of each type.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n\r\nThis is still work in progress. I'm posting it here to get some feedback.\r\n\r\n* Is this way of storing the reactions reasonable?\r\n  \r\n    If it used user ids instead, it could display up-to-date name. But if a user is deleted, it would be more tricky. (Can a user be deleted? What happens to their comments then?)\r\n\r\n* Is a predefined list of reactions good enough? Or should it support any emoji as suggested by @jflory7?\r\n\r\n* Should only one reaction per comment per user be allowed?",
                        'last_updated': '1527502213',
                        'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                        'commit': [],
                                                        'ticket': []},
                                     'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'ryanlerch'],
                                                       'commit': [ 'puiterwijk'],
                                                       'owner': ['pingou'],
                                                       'ticket': [ 'lslebodn',
                                     'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                                       'Insufficient data',
                                                       "Won't Fix"],
                                     'custom_keys': [],
                                     'date_created': '1431549490',
                                     'date_modified': '1526655561',
                                     'description': 'A git centered forge',
                                     'fullname': 'pagure',
                                     'id': 10,
                                     'milestones': { },
                                     'name': 'pagure',
                                     'namespace': None,
                                     'parent': None,
                                     'priorities': { },
                                     'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                   'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                   'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                   'Web-hooks': None,
                                                   'always_merge': False,
                                                   'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                   'issue_tracker': True,
                                                   'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                   'notify_on_commit_flag': False,
                                                   'notify_on_pull-request_flag': False,
                                                   'project_documentation': True,
                                                   'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                   'pull_requests': True,
                                                   'roadmap_on_issues_page': False,
                                                   'stomp_notifications': False},
                                     'tags': ['pagure', 'fedmsg'],
                                     'url_path': 'pagure',
                                     'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                               'name': 'pingou'}},
                        'remote_git': None,
                        'repo_from': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                          'commit': [],
                                                          'ticket': []},
                                       'access_users': { 'admin': [],
                                                         'commit': [],
                                                         'owner': [ 'lsedlar'],
                                                         'ticket': []},
                                       'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                                         'Insufficient data',
                                       'custom_keys': [],
                                       'date_created': '1450686367',
                                       'date_modified': '1450686367',
                                       'description': 'A git centered forge',
                                       'fullname': 'forks/lsedlar/pagure',
                                       'id': 293,
                                       'milestones': { },
                                       'name': 'pagure',
                                       'namespace': None,
                                       'parent': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [ ],
                                                                      'commit': [ ],
                                                                      'ticket': [ ]},
                                                   'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'ryanlerch'],
                                                                     'commit': [ 'puiterwijk'],
                                                                     'owner': [ 'pingou'],
                                                                     'ticket': [ 'lslebodn',
                                                   'close_status': [ 'Invalid',
                                                                     'Insufficient data',
                                                                     "Won't Fix"],
                                                   'custom_keys': [],
                                                   'date_created': '1431549490',
                                                   'date_modified': '1526655561',
                                                   'description': 'A git centered forge',
                                                   'fullname': 'pagure',
                                                   'id': 10,
                                                   'milestones': { },
                                                   'name': 'pagure',
                                                   'namespace': None,
                                                   'parent': None,
                                                   'priorities': { },
                                                   'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                                 'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                                 'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                                 'Web-hooks': None,
                                                                 'always_merge': False,
                                                                 'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                                 'issue_tracker': True,
                                                                 'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                                 'notify_on_commit_flag': False,
                                                                 'notify_on_pull-request_flag': False,
                                                                 'project_documentation': True,
                                                                 'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                                 'pull_requests': True,
                                                                 'roadmap_on_issues_page': False,
                                                                 'stomp_notifications': False},
                                                   'tags': [ 'pagure',
                                                   'url_path': 'pagure',
                                                   'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                             'name': 'pingou'}},
                                       'priorities': { },
                                       'settings': { 'Enforce_signed-off_commits_in_pull-request': False,
                                                     'Minimum_score_to_merge_pull-request': -1,
                                                     'Only_assignee_can_merge_pull-request': False,
                                                     'Web-hooks': None,
                                                     'always_merge': False,
                                                     'fedmsg_notifications': True,
                                                     'issue_tracker': False,
                                                     'issues_default_to_private': False,
                                                     'notify_on_commit_flag': False,
                                                     'notify_on_pull-request_flag': False,
                                                     'project_documentation': True,
                                                     'pull_request_access_only': False,
                                                     'pull_requests': False,
                                                     'roadmap_on_issues_page': False,
                                                     'stomp_notifications': True},
                                       'tags': [],
                                       'url_path': 'fork/lsedlar/pagure',
                                       'user': { 'fullname': 'Lubom\\u00edr Sedl\\u00e1\\u0159',
                                                 'name': 'lsedlar'}},
                        'status': 'Open',
                        'title': 'WIP: Add comment reactions',
                        'uid': 'd7e37ef0385e43778e6f70737912528f',
                        'updated_on': '1526584967',
                        'user': { 'fullname': 'Lubom\\u00edr Sedl\\u00e1\\u0159',
                                  'name': 'lsedlar'}}},
  'msg_id': '2018-2330c3c2-d524-418e-ab09-d4dd0a3ac4de',
  'source_version': '0.9.0',
  'timestamp': 1527502215.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'git'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pagure.request.assigned.reset
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou reset the assignee of PR pagure#3246
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pull-request/3246’, ‘project/pagure’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 68981d01-fe0c-4e6c-bbf9-16ac56b43714-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 68981d01-fe0c-4e6c-bbf9-16ac56b43714-secondary_icon



The Product Definition Center publishes messages on this topic whenever a new compose entry is created. This message comes early, when we first begin to import the compose. There are other messages that come after, when the images and rpms for the compose finish being imported.

You can view the history of messages with the pdc.compose topic or all pdc messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'action': 'create',
           'compose_date': '2016-03-31',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0',
           'compose_respin': 0,
           'compose_type': 'nightly'},
  'msg_id': '2016-e9ec264b-ce44-4260-8641-e385e71da171',
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1459420734.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pdc.compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() An entry for the Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0 nightly compose was created in the Product Definition Center
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0/create/compose’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The Product Definition Center publishes messages on this topic whenever a set of images are uploaded for a new compose entry. This message doesn’t necessarily signify that the compose is fully imported. The pdc-updater project typically import the images first and the rpms second, but it could be that an admin manually imports a compose in which case the order is not guaranteed.

You can view the history of messages with the pdc.images topic or all pdc messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'action': 'import',
           'attribute': 'images',
           'compose_date': '2016-03-31',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0',
           'compose_respin': 0,
           'compose_type': 'nightly',
           'count': 3},
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1459420734.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pdc.images
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() PDC imported metadata for 3 images for the Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0 nightly compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0/import/images’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


The Product Definition Center publishes messages on this topic whenever a set of rpms are uploaded for a new compose entry. This message doesn’t necessarily signify that the compose is fully imported. The pdc-updater project typically import the images first and the rpms second, but it could be that an admin manually imports a compose in which case the order is not guaranteed.

You can view the history of messages with the pdc.rpms topic or all pdc messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'action': 'import',
           'attribute': 'rpms',
           'compose_date': '2016-03-31',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0',
           'compose_respin': 0,
           'compose_type': 'nightly',
           'count': 207},
  'source_version': '0.6.5',
  'timestamp': 1459420734.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pdc.rpms
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() PDC imported metadata for 207 rpms for the Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0 nightly compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Fedora-Rawhide-20160331.n.0/import/rpms’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified



The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an admin deletes a branch of a particular package.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.acl.delete topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 23,
  'msg': { 'acl': { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                    'fas_name': 'awjb',
                    'packagelist': { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'f20',
                                                     'dist_tag': '.fc20',
                                                     'koji_name': 'f20',
                                                     'name': 'Fedora',
                                                     'status': 'Active',
                                                     'version': '20'},
                                     'critpath': False,
                                     'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                  'creation_date': 1404850009.0,
                                                  'description': '',
                                                  'name': 'pipelight',
                                                  'review_url': '',
                                                  'status': 'Approved',
                                                  'summary': 'NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers',
                                                  'upstream_url': ''},
                                     'point_of_contact': 'besser82',
                                     'status': 'Approved',
                                     'status_change': 1404850010.0},
                    'status': 'Approved'},
           'agent': 'ausil'},
  'msg_id': '2014-f46f0993-ea29-4fe1-af44-807b863a12de',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1408377918.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.acl.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ausil deleted awjb’s watchcommits rights from rpms/pipelight (f20)
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘awjb’, ‘ausil’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘pipelight’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pipelight/acls/f20/watchcommits/awjb’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c2d4b325-fb25-4f48-92e1-70df21797564-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c2d4b325-fb25-4f48-92e1-70df21797564-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes these messages when an ACL changes on a package.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.acl.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
           'agent': 'ralph',
           'package_listing': { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'EL-6',
                                                'disttag': '.el6',
                                                'name': 'Fedora EPEL',
                                                'pendingurltemplate': None,
                                                'publishurltemplate': None,
                                                'version': '6'},
                                'package': { 'description': None,
                                             'name': 'python-sh',
                                             'reviewurl': None,
                                             'summary': 'Python module to simplify calling shell commands',
                                             'upstreamurl': None},
                                'point_of_contact': 'grover',
                                'qacontact': None,
                                'specfile': None},
           'status': 'Awaiting Review',
           'username': 'ralph'},
  'timestamp': 1357576703.125622,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.acl.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph changed ralph’s ‘watchbugzilla’ permission on rpms/python-sh (EL-6) to ‘Awaiting Review’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘python-sh’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘python-sh/acls/EL-6/watchbugzilla/ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() a8bd4f7f-6edf-4c2d-9fab-92b72ca56c9f-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() a8bd4f7f-6edf-4c2d-9fab-92b72ca56c9f-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an admin update the status of an Admin Action.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.admin.action.status.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 6,
  'msg': { 'action': { 'action': 'request.package',
                       'collection': { 'branchname': 'master',
                                       'dist_tag': '.fc22',
                                       'koji_name': 'rawhide',
                                       'name': 'Fedora',
                                       'status': 'Under Development',
                                       'version': 'devel'},
                       'date_created': 1408433727.0,
                       'date_updated': 1408441710.0,
                       'from_collection': None,
                       'id': 18,
                       'info': { 'pkg_collection': u'master',
                                 'pkg_critpath': False,
                                 'pkg_description': u'',
                                 'pkg_name': u'guake',
                                 'pkg_poc': u'pingou',
                                 'pkg_review_url': u'',
                                 'pkg_status': u'Approved',
                                 'pkg_summary': u'A drop-down terminal for GNOME',
                                 'pkg_upstream_url': u''},
                       'package': None,
                       'status': 'Approved',
                       'user': 'pingou'},
           'agent': 'pingou',
           'new_status': 'Approved',
           'old_status': 'Awaiting Review'},
  'msg_id': '2014-3a9cba3d-a1d0-4187-9fa0-995d54bf826d',
  'timestamp': 1408441710,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.admin.action.status.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou changed pingou’s package request for rpms/guake in master from Awaiting Review to Approved
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘guake’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘action/18/status/guake/master/pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 5f85fefc-ee42-4514-a309-214c6530d5e8-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 5f85fefc-ee42-4514-a309-214c6530d5e8-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when a request for a new branch/package is denied/blocked.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.admin.action.status.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'action': { 'action': 'request.branch',
                       'collection': { 'branchname': 'epel7',
                                       'dist_tag': '.el7',
                                       'koji_name': 'epel7',
                                       'name': 'Fedora EPEL',
                                       'status': 'Under Development',
                                       'version': '7'},
                       'date_created': 1421227282.0,
                       'date_updated': 1421830060.0,
                       'id': 2,
                       'info': { },
                       'message': 'This package should not be branched for EPEL7',
                       'package': { 'acls': [],
                                    'creation_date': 1400063778.0,
                                    'description': 'Base functions for Bioconductor ( Biobase provides\nfunctions that are needed by many other Bioconductor packages or which\nreplace R functions.',
                                    'monitor': False,
                                    'name': 'R-Biobase',
                                    'review_url': None,
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'summary': 'Base functions for Bioconductor',
                                    'upstream_url': ''},
                       'status': 'Denied',
                       'user': 'pingou'},
           'agent': 'pingou',
           'new_status': 'Denied',
           'old_status': 'Awaiting Review'},
  'msg_id': '2015-1acdeda2-e571-4071-a893-cc2b7ba46b02',
  'timestamp': 1421830060,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.admin.action.status.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou changed pingou’s branch request for rpms/R-Biobase in epel7 from Awaiting Review to Denied with message: This package should not be branched for EPEL7
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘R-Biobase’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘action/2/status/R-Biobase/epel7/pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d4d6d33f-7f97-408a-a46a-7a1524870ced-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d4d6d33f-7f97-408a-a46a-7a1524870ced-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when branching completes.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.branch.complete topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph',
            u'collection_from': { u'branchname': u'devel',
                                  u'name': u'Fedora',
                                  u'pendingurltemplate': None,
                                  u'publishurltemplate': None,
                                  u'version': u'devel'},
            u'collection_to': { u'branchname': u'F-19',
                                u'name': u'Fedora',
                                u'pendingurltemplate': None,
                                u'publishurltemplate': None,
                                u'version': u'19'}},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-0eaf6d98-6259-4e1c-a113-e2c9284a6082',
  u'timestamp': 1379606342.105066,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.branch.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph’s branch of F-19 from devel completed
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6cc2b8d7-8811-4261-9e16-2d0769bdaa7e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6cc2b8d7-8811-4261-9e16-2d0769bdaa7e-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when branching starts.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.branch.start topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph',
            u'collection_from': { u'branchname': u'devel',
                                  u'name': u'Fedora',
                                  u'pendingurltemplate': None,
                                  u'publishurltemplate': None,
                                  u'version': u'devel'},
            u'collection_to': { u'branchname': u'F-19',
                                u'name': u'Fedora',
                                u'pendingurltemplate': None,
                                u'publishurltemplate': None,
                                u'version': u'19'}},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-0eaf6d98-6259-4e1c-a113-e2c9284a6082',
  u'timestamp': 1379606342.105066,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.branch.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph started a branch of F-19 from devel
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c1cbcc49-c534-4151-aaf8-b81b74423f18-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c1cbcc49-c534-4151-aaf8-b81b74423f18-secondary_icon

The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an admin creates a new collection.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 3,
  u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph',
            u'collection': { u'branchname': u'F-19',
                             u'name': u'Fedora',
                             u'pendingurltemplate': None,
                             u'publishurltemplate': None,
                             u'version': u'19'}},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-68fd388e-60ca-4cf6-888d-b51161798496',
  u'timestamp': 1379607327.474346,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph created a new collection for Fedora 19
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d8ef22c3-e7a3-44fe-bbbc-84932b71081e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d8ef22c3-e7a3-44fe-bbbc-84932b71081e-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an admin creates a new collection.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.collection.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 27,
  u'msg': { u'agent': u'ralph',
            u'collection': { u'branchname': u'f18_b',
                             u'name': u'Fedora',
                             u'pendingurltemplate': u'http://.....',
                             u'publishurltemplate': u'http://.....',
                             u'version': u'18'},
            u'fields': [u'name', u'version']},
  u'msg_id': u'2013-478a321f-ddfc-4d4c-adeb-c777619da15a',
  u'timestamp': 1379607692.198447,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.collection.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated the following fields of the Fedora 18 collection: name, version
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 8685e3d4-65f0-4199-b232-42aa7ac92c0d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 8685e3d4-65f0-4199-b232-42aa7ac92c0d-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes this message when a package gets an new owner. (It is also published when a package is orphaned; the ‘owner’ field will have the string ‘orphan’ as its value.)

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.owner.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'package_listing': { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'EL-6',
                                                'disttag': '.el6',
                                                'name': 'Fedora EPEL',
                                                'pendingurltemplate': None,
                                                'publishurltemplate': None,
                                                'version': '6'},
                                'package': { 'description': None,
                                             'name': 'php-zmq',
                                             'reviewurl': None,
                                             'summary': 'PHP 0MQ/zmq/zeromq extension',
                                             'upstreamurl': None},
                                'point_of_contact': 'orphan',
                                'qacontact': None,
                                'specfile': None}},
  'timestamp': 1357580533.5999,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.owner.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph changed owner of rpms/php-zmq (EL-6) to ‘orphan’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘php-zmq’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘php-zmq/owner/EL-6’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 58e634c0-f994-4f71-ac85-128c6b0f54fa-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 58e634c0-f994-4f71-ac85-128c6b0f54fa-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an admin deletes a branch of a particular package.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.branch.delete topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 45,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ausil',
           'package_listing': { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                            'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                            'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                            'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'commit',
                                            'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                            'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                            'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                            'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'commit',
                                            'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                            'status': 'Approved'}],
                                'collection': { 'branchname': 'f21',
                                                'dist_tag': '.fc21',
                                                'koji_name': 'f21',
                                                'name': 'Fedora',
                                                'status': 'Under Development',
                                                'version': '21'},
                                'critpath': False,
                                'package': { 'acls': [],
                                             'creation_date': 1404850009.0,
                                             'description': '',
                                             'name': 'pipelight',
                                             'review_url': '',
                                             'status': 'Approved',
                                             'summary': 'NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers',
                                             'upstream_url': ''},
                                'point_of_contact': 'besser82',
                                'status': 'Approved',
                                'status_change': 1404997736.0}},
  'msg_id': '2014-fba4c0ac-f5ba-446f-bf70-94200e2d286f',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1408377920.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.branch.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ausil deleted the f21 branch of the ‘rpms/pipelight’ package
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ausil’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘pipelight’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pipelight/f21/delete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f1b9e72d-e2ea-4f43-ba37-d9b07054c2c9-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f1b9e72d-e2ea-4f43-ba37-d9b07054c2c9-secondary_icon

The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when a new branch is created for a package.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'package': { 'acls': [],
                        'creation_date': 1400063778.0,
                        'description': None,
                        'name': 'R-BSgenome',
                        'namespace': 'rpms',
                        'review_url': None,
                        'status': 'Approved',
                        'summary': 'Infrastructure shared by all the Biostrings-based genome',
                        'upstream_url': None},
           'package_listing': { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'epel7',
                                                'dist_tag': '.el7',
                                                'koji_name': 'epel7',
                                                'name': 'Fedora EPEL',
                                                'status': 'Under Development',
                                                'version': '7'},
                                'critpath': False,
                                'package': { 'acls': [],
                                             'creation_date': 1400063778.0,
                                             'description': None,
                                             'name': 'R-BSgenome',
                                             'namespace': 'rpms',
                                             'review_url': None,
                                             'status': 'Approved',
                                             'summary': 'Infrastructure shared by all the Biostrings-based genome',
                                             'upstream_url': None},
                                'point_of_contact': 'pingou',
                                'status': 'Approved',
                                'status_change': 1408950057.0}},
  'msg_id': '2014-645038a7-1f95-4a81-aa68-489c0ae55803',
  'timestamp': 1408957258,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou created the branch ‘epel7’ for the package ‘rpms/R-BSgenome’
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘R-BSgenome’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘R-BSgenome/epel7/new’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 95acfb45-8407-4cfe-932a-25773bed803d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 95acfb45-8407-4cfe-932a-25773bed803d-secondary_icon

The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when a new branch is created for a package.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'package': { 'acls': [],
                        'creation_date': 1400063778.0,
                        'description': None,
                        'name': 'R-BSgenome',
                        'namespace': 'docker',
                        'review_url': None,
                        'status': 'Approved',
                        'summary': 'Infrastructure shared by all the Biostrings-based genome',
                        'upstream_url': None},
           'package_listing': { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'epel7',
                                                'dist_tag': '.el7',
                                                'koji_name': 'epel7',
                                                'name': 'Fedora EPEL',
                                                'status': 'Under Development',
                                                'version': '7'},
                                'critpath': False,
                                'package': { 'acls': [],
                                             'creation_date': 1400063778.0,
                                             'description': None,
                                             'name': 'R-BSgenome',
                                             'namespace': 'docker',
                                             'review_url': None,
                                             'status': 'Approved',
                                             'summary': 'Infrastructure shared by all the Biostrings-based genome',
                                             'upstream_url': None},
                                'point_of_contact': 'pingou',
                                'status': 'Approved',
                                'status_change': 1408950057.0}},
  'msg_id': '2014-645038a7-1f95-4a81-aa68-489c0ae55803',
  'timestamp': 1408957258,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou created the branch ‘epel7’ for the package ‘docker/R-BSgenome’
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘R-BSgenome’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘R-BSgenome/epel7/new’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6323a982-ec95-4ba8-80ed-9c646809398a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6323a982-ec95-4ba8-80ed-9c646809398a-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an user requests a new branch for a particular package.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.branch.request topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'collection_to': { 'branchname': 'epel7',
                              'dist_tag': '.el7',
                              'koji_name': 'epel7',
                              'name': 'Fedora EPEL',
                              'status': 'Under Development',
                              'version': '7'},
           'package': { 'acls': [],
                        'creation_date': 1400063778.0,
                        'description': None,
                        'name': 'R-BiocGenerics',
                        'review_url': None,
                        'status': 'Approved',
                        'summary': 'Generic functions for Bioconductor',
                        'upstream_url': None}},
  'msg_id': '2014-250329a1-1ccf-4fc4-ad0c-e24365f89c0f',
  'timestamp': 1408440084,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.branch.request
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou requested branch epel7 for package rpms/R-BiocGenerics
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘R-BiocGenerics’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘R-BiocGenerics/branch/request/epel7/pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() ba1d4d16-e6a6-4a4c-b2b5-1fe4cd6d469e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ba1d4d16-e6a6-4a4c-b2b5-1fe4cd6d469e-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an admin updates the critpath flag on a package.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.critpath.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 35,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'branches': ['f21'],
           'critpath': True,
           'package': { 'acls': [ { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'FC-5',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc5',
                                                    'koji_name': None,
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'EOL',
                                                    'version': '5'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                                 'name': 'openbox',
                                                 'review_url': None,
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'A highly configurable and standards-compliant X11 window manager',
                                                 'upstream_url': None},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'mlichvar',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1400071632.0},
                                  { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'FC-4',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc4',
                                                    'koji_name': None,
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'EOL',
                                                    'version': '4'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                                 'name': 'openbox',
                                                 'review_url': None,
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'A highly configurable and standards-compliant X11 window manager',
                                                 'upstream_url': None},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'mlichvar',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1400071632.0},
                                  { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'mlichvar',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'cwickert',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'cwickert',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'cwickert',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'athmane',
                                                'status': 'Obsolete'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'athmane',
                                                'status': 'Obsolete'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'f21',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc21',
                                                    'koji_name': 'f21',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'Under Development',
                                                    'version': '21'},
                                    'critpath': True,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                                 'name': 'openbox',
                                                 'review_url': None,
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'A highly configurable and standards-compliant X11 window manager',
                                                 'upstream_url': None},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'mlichvar',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1408557402.0}],
                        'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                        'description': 'Openbox is a window manager designed ...',
                        'name': 'openbox',
                        'review_url': None,
                        'status': 'Approved',
                        'summary': 'A highly configurable and standards-compliant X11 window manager',
                        'upstream_url': None}},
  'msg_id': '2014-dbb1c4d3-2ffa-4212-9daa-1479bf11e8a4',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1408557412.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.critpath.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou set the critpath flag on the rpms/openbox package (f21)
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘openbox’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘openbox/critpath’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 83c7433c-768a-4dc8-af26-04c7b793a020-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 83c7433c-768a-4dc8-af26-04c7b793a020-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an admin deletes a package all together.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.delete topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 46,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ausil',
           'package': { 'acls': [ { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'master',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc22',
                                                    'koji_name': 'rawhide',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'Under Development',
                                                    'version': 'devel'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1404850009.0,
                                                 'description': '',
                                                 'name': 'pipelight',
                                                 'review_url': '',
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers',
                                                 'upstream_url': ''},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'besser82',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1404850010.0},
                                  { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'f19',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc19',
                                                    'koji_name': 'f19',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'Active',
                                                    'version': '19'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1404850009.0,
                                                 'description': '',
                                                 'name': 'pipelight',
                                                 'review_url': '',
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers',
                                                 'upstream_url': ''},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'besser82',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1404850009.0},
                                  { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'f20',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc20',
                                                    'koji_name': 'f20',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'Active',
                                                    'version': '20'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1404850009.0,
                                                 'description': '',
                                                 'name': 'pipelight',
                                                 'review_url': '',
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers',
                                                 'upstream_url': ''},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'besser82',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1404850010.0},
                                  { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'epel7',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.el7',
                                                    'koji_name': 'epel7',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora EPEL',
                                                    'status': 'Under Development',
                                                    'version': '7'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1404850009.0,
                                                 'description': '',
                                                 'name': 'pipelight',
                                                 'review_url': '',
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers',
                                                 'upstream_url': ''},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'besser82',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1404850009.0},
                                  { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'besser82',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'awjb',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'f21',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc21',
                                                    'koji_name': 'f21',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'Under Development',
                                                    'version': '21'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1404850009.0,
                                                 'description': '',
                                                 'name': 'pipelight',
                                                 'review_url': '',
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers',
                                                 'upstream_url': ''},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'besser82',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1404997736.0}],
                        'creation_date': 1404850009.0,
                        'description': '',
                        'name': 'pipelight',
                        'review_url': '',
                        'status': 'Approved',
                        'summary': 'NPAPI Wrapper Plugin for using Windows plugins in Linux browsers',
                        'upstream_url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2014-9372bf63-8e32-4257-82ec-38fb5226763a',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1408377920.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ausil deleted the ‘rpms/pipelight’ package from the pkgdb
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ausil’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘pipelight’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘pipelight/package/delete’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 883c41d0-f673-48fd-a327-ca0d22fa9a97-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 883c41d0-f673-48fd-a327-ca0d22fa9a97-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when someone changes the koschei status of a package.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.koschei.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': u'pingou',
           'package': { 'acls': [],
                        'creation_date': 1400063778.0,
                        'description': 'Guake is a drop-down terminal for Gnome',
                        'koschei_monitor': True,
                        'monitor': False,
                        'name': u'guake',
                        'review_url': None,
                        'status': u'Approved',
                        'summary': u'Drop-downterminalforGNOME',
                        'upstream_url': u'http: //'},
           'status': True},
  'msg_id': u'2015-7d0ecbd6-6892-4b34-98ff-b212d1fef74e',
  'timestamp': 1435313134,
  'topic': u'',
  'username': u'pierrey'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.koschei.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou set the koschei monitoring flag of rpms/guake to True
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘guake’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘guake/koschei/true’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e674256c-10b3-47d7-bd90-b8e9db7859c0-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e674256c-10b3-47d7-bd90-b8e9db7859c0-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when someone changes the monitoring status of a package.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.monitor.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'package': { 'acls': [],
                        'creation_date': 1397204290.0,
                        'description': 'Guake is a drop-down terminal for Gnome Desktop Environment,\nso you just need to press a key to invoke him,\nand press again to hide.',
                        'name': 'guake',
                        'review_url': None,
                        'status': 'Approved',
                        'summary': 'Drop-down terminal for GNOME',
                        'upstream_url': ''},
           'status': False},
  'msg_id': '2014-905aaa3c-483d-4923-95f7-56a8da38da62',
  'timestamp': 1412957736,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'pingou'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.monitor.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou set the monitor flag of rpms/guake to False
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘guake’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘guake/monitor/false’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f68cb45d-e4cd-478a-98d0-b0bdf4046eaa-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() f68cb45d-e4cd-478a-98d0-b0bdf4046eaa-secondary_icon

The Fedora Package DB publishes this message when a new package is added to the DB. This typically happens near the end of the Package Review Process as a result of a SCM Admin Request.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'package_listing': { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'devel',
                                                'disttag': '.f19',
                                                'name': 'Fedora',
                                                'pendingurltemplate': None,
                                                'publishurltemplate': None,
                                                'version': '19'},
                                'package': { 'description': None,
                                             'name': 'php-zmq',
                                             'reviewurl': None,
                                             'summary': 'PHP 0MQ/zmq/zeromq extension',
                                             'upstreamurl': None},
                                'point_of_contact': 'lmacken',
                                'qacontact': None,
                                'specfile': None}},
  'timestamp': 1357580533.5999,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph added a new package ‘rpms/php-zmq’ (devel)
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘php-zmq’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘php-zmq/create’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 76761a2e-30e6-4de7-b08d-69c018a75613-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 76761a2e-30e6-4de7-b08d-69c018a75613-secondary_icon

The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when an user requests a new package to be added into Package DB.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 3,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'collection': { 'branchname': 'master',
                           'dist_tag': '.fc22',
                           'koji_name': 'rawhide',
                           'name': 'Fedora',
                           'status': 'Under Development',
                           'version': 'devel'},
           'info': { 'pkg_collection': 'master',
                     'pkg_critpath': False,
                     'pkg_description': '',
                     'pkg_name': 'guake',
                     'pkg_poc': 'pingou',
                     'pkg_review_url': '',
                     'pkg_status': 'Approved',
                     'pkg_summary': 'A drop-down terminal for GNOME',
                     'pkg_upstream_url': ''},
           'package': None},
  'msg_id': '2014-40c33929-8fa1-4cfb-9559-231af6d809aa',
  'timestamp': 1408440927,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou requested package rpms/guake on branch master
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘guake’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘new/package/request/guake/master/pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 6df59b7f-6342-4ab9-9a17-869994aa3a7e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6df59b7f-6342-4ab9-9a17-869994aa3a7e-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes messages like these when someone asks that a package is unretired.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.unretire.request topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'moceap',
           'collection': { 'branchname': 'master',
                           'dist_tag': '.fc23',
                           'koji_name': 'rawhide',
                           'name': 'Fedora',
                           'status': 'UnderDevelopment',
                           'version': 'devel'},
           'package': { 'acls': [ { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'master',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc23',
                                                    'koji_name': 'rawhide',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'UnderDevelopment',
                                                    'version': 'devel'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                                 'description': 'NetBeansPlatformisaframeworkfordevelopmentof\nRichClientSwingApplications.Itcontainspowerful\nmodulesystemandasetofmodulesprovidingvarious\nfunctionalitiesneededforsimplificationof\ndevelopmentofmodulardesktopapplications.',
                                                 'monitor': False,
                                                 'name': 'netbeans-platform8',
                                                 'review_url': None,
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NetBeansPlatform8',
                                                 'upstream_url': None},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'orphan',
                                    'status': 'Retired',
                                    'status_change': 1400071169.0},
                                  { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'victorv',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'victorv',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'victorv',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'victorv',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'f10',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc10',
                                                    'koji_name': 'dist-f10',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'EOL',
                                                    'version': '10'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                                 'description': 'NetBeansPlatformisaframeworkfordevelopmentof\nRichClientSwingApplications.Itcontainspowerful\nmodulesystemandasetofmodulesprovidingvarious\nfunctionalitiesneededforsimplificationof\ndevelopmentofmodulardesktopapplications.',
                                                 'monitor': False,
                                                 'name': 'netbeans-platform8',
                                                 'review_url': None,
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NetBeansPlatform8',
                                                 'upstream_url': None},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'victorv',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1400071253.0},
                                  { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                                'fas_name': 'victorv',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                                'fas_name': 'victorv',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'commit',
                                                'fas_name': 'victorv',
                                                'status': 'Approved'},
                                              { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                                'fas_name': 'victorv',
                                                'status': 'Approved'}],
                                    'collection': { 'branchname': 'f11',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc11',
                                                    'koji_name': 'dist-f11',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'EOL',
                                                    'version': '11'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                                 'description': 'NetBeansPlatformisaframeworkfordevelopmentof\nRichClientSwingApplications.Itcontainspowerful\nmodulesystemandasetofmodulesprovidingvarious\nfunctionalitiesneededforsimplificationof\ndevelopmentofmodulardesktopapplications.',
                                                 'monitor': False,
                                                 'name': 'netbeans-platform8',
                                                 'review_url': None,
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NetBeansPlatform8',
                                                 'upstream_url': None},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'victorv',
                                    'status': 'Approved',
                                    'status_change': 1400071427.0},
                                  { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'f12',
                                                    'dist_tag': '.fc12',
                                                    'koji_name': 'dist-f12',
                                                    'name': 'Fedora',
                                                    'status': 'EOL',
                                                    'version': '12'},
                                    'critpath': False,
                                    'package': { 'acls': [],
                                                 'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                                 'description': 'NetBeansPlatformisaframeworkfordevelopmentof\nRichClientSwingApplications.Itcontainspowerful\nmodulesystemandasetofmodulesprovidingvarious\nfunctionalitiesneededforsimplificationof\ndevelopmentofmodulardesktopapplications.',
                                                 'monitor': False,
                                                 'name': 'netbeans-platform8',
                                                 'review_url': None,
                                                 'status': 'Approved',
                                                 'summary': 'NetBeansPlatform8',
                                                 'upstream_url': None},
                                    'point_of_contact': 'orphan',
                                    'status': 'Orphaned',
                                    'status_change': 1400071659.0}],
                        'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                        'description': 'NetBeansPlatformisaframeworkfordevelopmentof\nRichClientSwingApplications.Itcontainspowerful\nmodulesystemandasetofmodulesprovidingvarious\nfunctionalitiesneededforsimplificationof\ndevelopmentofmodulardesktopapplications.',
                        'monitor': False,
                        'name': 'netbeans-platform8',
                        'review_url': None,
                        'status': 'Approved',
                        'summary': 'NetBeansPlatform8',
                        'upstream_url': None}},
  'msg_id': '2015-bb28a398-e638-4509-9fa0-57d41c2ae0a4',
  'timestamp': 1427823120,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.unretire.request
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() moceap asks that rpms/netbeans-platform8 be unretired on master
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘moceap’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘netbeans-platform8’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘netbeans-platform8/unretire/master’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() ab77f1b0-1829-4038-a522-aeef41194eea-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() ab77f1b0-1829-4038-a522-aeef41194eea-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes this message when metadata for a package is updated.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.update topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 144,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pkgdb_updater',
           'fields': ['summary', 'description'],
           'package': { 'creation_date': 1379619917.0,
                        'name': 'guake',
                        'review_url': '',
                        'status': 'Approved',
                        'summary': 'Top down terminal for GNOME',
                        'upstream_url': ''}},
  'msg_id': '2013-c131fb95-0a2e-4426-95c3-09766e017d29',
  'timestamp': 1379605523.496933,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pkgdb_updater updated: summary, description of rpms/guake
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pkgdb_updater’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘guake’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘guake/update’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c2481ff8-7958-4051-bc75-28883527d0f4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() c2481ff8-7958-4051-bc75-28883527d0f4-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes this message when the status of a package is updated.

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.update.status topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 144,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'package_listing': { 'collection': { 'branchname': 'F-18',
                                                'name': 'Fedora',
                                                'pendingurltemplate': None,
                                                'publishurltemplate': None,
                                                'version': '18'},
                                'package': { 'creation_date': 1379619917.0,
                                             'name': 'guake',
                                             'review_url': '',
                                             'status': 'Approved',
                                             'summary': 'Top down terminal for GNOME',
                                             'upstream_url': ''},
                                'point_of_contact': 'pingou'},
           'package_name': 'guake',
           'prev_status': 'Retired',
           'status': 'Approved'},
  'msg_id': '2013-c131fb95-0a2e-4426-95c3-09766e017d29',
  'timestamp': 1379605523.496933,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.update.status
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph unretired rpms/guake in F-18
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘guake’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘guake/update’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 42712085-d57c-4475-9ea1-08e26beae12e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 42712085-d57c-4475-9ea1-08e26beae12e-secondary_icon


The Fedora Package DB publishes this message when the status of a package is updated. Here’s an example of a package being retired:

You can view the history of messages with the pkgdb.package.update.status topic or all pkgdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 7,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'till',
           'package_listing': { 'acls': [ { 'acl': 'watchcommits',
                                            'fas_name': 'robert',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'watchbugzilla',
                                            'fas_name': 'robert',
                                            'status': 'Approved'},
                                          { 'acl': 'commit',
                                            'fas_name': 'robert',
                                            'status': 'Obsolete'},
                                          { 'acl': 'approveacls',
                                            'fas_name': 'robert',
                                            'status': 'Obsolete'}],
                                'collection': { 'branchname': 'master',
                                                'dist_tag': '.fc22',
                                                'koji_name': 'rawhide',
                                                'name': 'Fedora',
                                                'status': 'Under Development',
                                                'version': 'devel'},
                                'critpath': False,
                                'package': { 'acls': [],
                                             'creation_date': 1400070978.0,
                                             'description': 'VMime is a powerful C++ class ...',
                                             'name': 'libvmime07',
                                             'review_url': None,
                                             'status': 'Approved',
                                             'summary': 'A powerful C++ class ...',
                                             'upstream_url': ''},
                                'point_of_contact': 'orphan',
                                'status': 'Retired',
                                'status_change': 1412710603.0},
           'package_name': 'libvmime07',
           'prev_status': 'Orphaned',
           'status': 'Retired'},
  'msg_id': '2014-78aa26ee-d2e5-4446-b4a4-73948704d73e',
  'source_name': 'datanommer',
  'source_version': '0.6.4',
  'timestamp': 1412710605.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pkgdb.package.update.status
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() till retired rpms/libvmime07 in master
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘till’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘libvmime07’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘libvmime07/update’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() daed0fb7-c79d-40f1-b912-6b8b49c3e4c9-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() daed0fb7-c79d-40f1-b912-6b8b49c3e4c9-secondary_icon


The Fedora Planet publishes messages of this topic whenever a new blog post is found. Cool!

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all planet messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'face': '',
           'name': 'Ralph Bean',
           'post': { 'content': [ { 'base': '',
                                    'language': None,
                                    'type': 'text/html',
                                    'value': '<div class="document">\n<p>Another test post for fedmsg+fedoraplanet.</p>\n</div>'}],
                     'guidislink': False,
                     'id': '',
                     'link': '',
                     'links': [ { 'href': '',
                                  'rel': 'alternate',
                                  'type': 'text/html'}],
                     'summary': 'Test Post 6',
                     'summary_detail': { 'base': '',
                                         'language': None,
                                         'type': 'text/html',
                                         'value': 'Test Post 6'},
                     'tags': [ { 'label': None,
                                 'scheme': None,
                                 'term': 'fedora'}],
                     'title': 'Test Post 6',
                     'title_detail': { 'base': '',
                                       'language': None,
                                       'type': 'text/html',
                                       'value': 'Test Post 6'},
                     'updated': 'Wed, 30 Jan 2013 15:00:00 EST',
                     'updated_parsed': 1359576000.0},
           'username': 'ralph'},
  'timestamp': 1359579067.617802,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'planet-user'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph posted “Test Post 6”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 2c88ba14-ed39-4b5c-8a64-590d17529a9f-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 2c88ba14-ed39-4b5c-8a64-590d17529a9f-secondary_icon



In 2016, the release engineering team started moving the compose process to pungi4, which emits messages like this as it does its composition work.

Here’s an example message published when a createiso target completes.

You can view the history of messages with the pungi.compose.createiso.imagedone topic or all pungi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': 'i386',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-24-20151208.n.7',
           'file': '/mnt/koji/compose/rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7/compose/Server/i386/iso/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7-Server-i386-dvd1.iso',
           'location': '',
           'variant': 'Server'},
  'msg_id': '2015-05ea75ce-f648-41b5-9e29-da56202a2ba5',
  'timestamp': 1449605930.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pungi.compose.createiso.imagedone
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pungi-koji finished createiso for Server/i386/iso/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7-Server-i386-dvd1.iso
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘mnt/koji/compose/rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7/compose/Server/i386/iso/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7-Server-i386-dvd1.iso’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0852a9fe-e78c-412a-8642-b2e9e1b2ef67-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


In 2016, the release engineering team started moving the compose process to pungi4, which emits messages like this as it does its composition work.

Here’s an example message published when createiso targets are assigned.

You can view the history of messages with the pungi.compose.createiso.targets topic or all pungi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'compose_id': 'Fedora-24-20151208.n.7',
           'deliverables': [ '/mnt/koji/compose/rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7/compose/Server/armhfp/iso/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7-Server-armhfp-dvd1.iso',
           'location': ''},
  'msg_id': '2015-05ea75ce-f648-41b5-9e29-da56202a2ba5',
  'timestamp': 1449605930.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pungi.compose.createiso.targets
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pungi-koji assigned 3 createiso targets
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘mnt/koji/compose/rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7/compose/Server/i386/iso/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7-Server-i386-dvd1.iso’, ‘mnt/koji/compose/rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7/compose/Server/x86_64/iso/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7-Server-x86_64-dvd1.iso’, ‘mnt/koji/compose/rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7/compose/Server/armhfp/iso/Fedora-24-20151208.n.7-Server-armhfp-dvd1.iso’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 7e770d0a-1145-4bf5-a08d-3ed4be9fd9f0-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified

The pungi tool produces these messages when it totally fails to start the compose process.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all pungi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'headers': { },
  'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'command': [ '/usr/bin/pungi-koji',
           'config': 'fedora-docker.conf',
           'detail': 'must specify label for a production compose',
           'target_dir': '/mnt/koji/compose'},
  'msg_id': '2017-503fe1ae-a458-49f7-adf6-de32bdf4f856',
  'timestamp': 1503692573.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'root'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() failed to compose from fedora-docker.conf: “must specify label for a production compose”
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() None
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


In 2016, the release engineering team started moving the compose process to pungi4, which emits messages like this as it does its composition work.

Here’s an example message published when an ostree phase completed succesfully.

You can view the history of messages with the pungi.compose.ostree topic or all pungi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'arch': 'x86_64',
           'commitid': 'f99114401ffce2753bd7cd5401bff056a029bb80474859ab769f68586978248d',
           'compose_id': 'Fedora-25-20161002.n.0',
           'location': '',
           'ref': 'fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/docker-host',
           'variant': 'Atomic'},
  'msg_id': '2016-7e49afa4-c85b-424b-90d8-da36bed006b5',
  'timestamp': 1475402944.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pungi.compose.ostree
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pungi-koji ostree compose Fedora-25-20161002.n.0 produced ostree commit f99114401ffce2753bd7cd5401bff056a029bb80474859ab769f68586978248d for x86_64 fedora-atomic/25/x86_64/docker-host
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/Fedora-25-20161002/n/0’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c842c970-555f-426b-8061-484ef9c8eba4-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


In 2016, the release engineering team started moving the compose process to pungi4, which emits messages like this as it does its composition work.

Here’s an example message published when the createrepo phase of a compose starts.

You can view the history of messages with the pungi.compose.phase.start topic or all pungi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'compose_id': 'Fedora-24-20151208.n.7',
           'location': '',
           'phase_name': 'createrepo'},
  'msg_id': '2015-05ea75ce-f648-41b5-9e29-da56202a2ba5',
  'timestamp': 1449605930.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pungi.compose.phase.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pungi-koji started the createrepo phase of the Fedora-24-20151208.n.7 compose
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208/n/7’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() edae6ab8-18bd-4b77-873d-8cb29a317424-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


In 2016, the release engineering team started moving the compose process to pungi4, which emits messages like this as it does its composition work.

Here’s an example message published when a compose starts.

You can view the history of messages with the pungi.compose.status.change topic or all pungi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'compose_id': 'Fedora-24-20151208.n.7',
           'location': '',
           'status': 'FINISHED'},
  'timestamp': 1449600728.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pungi.compose.status.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pungi-koji compose of Fedora-24-20151208.n.7 just finished
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208/n/7’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 249fb7e2-bd24-442e-860c-3c483504a70d-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


In 2016, the release engineering team started moving the compose process to pungi4, which emits messages like this as it does its composition work.

Here’s an example message published when a compose starts.

You can view the history of messages with the pungi.compose.status.change topic or all pungi messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'compose_id': 'Fedora-24-20151208.n.7',
           'location': '',
           'status': 'STARTED'},
  'timestamp': 1449600728.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() pungi.compose.status.change
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pungi-koji compose of Fedora-24-20151208.n.7 started
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘rawhide/Fedora-24-20151208/n/7’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() c95700f3-d75c-4d3a-bd69-5c54fefbc411-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified



These messages are published when someone asks for a re-run of the Atomic CI pipeline from a pull-request.

You can view the history of messages with the rats.test.atomic-ci topic or all rats messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 4,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'extras': { },
           'identifier': 'rpms/python-arrow/pull-request/13',
           'old_result': None,
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'branch': 'master',
                             'branch_from': 'master',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'closed_by': None,
                             'comments': [ { 'comment': 'test comment\r\n\r\nEdited2',
                                             'commit': None,
                                             'date_created': '1506689892',
                                             'edited_on': '1506692613',
                                             'editor': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                         'name': 'pingou'},
                                             'filename': None,
                                             'id': 27,
                                             'line': None,
                                             'notification': False,
                                             'parent': None,
                                             'tree': None,
                                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                                       'name': 'pingou'}}],
                             'commit_start': 'b9750aae92def8c714a3378c8086d0f3c90ffcc0',
                             'commit_stop': 'f71b3aa0f313d34eabb8b182619314de37c67c90',
                             'date_created': '1506619100',
                             'id': 13,
                             'initial_comment': None,
                             'last_updated': '1506692613',
                             'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                             'commit': [ 'infra-sig'],
                                                             'ticket': []},
                                          'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'pingou'],
                                                            'commit': [],
                                                            'owner': [ 'ralph'],
                                                            'ticket': []},
                                          'close_status': [],
                                          'custom_keys': [],
                                          'date_created': '1501276912',
                                          'date_modified': '1507625578',
                                          'description': 'The python-arrow rpms',
                                          'fullname': 'rpms/python-arrow',
                                          'id': 16710,
                                          'milestones': { },
                                          'name': 'python-arrow',
                                          'namespace': 'rpms',
                                          'parent': None,
                                          'priorities': { },
                                          'tags': [],
                                          'url_path': 'rpms/python-arrow',
                                          'user': { 'fullname': 'Ralph Bean',
                                                    'name': 'ralph'}},
                             'remote_git': None,
                             'repo_from': None,
                             'status': 'Open',
                             'title': 'Test PR',
                             'uid': '11700bb635a94953b449c8de14d2d16d',
                             'updated_on': '1506619100',
                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
           'result_id': None,
           'test': 'AtomicCI'},
  'msg_id': '2018-a7b54439-4bb8-48e5-87b7-975fea6efd15',
  'timestamp': 1516010094,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() rats.test.atomic-ci
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou requested a run of atomic-ci on “rpms/python-arrow/pull-request/13”
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() None
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘AtomicCI/rpms/python-arrow/pull-request/13’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 229d1986-879e-478b-8c36-37ef76879eef-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 229d1986-879e-478b-8c36-37ef76879eef-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone asks for a re-run of the Atomic CI pipeline from a resultsdb’s result identifier.

You can view the history of messages with the rats.test.atomic-ci topic or all rats messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 5,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'extras': { },
           'identifier': None,
           'old_result': { 'data': { 'branch': ['f27'],
                                     'build_id': ['46'],
                                     'build_url': [ ''],
                                     'centos_ci_resultsdb': ['True'],
                                     'centos_ci_resultsdb_id': ['32627'],
                                     'centos_ci_resultsdb_submit_time': [ '2017-10-23T18:11:13.949695'],
                                     'group': ['None'],
                                     'msg_id': [ '2017-2acbcd52-fd49-4d34-8411-70476139cdd8'],
                                     'namespace': ['rpms'],
                                     'nvr': [ 'glusterfs-3.12.2-2.408.202c34e.fc27.x86_64'],
                                     'original_spec_nvr': [ 'glusterfs-3.12.2-2.fc27'],
                                     'ref': ['x86_64'],
                                     'repo': ['glusterfs'],
                                     'rev': [ '202c34e6826fd2cba34ee61fc14312126ede808f'],
                                     'status': ['SUCCESS'],
                                     'topic': [ ''],
                                     'username': ['fedora-atomic']},
                           'groups': [],
                           'href': '',
                           'id': 17786885,
                           'note': None,
                           'outcome': 'PASSED',
                           'ref_url': '',
                           'submit_time': '2017-10-23T18:12:12.381783',
                           'testcase': { 'href': '',
                                         'name': '',
                                         'ref_url': None}},
           'pull_request': None,
           'result_id': '17786885',
           'test': None},
  'msg_id': '2018-390b5760-0bfa-4f08-bd98-513c24d2ed7b',
  'timestamp': 1516009806,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() rats.test.atomic-ci
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou requested a run of atomic-ci on resultsdb’s result id: “17786885”
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() None
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘AtomicCI/resultsdb/17786885’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() bed82557-4d9e-4ba6-b764-fe460cc9e829-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() bed82557-4d9e-4ba6-b764-fe460cc9e829-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone asks for a re-run of simple-koji-ci on a pull-request on dist-git.

You can view the history of messages with the rats.test.simple-koji-ci topic or all rats messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'extras': { },
           'identifier': 'rpms/python-arrow/pull-request/13',
           'pull_request': { 'assignee': None,
                             'branch': 'master',
                             'branch_from': 'master',
                             'closed_at': None,
                             'closed_by': None,
                             'comments': [],
                             'commit_start': 'b9750aae92def8c714a3378c8086d0f3c90ffcc0',
                             'commit_stop': 'f71b3aa0f313d34eabb8b182619314de37c67c90',
                             'date_created': '1506619100',
                             'id': 13,
                             'initial_comment': None,
                             'last_updated': '1506692613',
                             'project': { 'access_groups': { 'admin': [],
                                                             'commit': [ 'infra-sig'],
                                                             'ticket': []},
                                          'access_users': { 'admin': [ 'pingou'],
                                                            'commit': [],
                                                            'owner': [ 'ralph'],
                                                            'ticket': []},
                                          'close_status': [],
                                          'custom_keys': [],
                                          'date_created': '1501276912',
                                          'date_modified': '1507625578',
                                          'description': 'The python-arrow rpms',
                                          'fullname': 'rpms/python-arrow',
                                          'id': 16710,
                                          'milestones': { },
                                          'name': 'python-arrow',
                                          'namespace': 'rpms',
                                          'parent': None,
                                          'priorities': { },
                                          'tags': [],
                                          'url_path': 'rpms/python-arrow',
                                          'user': { 'fullname': 'Ralph Bean',
                                                    'name': 'ralph'}},
                             'remote_git': None,
                             'repo_from': None,
                             'status': 'Open',
                             'title': 'Test PR',
                             'uid': '11700bb635a94953b449c8de14d2d16d',
                             'updated_on': '1506619100',
                             'user': { 'fullname': 'Pierre-YvesChibon',
                                       'name': 'pingou'}},
           'result_id': None,
           'test': 'simple-koji-ci'},
  'msg_id': '2018-40a4a95d-9274-4972-be1b-db43a1959012',
  'timestamp': 1515756462,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() rats.test.simple-koji-ci
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou requested a run of simple-koji-ci on “rpms/python-arrow/pull-request/13”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘simple-koji-ci/rpms/python-arrow/pull-request/13’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0423dd3f-3ccb-43dc-9a2d-6fb26eacfb5e-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0423dd3f-3ccb-43dc-9a2d-6fb26eacfb5e-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone asks for a re-run of a specific test on taskotron for a specific build.

You can view the history of messages with the rats.test.taskotron topic or all rats messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'extras': { 'groups': 'foobar'},
           'groups': 'foobar',
           'identifier': 'audit-2.8-1.fc26',
           'result_id': None,
           'test': 'dist.rpmdeplint'},
  'msg_id': '2018-96b2b575-0b83-412d-b931-6cf73b653011',
  'timestamp': 1515768967,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() rats.test.taskotron
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou requested a run of taskotron’s dist.rpmdeplint on “audit-2.8-1.fc26”
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() None
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘taskotron/dist.rpmdeplint/audit-2.8-1.fc26’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d95f670f-3587-4ae6-9d7a-785ff0750147-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() d95f670f-3587-4ae6-9d7a-785ff0750147-secondary_icon


These messages are published when someone asks for a re-run of a specific test on taskotron from a resultsdb’s result identifier.

You can view the history of messages with the rats.test.taskotron topic or all rats messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'pingou',
           'extras': { },
           'groups': [ '7275e744-90a2-58ee-9973-b0d6fa7c0267',
           'identifier': None,
           'result_id': '17783947',
           'test': None},
  'msg_id': '2018-aacc5b52-a3a2-4b34-a111-3a4cde2eead4',
  'timestamp': 1515770465,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() rats.test.taskotron
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() pingou requested a run of taskotron on resultsdb’s result id: “17783947”
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() None
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘pingou’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘taskotron/resultsdb/17783947’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 66337d70-1d4f-4009-874c-e8863d2989c0-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 66337d70-1d4f-4009-874c-e8863d2989c0-secondary_icon



As one of the final steps in the two week atomic process, there is a release engineering script that runs to perform the release.

During the two week script run, it fetches AtomicHost artifacts detail for given pungi compose ID using fedfind . After getting image artifacts and ostree commit information successfully for all supported architectures, it sends this fedmsg indicating that Two Week release process has started.

You can view the history of messages with the releng.atomic.twoweek.begin topic or all releng messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'aarch64': { u'atomic_dvd_ostree': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                  u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-aarch64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/aarch64/iso/Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-aarch64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-aarch64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'release': u'28',
                                                  u'size': 988649472},
                          u'atomic_qcow2': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                             u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.aarch64.qcow2',
                                             u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/aarch64/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.aarch64.qcow2',
                                             u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                             u'release': u'28',
                                             u'size': 621911040},
                          u'atomic_raw': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                           u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.aarch64.raw.xz',
                                           u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/aarch64/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.aarch64.raw.xz',
                                           u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                           u'release': u'28',
                                           u'size': 396619232}},
            u'ppc64le': { u'atomic_dvd_ostree': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                  u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-ppc64le-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/ppc64le/iso/Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-ppc64le-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-ppc64le-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'release': u'28',
                                                  u'size': 1036103680},
                          u'atomic_qcow2': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                             u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.ppc64le.qcow2',
                                             u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/ppc64le/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.ppc64le.qcow2',
                                             u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                             u'release': u'28',
                                             u'size': 636539904},
                          u'atomic_raw': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                           u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.ppc64le.raw.xz',
                                           u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/ppc64le/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.ppc64le.raw.xz',
                                           u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                           u'release': u'28',
                                           u'size': 411513572}},
            u'x86_64': { u'atomic_dvd_ostree': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                 u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-x86_64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                 u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/iso/Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-x86_64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                 u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-x86_64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                 u'release': u'28',
                                                 u'size': 1034944512},
                         u'atomic_qcow2': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                            u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.x86_64.qcow2',
                                            u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.x86_64.qcow2',
                                            u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                            u'release': u'28',
                                            u'size': 635537920},
                         u'atomic_raw': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                          u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.x86_64.raw.xz',
                                          u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.x86_64.raw.xz',
                                          u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                          u'release': u'28',
                                          u'size': 457994952},
                         u'atomic_vagrant_libvirt': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                      u'image_name': u'',
                                                      u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/images/',
                                                      u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-Vagrant-28-20180515.1',
                                                      u'release': u'28',
                                                      u'size': 603786982},
                         u'atomic_vagrant_virtualbox': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                         u'image_name': u'',
                                                         u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/images/',
                                                         u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-Vagrant-28-20180515.1',
                                                         u'release': u'28',
                                                         u'size': 617984000}}},
  u'timestamp': 1444939709.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() releng.atomic.twoweek.begin
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Release engineering scripts started evaluating a new set of builds for a Fedora 28 Atomic Host release
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([u’aarch64’, u’x86_64’, u’ppc64le’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 1567133c-0567-4803-97c9-249fe82f3914-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 1567133c-0567-4803-97c9-249fe82f3914-secondary_icon


As one of the final steps in the two week atomic process, there is a release engineering script that runs to perform the release.

During this phase of two week script run, static delta gets generated from previous Two Week release. Later ref in repo gets updated with latest ostree commit information for each arch, followed by Two Week release announcement email. On successful completion of all steps, it sends this fedmsg indicating that Two Week release process has completed and fedora website atomic page should be updated with latest download links.

You can view the history of messages with the releng.atomic.twoweek.complete topic or all releng messages in datagrepper.

{ u'msg': { u'aarch64': { u'atomic_dvd_ostree': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                  u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-aarch64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/aarch64/iso/Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-aarch64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-aarch64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'release': u'28',
                                                  u'size': 988649472},
                          u'atomic_qcow2': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                             u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.aarch64.qcow2',
                                             u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/aarch64/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.aarch64.qcow2',
                                             u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                             u'release': u'28',
                                             u'size': 621911040},
                          u'atomic_raw': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                           u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.aarch64.raw.xz',
                                           u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/aarch64/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.aarch64.raw.xz',
                                           u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                           u'release': u'28',
                                           u'size': 396619232}},
            u'ppc64le': { u'atomic_dvd_ostree': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                  u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-ppc64le-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/ppc64le/iso/Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-ppc64le-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-ppc64le-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                  u'release': u'28',
                                                  u'size': 1036103680},
                          u'atomic_qcow2': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                             u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.ppc64le.qcow2',
                                             u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/ppc64le/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.ppc64le.qcow2',
                                             u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                             u'release': u'28',
                                             u'size': 636539904},
                          u'atomic_raw': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                           u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.ppc64le.raw.xz',
                                           u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/ppc64le/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.ppc64le.raw.xz',
                                           u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                           u'release': u'28',
                                           u'size': 411513572}},
            u'x86_64': { u'atomic_dvd_ostree': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                 u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-x86_64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                 u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/iso/Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-x86_64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                 u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-ostree-x86_64-28-20180515.1.iso',
                                                 u'release': u'28',
                                                 u'size': 1034944512},
                         u'atomic_qcow2': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                            u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.x86_64.qcow2',
                                            u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.x86_64.qcow2',
                                            u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                            u'release': u'28',
                                            u'size': 635537920},
                         u'atomic_raw': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                          u'image_name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.x86_64.raw.xz',
                                          u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/images/Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1.x86_64.raw.xz',
                                          u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-28-20180515.1',
                                          u'release': u'28',
                                          u'size': 457994952},
                         u'atomic_vagrant_libvirt': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                      u'image_name': u'',
                                                      u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/images/',
                                                      u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-Vagrant-28-20180515.1',
                                                      u'release': u'28',
                                                      u'size': 603786982},
                         u'atomic_vagrant_virtualbox': { u'compose_id': u'Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1',
                                                         u'image_name': u'',
                                                         u'image_url': u'/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Fedora-Atomic-28-20180515.1/AtomicHost/x86_64/images/',
                                                         u'name': u'Fedora-AtomicHost-Vagrant-28-20180515.1',
                                                         u'release': u'28',
                                                         u'size': 617984000}}},
  u'timestamp': 1444939709.0,
  u'topic': u''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() releng.atomic.twoweek.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() A new release of Fedora 28 Atomic Host is ready
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([u’aarch64’, u’x86_64’, u’ppc64le’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() 0c204c37-f281-4c12-8f5f-672375c63c75-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 0c204c37-f281-4c12-8f5f-672375c63c75-secondary_icon



Fedora Infrastructure runs a background service called summershum, the role of which is to compute and store hashes of every file of every tarball of every package in Fedora. This data is then to later be used in tests and analysis.

This message type is published by the summershum backend when it has completed processing of a new tarball.

You can view the history of messages with the summershum.ingest.complete topic or all summershum messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 14,
  'msg': { 'original': { 'agent': 'rhughes',
                         'filename': 'gnome-online-accounts-3.11.90.tar.xz',
                         'md5sum': '7d32a7ed3653fe4c3de1fd3e9d1e1367',
                         'name': 'gnome-online-accounts'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-c5565d9f-edbe-4ec3-9d3a-d2005b32a817',
  'timestamp': 1392749080,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() summershum.ingest.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() summershum ingested gnome-online-accounts-3.11.90.tar.xz for gnome-online-accounts
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘rhughes’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘gnome-online-accounts’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘digests/gnome-online-accounts/gnome-online-accounts-3.11.90.tar.xz/7d32a7ed3653fe4c3de1fd3e9d1e1367’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e24a4a8c-ef94-4152-bac2-323d1fe8083a-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e24a4a8c-ef94-4152-bac2-323d1fe8083a-secondary_icon

Fedora Infrastructure runs a background service called summershum, the role of which is to compute and store hashes of every file of every tarball of every package in Fedora. This data is then to later be used in tests and analysis.

This message type is published by the summershum backend when it encounters some error and cannot process a tarball.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all summershum messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 15,
  'msg': { 'original': { 'agent': 'siddhesh',
                         'filename': 'glibc-2.19-58-ga4fb786.tar.gz',
                         'md5sum': '5f636f8001d1397fa6e233a1009df6c1',
                         'name': 'glibc'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-53a77b4a-637e-4b98-a84e-90febb65ab80',
  'timestamp': 1392749080,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() yikes! summershum failed to process glibc-2.19-58-ga4fb786.tar.gz for glibc
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘siddhesh’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘glibc’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘digests/glibc/glibc-2.19-58-ga4fb786.tar.gz/5f636f8001d1397fa6e233a1009df6c1’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 936610e4-5cc7-4b2a-9c5a-76fdfbf3911a-secondary_icon


Fedora Infrastructure runs a background service called summershum, the role of which is to compute and store hashes of every file of every tarball of every package in Fedora. This data is then to later be used in tests and analysis.

This message type is published by the summershum backend when begins processing a new tarball.

You can view the history of messages with the summershum.ingest.start topic or all summershum messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 15,
  'msg': { 'original': { 'agent': 'siddhesh',
                         'filename': 'glibc-2.19-58-ga4fb786.tar.gz',
                         'md5sum': '5f636f8001d1397fa6e233a1009df6c1',
                         'name': 'glibc'}},
  'msg_id': '2014-53a77b4a-637e-4b98-a84e-90febb65ab80',
  'timestamp': 1392749080,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'threebean'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() summershum.ingest.start
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() summershum started working on glibc-2.19-58-ga4fb786.tar.gz for glibc
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘siddhesh’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘glibc’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘digests/glibc/glibc-2.19-58-ga4fb786.tar.gz/5f636f8001d1397fa6e233a1009df6c1’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 86d3b8af-e080-4e6e-9f51-5e8f6d291c25-secondary_icon


Taskotron emits messages on this topic anytime a task finishes.

Here’s an example message of a new taskotron result published about a bodhi update.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all taskotron messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 177,
  'msg': { 'result': { 'id': 5202575,
                       'job_url': '',
                       'log_url': '',
                       'outcome': 'PASSED',
                       'submit_time': '2015-12-16 17:14:21 UTC'},
           'task': { 'item': 'FEDORA-2015-2f6c7508b7',
                     'name': 'upgradepath',
                     'type': 'bodhi_update'}},
  'msg_id': '2015-2ff9d8af-8263-4886-8e3d-61cc7a5eeeb4',
  'timestamp': 1450286061.0,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() upgradepath PASSED for FEDORA-2015-2f6c7508b7
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘copy-jdk-configs’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘upgradepath/copy-jdk-configs/PASSED’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 95d53fbc-0513-4018-892a-de074d07a7d4-secondary_icon

Taskotron emits messages on this topic anytime a task finishes.

Here’s an example message of a new taskotron result published about a koji build.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all taskotron messages in datagrepper.

{ u'i': 1,
  u'msg': { u'result': { 'id': '1',
                         'job_url': '',
                         'log_url': '',
                         'outcome': 'PASSED',
                         'submit_time': '2015-01-30 13:11:35.366862'},
            u'task': { 'item': 'foobar-1.0-1.fc99',
                       'name': 'fedoratest',
                       'type': 'koji_build'}},
  u'msg_id': u'2014-10b5b1b6-42c7-4d64-aeae-5029b9515d47',
  u'timestamp': 1389298195,
  u'topic': u'',
  u'username': u'taskotron'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() fedoratest PASSED for foobar-1.0-1.fc99
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([‘foobar’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘fedoratest/foobar/PASSED’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 2393a5f9-4354-4fea-82c0-4e5132a5024f-secondary_icon



Messages are published on this topic when a users pushes commits to a fedorahosted git repository.

The message format is very similar to the git.receive message type for Fedora packages.

You can view the history of messages with the trac.git.receive topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'commit': { 'agent': 'ralph',
                       'branch': 'dev',
                       'email': '',
                       'message': 'Another commit to test fedorahosted fedmsg.\n',
                       'name': 'Ralph Bean',
                       'repo': 'moksha',
                       'rev': '24bcd20d08a68320f82951ce20959bc6a1a6e79c',
                       'stats': { 'files': { 'README.rst': { 'deletions': 0,
                                                             'insertions': 1,
                                                             'lines': 1}},
                                  'total': { 'deletions': 0,
                                             'files': 1,
                                             'insertions': 1,
                                             'lines': 1}},
                       'summary': 'Another commit to test fedorahosted fedmsg.',
                       'username': 'ralph'}},
  'timestamp': 1368046115.802794,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'ralph'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() trac.git.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph pushed some commits to the ‘moksha’ fedorahosted git repository
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/git/README.rst’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 45062de2-89ee-491a-b803-9f02beccb23a-secondary_icon


Messages are published on this topic when a users pushes commits to a fedorahosted git repository.

The message format is very similar to the git.receive message type for Fedora packages.

You can view the history of messages with the trac.git.receive topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'commit': { 'agent': 'ralph',
                       'branch': 'dev',
                       'email': '',
                       'message': 'Another commit to test fedorahosted fedmsg.\n',
                       'name': 'Ralph Bean',
                       'path': '/srv/git/docs/about-fedora.git',
                       'repo': 'about-fedora',
                       'rev': '24bcd20d08a68320f82951ce20959bc6a1a6e79c',
                       'stats': { 'files': { 'README.rst': { 'deletions': 0,
                                                             'insertions': 1,
                                                             'lines': 1}},
                                  'total': { 'deletions': 0,
                                             'files': 1,
                                             'insertions': 1,
                                             'lines': 1}},
                       'summary': 'Another commit to test fedorahosted fedmsg.',
                       'username': 'ralph'}},
  'timestamp': 1368046115.802794,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'ralph'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() trac.git.receive
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph pushed some commits to the ‘docs/about-fedora’ fedorahosted git repository
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘docs/about-fedora/git/README.rst’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 6efec5ba-2466-43f9-97f2-c8ad478c539b-secondary_icon


You can actually permanently delete trac tickets, which is kind of crazy. If you do, a message looking something like this will be published.

You can view the history of messages with the trac.ticket.delete topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'ticket': { 'blockedby': '',
                       'blocking': '',
                       'cc': '',
                       'changetime': 1368042301.0,
                       'component': 'moksha',
                       'description': 'I installed the fedmsg plugin.',
                       'id': 249,
                       'keywords': '',
                       'milestone': '__unclassified__',
                       'owner': '',
                       'priority': 'major',
                       'reporter': 'ralph',
                       'resolution': 'fixed',
                       'status': 'closed',
                       'summary': 'Test ticket for fedmsg plugin',
                       'time': 1368039807.0,
                       'type': 'defect'}},
  'timestamp': 1368042385.176218,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() trac.ticket.delete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph straight-up deleted a ticket on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/ticket/249’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 38686467-c3c4-461a-aea6-8ae82d5ef5a7-secondary_icon

Messages are published on this topic when a user opens a new ticket on a fedorahosted trac instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'ticket': { 'blockedby': '',
                       'blocking': '',
                       'cc': '',
                       'changetime': 1368043635.0,
                       'component': 'moksha',
                       'description': 'just testing fedmsg.',
                       'id': 249,
                       'keywords': '',
                       'milestone': '__unclassified__',
                       'owner': 'lmacken',
                       'priority': 'major',
                       'reporter': 'ralph',
                       'status': 'new',
                       'summary': 'test fedmsg',
                       'time': 1368043635.0,
                       'type': 'defect'}},
  'timestamp': 1368043636.294278,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph opened a new ticket on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘lmacken’, ‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/ticket/249’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 4304b742-6484-4f16-ac64-1737d05a90f2-secondary_icon


Messages get emitted on this topic when someone updates a trac ticket on a fedorahosted trac instance.

You can view the history of messages with the trac.ticket.update topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'author': 'ralph',
           'comment': 'Testing.',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'old_values': { },
           'ticket': { 'blockedby': '',
                       'blocking': '',
                       'cc': '',
                       'changetime': 1368040146.0,
                       'component': 'moksha',
                       'description': 'I installed the fedmsg plugin.',
                       'id': 249,
                       'keywords': '',
                       'milestone': '__unclassified__',
                       'owner': '',
                       'priority': 'major',
                       'reporter': 'ralph',
                       'resolution': '',
                       'status': 'new',
                       'summary': 'Test ticket for fedmsg plugin',
                       'time': 1368039807.0,
                       'type': 'defect'}},
  'timestamp': 1368040146.688652,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() trac.ticket.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated a ticket on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/ticket/249’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 56ba9eb1-5995-4766-8b51-4b4dfec5e844-secondary_icon


Here’s yet another example of an edit to a trac ticket. In this one, the user has closed a ticket.

You can view the history of messages with the trac.ticket.update topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'author': 'ralph',
           'comment': 'Closing.',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'old_values': { 'resolution': '', 'status': 'reopened'},
           'ticket': { 'blockedby': '',
                       'blocking': '',
                       'cc': '',
                       'changetime': 1368040802.0,
                       'component': 'moksha',
                       'description': 'I installed the fedmsg plugin.',
                       'id': 249,
                       'keywords': '',
                       'milestone': '__unclassified__',
                       'owner': '',
                       'priority': 'major',
                       'reporter': 'ralph',
                       'resolution': 'wontfix',
                       'status': 'closed',
                       'summary': 'Test ticket for fedmsg plugin',
                       'time': 1368039807.0,
                       'type': 'defect'}},
  'timestamp': 1368040802.747666,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() trac.ticket.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph closed a ticket on the moksha trac instance as ‘wontfix’
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/ticket/249’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 23530fd0-2f50-4fec-8725-0713c4c2c2aa-secondary_icon


Here’s another example of an edit to a trac ticket. Here’s one where the ticket was originally closed and then was re-opened.

You can view the history of messages with the trac.ticket.update topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'author': 'ralph',
           'comment': '',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'old_values': { 'resolution': 'wontfix', 'status': 'closed'},
           'ticket': { 'blockedby': '',
                       'blocking': '',
                       'cc': '',
                       'changetime': 1368040591.0,
                       'component': 'moksha',
                       'description': 'I installed the fedmsg plugin.',
                       'id': 249,
                       'keywords': '',
                       'milestone': '__unclassified__',
                       'owner': '',
                       'priority': 'major',
                       'reporter': 'ralph',
                       'resolution': '',
                       'status': 'reopened',
                       'summary': 'Test ticket for fedmsg plugin',
                       'time': 1368039807.0,
                       'type': 'defect'}},
  'timestamp': 1368040591.046669,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() trac.ticket.update
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph reopened a ticket on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/ticket/249’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 14e4641f-46ba-4dcd-8813-3febca9a3941-secondary_icon

These messages are fired off whenever a user deletes a wiki article on a fedorahosted trac instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'page': { 'author': '',
                     'comment': '',
                     'name': 'watwat',
                     'text': '',
                     'time': None,
                     'version': 0}},
  'timestamp': 1368043573.12363,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph straight-up deleted the ‘watwat’ wiki page on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/wiki/watwat’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3b8a20a5-f46a-442f-afa2-97c8f3896e3e-secondary_icon

Messages of this topic get published when someone creates a new wiki page on a fedorahosted trac instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'page': { 'author': 'ralph',
                     'comment': '',
                     'name': 'watwat',
                     'text': 'This is a test wiki page for fedmsg.',
                     'time': 1368042662.0,
                     'version': 1}},
  'timestamp': 1368042663.078511,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph created a new ‘watwat’ wiki page on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/wiki/watwat’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() aaf5073a-d629-40e8-9fa2-d5136a3ae9e8-secondary_icon

Messages are published on this topic when a user renames a wiki page on a fedorahosted <>_ trac instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'old_name': 'watwat',
           'page': { 'author': 'ralph',
                     'comment': '',
                     'name': 'watwat2',
                     'text': 'This is a test wiki page for fedmsg.',
                     'time': 1368042662.0,
                     'version': 1}},
  'timestamp': 1368043322.110536,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph renamed the wiki page ‘watwat’ to ‘watwat2’ on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/wiki/watwat2’, ‘moksha/wiki/watwat’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e71187df-44a6-478d-93a6-c490da5fe4ed-secondary_icon

Messages get emitted on this topic when someone updates a wiki page on a fedorahosted trac instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 1,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'author': 'ralph',
           'comment': '',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'page': { 'author': 'ralph',
                     'comment': '',
                     'name': 'WikiStart',
                     'text': ' ... the full text of the wiki page goes here .. ',
                     'time': 1368038919.0,
                     'version': 47},
           't': 1368038919.0,
           'version': 47},
  'timestamp': 1368038919.389492,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph updated the ‘WikiStart’ wiki page on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/wiki/WikiStart’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 9cac48c8-7c40-4f32-8a3f-7242fa876560-secondary_icon

Messages are published on this topic when a user deletes a particular version of a page on a fedorahosted trac instance.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all trac messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'agent': 'ralph',
           'instance': { 'base_url': '',
                         'project_description': 'Moksha is an opensource plugin-based web framework that aims to simplify the creation of live widget dashboards.',
                         'project_icon': 'common/trac.ico',
                         'project_name': 'moksha',
                         'project_url': ''},
           'page': { 'author': 'ralph',
                     'comment': '',
                     'name': 'WikiStart',
                     'text': ' .. wiki page text goes here. ..',
                     'time': 1368038919.0,
                     'version': 47}},
  'timestamp': 1368043436.144498,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'apache'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph deleted a version of the ‘WikiStart’ wiki page on the moksha trac instance
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘moksha/wiki/WikiStart’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() 3c4c4675-52b8-4781-8bd4-4f406eceec94-secondary_icon


WaiverDB is a service that allows humans to override test failures and influence gating decisions made by Greenwave.

It publishes messages like this whenever someone records a new waiver.

You can view the history of messages with the topic or all waiverdb messages in datagrepper.

{ 'headers': { },
  'i': 2,
  'msg': { 'comment': 'This is fine.',
           'id': 8,
           'product_version': 'fedora-26',
           'result_id': 123,
           'timestamp': '2017-11-07T02:13:30.466388',
           'username': 'ralph',
           'waived': True},
  'msg_id': '2017-b173d0d1-a119-40e6-9e85-c6178468d9ff',
  'timestamp': 1510020810.0,
  'topic': '',
  'username': 'openshift'}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() ralph waived result 123 (fedora-26): “This is fine.”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e7153fb7-40dd-4c42-a349-ddb1901d4866-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e7153fb7-40dd-4c42-a349-ddb1901d4866-secondary_icon



Fedora’s Wiki has a fedmsg hook that publishes messages like this one when a user edits a page.

You can view the history of messages with the wiki.article.edit topic or all wiki messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'base_rev_id': False,
           'minor_edit': 0,
           'revision': None,
           'section_anchor': None,
           'summary': '/* Mission */ ',
           'text': 'The diff goes here...',
           'title': 'Messaging SIG',
           'url': '',
           'user': 'Ralph',
           'watch_this': None},
  'timestamp': 1344350200,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() wiki.article.edit
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Ralph made a wiki edit to “Messaging SIG”
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘Messaging SIG-page’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() f13466bf-5f84-4ef4-8712-db54657de673-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified


Fedora’s Wiki hook also publishes messages when a user upload some media (like a video or a picture).

You can view the history of messages with the wiki.upload.complete topic or all wiki messages in datagrepper.

{ 'msg': { 'description': 'This is a beautiful cat',
           'file_exists': True,
           'major_mime': 'image',
           'media_type': 'BITMAP',
           'mime': 'image/jpeg',
           'minor_mime': 'jpeg',
           'size': 295667,
           'title': { 'mPrefixedText': 'File:Cat.jpg'},
           'url': '/w/uploads/d/d1/Cat.jpg',
           'user_id': 8306,
           'user_text': 'Ralph'},
  'timestamp': 1344361406,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() wiki.upload.complete
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() Ralph uploaded File:Cat.jpg to the wiki: “This is a beautiful cat…”
fedmsg.meta.msg2link() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([‘ralph’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘w/uploads/d/d1/Cat.jpg’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() d4e01bd5-bc4e-4d1a-bd1f-ce152ff55924-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() Unspecified



Fedora uses zanata for translations and they can ping us back when documents reach various milestones. Here’s an example of a document reaching 100% status:

You can view the history of messages with the zanata.document.milestone.event topic or all zanata messages in datagrepper.

{ 'i': 16,
  'msg': { 'docId': 'foo.txt',
           'eventType': 'org.zanata.event.DocumentMilestoneEvent',
           'locale': 'af',
           'milestone': '100% Translated',
           'project': 'webhooks-dummy',
           'version': '0.1'},
  'timestamp': 1345572862.556145,
  'topic': ''}

The example message above, when passed to various routines in the fedmsg.meta module, will produce the following outputs:

fedmsg.meta.msg2title() zanata.document.milestone.event
fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle() foo.txt from the webhooks-dummy project is now 100% translated in the ‘af’ locale
fedmsg.meta.msg2agent() Unspecified
fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2packages() set([])
fedmsg.meta.msg2objects() set([‘webhooks-dummy/0.1/languages/af’])
fedmsg.meta.msg2icon() e3f3bf13-474d-472c-a91e-4e3cee377813-icon
fedmsg.meta.msg2secondary_icon() e3f3bf13-474d-472c-a91e-4e3cee377813-secondary_icon